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Using group learning strategies to enhance students’ understanding of selected chemical concepts in science: Evidence from Bagabaga College of Education, Tamale

The pre-test, post-test small group control experiment with an element of descriptive survey study was used to examine the effects of group learning on college students’ understanding of chemical concepts in science. The study was conducted at Bagabaga College of Education, Tamale. A total of 102 first-year students were used for the study. Test and survey questionnaire were the main instruments used for the study. Data obtained were analysed using t-test to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups in terms of performance and retention at the 0.05 confidence level. The t-test analysis of the results showed that there was no significant difference between the control and experimental groups in terms of performance in the pre-test but, there was significant difference between the two groups in the post-test in favour of the experimental group after the treatment.

Published by: Isaac Azumah Gonyalug

Author: Isaac Azumah Gonyalug

Paper ID: V5I4-1227

Paper Status: published

Published: July 29, 2019

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A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding pubertal changes among 8th standard girls in selected schools of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Beginning from the day of conception even after birth and till death people go through many changes in life throughout various stages. A child first grows rapidly and they enjoy every drop of their life as they grow. But everything doesn’t feel to be normal as puberty begin. Although it was expected it feels so different and life will change. The word puberty is derived from the Latin word “ Pubertas ’’ which means the age of manhood. It refers to the physical rather than behavioral changes which occur when the individual becomes sexually mature and is capable of producing offsprings. Puberty is defined as a sequence of events by which the individual is transformed into a young adult by a series of biological changes. Adolescence begins with the onset of puberty. Adolescence is a stage of human development following early childhood. It commonly ends with the beginning of puberty, but may also be defined as ending with the start of teen age year. Being prepubescent is not being the same thing as being pre-adolescent. Instead, pre-pubescent is a term of boys and girls who have not developed secondary sex characteristics, while pre–adolescents girls are generally defined as those ranging from 10 – 14 year. The point at which a child becomes a pre-adolescents is defined by the onset of puberty or the beginning of the teenage stage. While known as pre-adolescents in psychology, the term pre-teen, preteenager or tween are common in every day used. Adolescents children in fact have a different view of the world from younger children in a more significant way. Typically there is a more realistic view of life then instance fantasy-oriented world of earliest childhood. Adolescents have more mature sensible, realistic thoughts and actions: ‘The most “ sensible ” stage of development for the child is much less then pre-adolescent stage ’.Adolescents may well view human relationships differently. Alongside that, they may begin to develop a sense of self-identity, and to have increased feelings of self-identity, and to have increased feelings of independence. Many pre adolescents will often start to question their home life and surroundings around this time and they may also start to form opinions that may differ from their upbringing in regards to issues such as politics, religion, sexuality, and gender roles. It is the period of rapid physical, psychological, emotional, and behavioral changes. In physical changes includes growth in weight and height, breast changes like the pigmentation of the areola , enlargement of breast tissue and nipple, the appearance of pubic hair, activation of axillary sweat glands, the appearance of axillary hair, the onset of menstruations. Emotional changes include depression, anger, irritability, fear, and anxiety. Another study shows that 28% do not like the changes due to puberty, in their body. On the other hands, studies concluded that reproductive health is ignored and queries go unanswered. Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood. A time of physical, cognitive, social and emotional maturation as a boy prepare for manhood. Girls are future mother going through the puberty can challenging time for any girl. The precise boundaries for adolescents are difficult to define, but this period is customarily viewed as beginning with the gradual appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Pre-adolescence which literally means, “to grow into maturity”.Therefore pre-adolescents possess some knowledge about reproductive health and effective education to encourage healthy behavior. The most dramatic changes related to adolescence are the physical changes that occur as a part of the pubertal process. Puberty includes maturational, hormonal and growth process that occurs when the reproductive organ begins to functions and the secondary sexual characteristics develop during puberty, growth is disorganized confusing and rapid, compared to the relatively stable earlier period of childhood. When pubescent children are not in form about changes that take place at puberty ,it is traumatic to undergo these changes and may develop unfavorable attitude towards these changes.

Published by: Taj Mohammed

Author: Taj Mohammed

Paper ID: V5I4-1270

Paper Status: published

Published: July 27, 2019

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Lung cancer detection using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Lung cancer is a dangerous disease that taking human life rapidly worldwide. The death of the people is increasing exponentially because of lung cancer. In order to reduce the disease and save a human's life, the automated system is needed. The purpose of the lung cancer detection system is able to detect and provide reliable information to doctors and clinicians from the medical image. To minimize this problem, many systems have been proposed by using different image processing techniques, machine learning, and deep learning techniques. A computed tomography (CT) imaging modality is an efficient technique for medical screening used for lung cancer detection and diagnosis. Physician and radiologist use the CT scan images to analyze, interpret and diagnose the lung cancer from lung tissues. However, in most cases, obtaining an accurate diagnosis result without using the extra medical tool known as a computer- Aid detection and Diagnosis (CAD) system is tedious work for many physicians. To obtain an accurate result from computer-aided diagnosis system lung segmentation methods are basic once. So in this project, we have used different lung segmentation and nodules segmentation methods. Our work has consisted of preprocessing, and lung segmentation by using thresholding, and also used the U-net model for detection of the candidate nodules of the patient’s lung CT scan and classification methodology. We are used a convolutional neural network and designed a 3D CNN model that has 0.77% accuracy performance.

Published by: Endalew Simie, Mandeep Kaur

Author: Endalew Simie

Paper ID: V5I4-1251

Paper Status: published

Published: July 27, 2019

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Research Paper

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding health-related safety precaution to be followed by senior citizens residing in Abdullapur Maffi, Bareilly, U.P. with a view to develop an information pamphlet

To assess the knowledge of senior citizens regarding Health-related safety precaution in home. To find out the association between level of knowledge of senior citizen regarding safety precaution in home with their demographic variables. To prepare and distribute information education pamphlet among the senior citizens. The nature of the study was descriptive. This study was conducted at Abdullapur Maffi, Bareilly, U.P the research design is used for the research was descriptive. The conceptual frame work used for the study is based on the system model. The data was collected to assess the level of knowledge regarding health-related safety precaution to be followed by senior citizen. The data was collected and where analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics the findings where. The major findings of the study revealed that the knowledge score study was 32% of the people had adequate knowledge score (21-30), 54% of the old people had moderate knowledge score (11-20) and 14% had inadequate knowledge score (below 10). The study proved that their was no significant association between knowledge of senior citizen about safety precaution and the demographic variables i.e. Age, Sex, Religion, Education, No. of family member, Type of house, Type of Family, Occupation, Marital status and Monthly Income. Previous knowledge regarding the health-related safety precaution but there is significant association between knowledge of senior citizen and their demographic variables. Hence the research hypothesis was accepted. The significant difference (P) is found between level of knowledge and demographic variables. On the basis of finding of the study obtain following conclusion where drawn. It can be concluded that in senior citizen knowledge score was less regarding health-related safety precaution and be provide an information pamphlet to improve the knowledge regarding health-related safety precaution to be followed by in senior citizen.

Published by: Taj Mohammed, Midhun Ashok

Author: Taj Mohammed

Paper ID: V5I4-1268

Paper Status: published

Published: July 27, 2019

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Research Paper

A study to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding protein-energy malnutrition in selected area of Gwalior with a view to develop health education module

A descriptive survey was carried out to assess the knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding Protein-Energy Malnutrition in selected urban areas of Gwalior. The study was conducted by Mr. Midhun Ashok, II year M.Sc. (N) the student in Gwalior Nursing College, Gwalior in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Science in Nursing of Jiwaji University of Health Sciences, Gwalior. The Objectives of the study To access the knowledge of mothers of under-five children on Protein-Energy Malnutrition. To identify the relationship between the knowledge of mothers of under-five children with selected Socio-demographic variables. To develop the Health education module. Methodology The study was based on Rosenstock’s and Becker’s health behaviour model. The data was collected by a descriptive method, 150 mothers were selected from the urban slum area by a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using a structured interview schedule for a period of 4 weeks. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Major findings of the study The majority of the mothers (38%) were belonging to the age group of 26-30 years. Eighty-four percent of mothers were illiterates. Eighty-four percent of mothers were coolies. The majority of the mothers were House-wives (35.33%) The majority of the mothers had a monthly family income of Rs. 3001-5000/- (37.33%). Nearly half of the mothers (42%) had the family size as six and above. The mean overall knowledge score of mothers regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition was 12.91 and S.D.=3.11. Hundred and two mothers (68%) had a low knowledge score and 48 mothers (32%) had average knowledge. The X2 value showed that there was a significant relationship between the knowledge of mothers with their education and family monthly income, and hence the research hypothesis H2 and H4 were accepted. The insignificant relationship was found between the knowledge of mothers with their age, occupation and size of the family. The related research hypothesis H1, H3and H5were rejected. The study findings revealed that the majority of mothers were illiterates. Hence there is a need to educate the mothers regarding correct feeding practices and that helps in preventing Protein Energy Malnutrition. Background of the study India's children still languish in malnutrition in spite of a lot of progress in terms of food production, procurement, and food security. One of the most dominant problems declining the quality of life of most Indian citizens is malnutrition. Protein-Energy Malnutrition has been identified as major public health and nutritional problem in India. It not only leads to childhood morbidity and mortality but also leads to impairment of physical and possibly of mental growth of those who survive. Protein-Energy Malnutrition is a global problem. Nearly 150 million children under 5 years in the world and 70 - 80 million in India suffer from protein-energy malnutrition, nearly 20 million in the world and 4 million suffer from severe forms of Protein-Energy Malnutrition like Kwashiorkor and marasmasMalnutrition begets infection and infection begets malnutrition, both are common among poor children, Protein-Energy Malnutrition is found to account for about four million deaths in children. It is still the first killer disease 54 percent, followed by acute respiratory infection 20 percent and diarrhea 18 percent from the global perspective. Studies have pointed out the significant role of women's education in infant and child mortality, widespread women's education is an important determinant factor in unusually low mortality and yet low-income regions and it has been noted that similar set of relationship has been noted with regard to women's education and child's nutritional status. Special efforts have to b made to reach mother's, since they are the most unreached at present.

Published by: Midhun Ashok, Taj Mohammad

Author: Midhun Ashok

Paper ID: V5I4-1263

Paper Status: published

Published: July 26, 2019

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Research Paper

Influence of water on Odonates in the paddy fields of Kannur district, Kerala

Three Rice fields in Kannur district were selected for the Odonate study. They were (1) Okra Vayal at Cheruthazham (FWPF), (2) Mundapuram Vayal at Cherukunnu (CPF), and (3) Haritha Sangam Paddy field at Madayippara (MLHPF).

Published by: Prabhakaran PV., Dr. Aravindan Tharemmal

Author: Prabhakaran PV.

Paper ID: V5I4-1247

Paper Status: published

Published: July 26, 2019

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