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Scheduling of task in cloud using a different algorithm and its comparison

Distributed computing is viewed as a trendy expression in the present IT industry with the assistance of which clients can gain admittance to programming, equipment, applications, stage by the methods for only a web association. It depends on the idea of utility registering wherein the client needs to pay according to the utilization. The important necessity in the realm of distributed computing is the planning of errands under certain confinements. The undertaking planning issue can be viewed as the finding or looking through a perfect mapping/errand of the arrangement of subtasks of various assignments over the available course of action of benefits (processors PC machines) with the objective that we can achieve the ideal objectives for assignments. In this paper we are playing out a near examination of the various calculations for their sensibility, plausibility, adaptability concerning cloud situation, after that we endeavor to propose the hybrid methodology that can be grasped to improve the present stage further. With the objective that it can urge cloud suppliers to give a superior nature of administrations.

Published by: Babita Bhagat, P. Sanyasi Naidu

Author: Babita Bhagat

Paper ID: V5I4-1204

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Peak Signal to Noise Ratio analysis in single image restoration technique

Images have a wide significance these days for detailed observation in different fields like remote sensing, and navigation. When images got captured by the image acquisition equipment, they got affected by environmental effects. These environmental effects are haze, smog, fog which cannot be ignored while acquisition. Such type of effects should be reduced so that images can be accurately observed. These effects can be considered as noise in our work. These effects are difficult to reduce efficiently while acquisition. Therefore, there arises a need for an algorithm to process the noisy image after capturing. In our work, Dark Channel Prior (DCP) technique is used for the de-noising purpose and our focus is on the refining of the estimated transmission map so that a noise-less image can be recovered. The efficient noise reduction is determined by the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) value. PSNR value is the evaluation parameter which is used to determine that the proposed work has improved the performance compared to recently introduced approaches. An analysis of our proposed method and other research work is shown.

Published by: Jyoti Pandey, Dr. Krishna Raj

Author: Jyoti Pandey

Paper ID: V5I4-1226

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Brain tumor segmentation and classification using neural networks in MRI images

Brain tumor has become a primary hassle among living humans amongst in which gliomas is the maximum common difficulty. So, treatment is done through MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is the most used technique to asses those tumors, wherein MRI restricts manual segmentation in a completely low-priced time, restricting using precise quantitative measurements within the scientific observe. So, a dependable segmentation vicinity unit is required. However, the structural changes amongst mind tumors create segmentation a difficult downside. This paper has a tendency to suggest partner degree automatic segmentation methodology and classification primarily based on Artificial Neural Networks. Using GLCM and shape functions make the proposed paintings extra strong for classification features.

Published by: Vinay Babu

Author: Vinay Babu

Paper ID: V5I4-1219

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2019

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Research Paper

Anti-dumping laws in India

Dumping has been the biggest topic of concern amongst all the nations in the past few decades. Dumping means exporting goods at a price lower than its normal value and introducing it into the economy of another country which thereby causes injury to the domestic producers of the same goods. Dumping is not actually prohibited under GATT provisions unless it is established that it is adversely affecting the Domestic producers. When a country dumps its goods into the economy of another country, then to stop this unfair activity anti-dumping measures can be taken by the importing country after establishing that the dumping is causing injury to the domestic producers of the same goods. The first provision regarding anti-dumping in India was enacted in 1982. India has Come a long way in using Anti Dumping measures as trade remedy tool since 1995 with 26% of total world Anti Dumping measures being taken by India in 2011 from a modest 6% in 1995. Through this, industries are availing a large number of benefits which are permissible under the law. To constitute dumping three things are needed to be satisfied- Dumping is caused. Injury is caused by the domestic producers of the same goods due to dumping. There is a causal link between injury and dumping. Anti dumping and anti subsidies & countervailing measures in India are assessed by Directorate General of Anti dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) functioning in the Dept. of Commerce in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Dumping is considered as an unfair trade practice which adversely effects international trade by different means. To resolve the problems arising out of the dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect Anti Dumping measure is used. So, the anti-dumping duty is the main measure to solve the trade distortive effect of dumping and re-establish fair trade. The main use of anti-dumping measure is to eliminate unfair competition and allow healthy competition and trade which is permitted by the WTO.

Published by: Aditi Singh

Author: Aditi Singh

Paper ID: V5I4-1187

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2019

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Research Paper

Copyright infringement in international trade

Intellectual Property is widely need and it gives uncountable advantages to the creators or inventors over their work. The need for protection of intellectual property is increasing day by day. The Intellectual Property Rights are given under Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this paper the copyright, its need, advantages and a leading case A&M Records vs. Napster is discussed. It was the landmark Case in the history of copyright Law which discussed the idea of rights of copyright holders and remedies against the wrongdoers. The idea of Direct Infringement, Contributory Infringement and Vicarious Infringement is largely discussed in this paper. In this case, the music industries suffered a great loss due to an online software named Napster.

Published by: Aditi Singh

Author: Aditi Singh

Paper ID: V5I4-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2019

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Research Paper

Smart electricity consumption meter using LoRa Module

LoRa is a long-range, low-power, low-bit rate, wireless telecommunications system, promoted as an infrastructure solution for the Internet of Things: end-devices use LoRa across a single wireless hop to communicate to gateway(s), connected to the Internet and which act as transparent bridges and relay messages between these end-devices and a central network server. This project provides an overview of LoRa and an in-depth analysis of its functional components. The physical and data link layer performance is evaluated by field tests and simulations. Based on the analysis and evaluations, some possible solutions for performance enhancements are proposed. Prepaid electricity billing system and automated smart meter reading have been widely adopted by electricity companies worldwide nowadays to reduce the error of human reading and improve the efficiency of the billing process. To activate the prepaid system, a robust and reliable network is essential. So we have designed this system to manage customers and prepaid bills by using IoT and GSM Technology.

Published by: Sharayu Dhande, Harshada Dhanawade

Author: Sharayu Dhande

Paper ID: V5I4-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: July 17, 2019

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