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Review Paper

Detection of the bone fracture using image processing methods in MATLAB

The bone fracture is a not unusual problem in human beings occurs because of excessive pressure is carried out on bone or simple accident and additionally because of osteoporosis and bone cancer. Therefore the correct prognosis of bone fracture is crucial elements in clinical subjects. In these paintings, X-ray/CT photos are used for bone fracture analysis. The goal of this task is to increase an image processing based totally efficient machine for a fast and correct category of bone fractures based totally on the facts won from the x-ray / CT. Images of the fractured bone are acquired from sanatorium and processing strategies like pre-processing, segmentation, face detection, and function extraction strategies are adopted. The processed pics may be in addition categorized into the fractured and nonfractured bone and evaluate the accuracy of various strategies. This task is completely hired MATLAB as the programming device for loading photographs, photo processing, and user interface improvement. Results acquired to display the overall performance of the bone fracture detection system with a few barriers and top accuracy. FFT technique in MATLAB become carried out to the generated sound waves to have a look at the distinction between cracked and healthy bone by means of applying 200 Hz of the sampling frequency. The device might be useful for doctors and public alike on account that it's miles transportable, realistic, mobile and low cost. It has to be stated that the proposed device is not supposed for a substitute of widespread methodologies like X-Ray but alternatively will serve to be used as a preliminary detection segment, the fractured element is selected manually to conquer this disadvantage, the proposed technique detects the bone fracture automatically. The result shows that the proposed method of fracture detection is higher. The results show that algorithm is 89.6% correct and efficient.

Published by: Konka Siva Prasad, P. Sisindri, P. Harshavardhan, Dr. D. Subitha

Author: Konka Siva Prasad

Paper ID: V5I6-1252

Paper Status: published

Published: December 11, 2019

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Research Paper

Heterogeneous Leach in 3-dimensional Wireless Sensor Network using gateway

Wireless Sensor Networks are those networks in which communication is carried out through a wireless channel. A sensor network is a group of specialized transducers intended to monitor and record conditions at diverse locations. These parameters are temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, intensity, vibration-sound intensity, PIV, etc. The numbers of towers in the area act as sensors are called nodes in wireless sensor networks. Thus from one node to another, communication is carried out without any physical link. A network consists of numbers of nodes with one as a source and one as a destination. This paper proposed A-LEACH protocol and cluster member-elect cluster head to avoid excessive energy consumption. Cluster Head is responsible for creating and manipulating a TDMA schedule & sending aggregated data from nodes to the BS where this data is needed using CDMA. Gateway is a network point that reduces the distance between CH and BS in WSNs. This paper proposed a multiple hops data transmission and make energy-efficient and energy conservative protocol design to increase the data rate.

Published by: Vandana Jain, Amanpreet Singh Dhanoa

Author: Vandana Jain

Paper ID: V5I6-1250

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Adaptive traffic signal

The current traffic control systems in India are inefficient due to randomness in the traffic pattern throughout the day. The traffic signal timers have a fixed time period to switch traffic between different directions. Due to this, the vehicles have to wait for a long time span even if the traffic on the road is relatively less. If the traffic signal timer can be programmed to be manipulated with the continuously varying traffic density i.e. the count of vehicles on the road, the problem of traffic congestion can be reduced to significantly lower levels. Thus, the objective is to design an adaptive traffic control system algorithm with the use of an image processing system.

Published by: Ashwami Dalvi, Mrunal Ghadge, Sharvari Sonak

Author: Ashwami Dalvi

Paper ID: V5I6-1244

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Enhancing understanding about civil liability to the inland waterway transport vehicles owners on Kien Giang Province

The paper research on the status of observance of legal regulations of owners of waterway traffic in Kien Giang province through field surveys as well as inquiries on results of inspection and sanction of waterway owners of the Marine Department. On the basis, the paper proposes measures to raise civil liability for waterway owners in the province. The article explores the reality of observing the legal regulations of waterway owners in Kien Giang province through actual surveys as well as finding out the results of the inspection and sanctioning of waterway vehicle owners of the water police room. On that basis, propose solutions to improve civil liability for waterway vehicle owners in the province.

Published by: Vu Hong Van, Nguyen Dang Son

Author: Vu Hong Van

Paper ID: V5I6-1231

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2019

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Review Paper

Medication administration routes: An overview

The route of administration for a drug should be particular to attain a useful concentration at the site of action as suitably as possible. Important subsidiary objectives may be rapidity of onset and duration of drug effect and, in some instances, the selectivity of action. The route of administration is the method through which the dosage form is administered into the body for the treatment of various diseases and disorders. Various routes of administrations play a clear role in the bioavailability of the active drug in the body. In the current review, these routes are integrated with their advantages and limitations. This is an attempt for the initials of the field to bring into the light with the routes of administrations with their significances. Many drugs will elicit effects of similar magnitudes when the same dose is given by a number of different routes. However, there are so many instances when this is not true that these can be important traps for the unwary pharmacologist, toxicologist, or clinician. Several drugs with effects that vary according to the route of administration.

Published by: Bestha Chakrapani, D. VenkataNarayana, C. Madhavi Latha, J. Mastanaiah, Languluri Reddenna, Veerabomma Sreedhar

Author: Bestha Chakrapani

Paper ID: V5I6-1211

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2019

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DC motor controller using Arduino and L298N motor driver

The electric drive systems used in industrial applications are increasingly required to meet higher performance and reliability requirements. The DC motor is an attractive piece of equipment in many industrial applications requiring variable speed and load characteristics due to its ease of controllability. Microcontrollers provide a suitable means of meeting these needs. Certainty, part of the recent activity on microcontrollers can be ascribed to their newness and challenge.

Published by: Abhas Chandra Chakraborty, Suphal Das, Sangita Roy

Author: Abhas Chandra Chakraborty

Paper ID: V5I6-1236

Paper Status: published

Published: December 6, 2019

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