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Man and Machine: A discussion on Artificial Intelligence from a legal perspective

In the current technology-driven era, one can find human-like creatures called Artificial Intelligence actively helping out human by their orders and programs. Their support has proven to be indispensable in every field be it waiter at a hotel, performing a surgery, painting, and whatnot. It is a dire need to acknowledge their support but at the same time be prepared to face the challenges arising out. Artificial Intelligence can be said as innovation at its best with the support and aid of technology, developments, and computer power. Though the advancements in science and technology have contributed to a great extent easing out the complexities, the advent of the same has increased the ways to use artificial intelligence. Intellectual Property relates to intangible assets, more specifically to patents, trademarks, copyright, and industrial design. The fundamental goal of the Intellectual Property system is to encourage new technologies and creative works and to create a sustainable economic basis for invention and creation. There creeps the ambiguity as to the IPR rights of Artificial Intelligence. Like humans, artificial intelligence machines are able to create original works. Unlike humans, the original works created by machines are not protected under Intellectual property laws. This issue needs attention at the earliest both from the international as well as domestic levels, as the extent of artificial intelligence is growing at the fastest pace. This discussion tries to bring out the issues and challenges with regard to artificial intelligence, IPR legislation, and the related legal provisions.

Published by: Dr. G. Subhalakshmi

Author: Dr. G. Subhalakshmi

Paper ID: V5I4-1211

Paper Status: published

Published: July 17, 2019

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Case Study

Functionally generated Amalgam stops on the Occlusal surface for Acrylic resin denture teeth to increase wear resistance: A case report

Wear of the occlusal surface of the denture is a sequela of complete denture which leads to loss of vertical dimension, loss of aesthetics and decrease in masticatory efficiency. Treatment modalities include change of denture set after a regular interval of 5 years, use of wear-resistant denture teeth that include wear-resistant resin or porcelain teeth, teeth with cast metal occlusal surface, and altering occlusal contact areas of denture teeth by use of silver amalgam fillings. A case report of a patient who had an increased tendency of occlusal wear was treated with an amalgam filling on the occlusal surface of denture teeth to increase wear resistance and to improve the masticatory

Published by: Dr. Jerin Kurian, Dr. Anil Sharma, Dr. Amit Siwach, Dr. Mohit Tomar

Author: Dr. Jerin Kurian

Paper ID: V5I4-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: July 17, 2019

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Research Paper

A facial-expression recognition model using deep learning

Deep neural networks have been recently putting a breakthrough in pattern recognition, machine learning and artificial intelligence. This paper emphasizes a study based on deep learning framework contributing to the field of expression recognition. The proposed model involves a technique using deep for human facial expression recognition. Images are first preprocessed with normalization manipulation to remove illumination and facilitate enhancement using hat-filtering. At that point, a weighted, focus symmetric nearby paired example (CS-LBP) is connected to each face hinder by piece. The CS-LBP pieces are connected to form an element vector of the face picture. The deep network is trained using the layer-wise strategy. We use the CIFAR-10 dataset is used for training and testing. A database of real images is used for testing the algorithms. GUI has been created which compares trained and tested dataset and specifies the type of expression in the command window.

Published by: Shreyas Limaye, Dr. Virendra. V. Shete

Author: Shreyas Limaye

Paper ID: V5I4-1208

Paper Status: published

Published: July 17, 2019

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Case Study

Indian 2D, 3D Animated Films– Struggle and challenges: A case study

It is assumed proudly by the Indians that Indian animation has additionally reached a considerable position inside the world state of affairs and is capable of making its manner to the world enterprise. But even after all things, truly saying that Indian animation still is in the meager position. Indian animation had been initiated in the nineteen century. If it is in reference to producing the quality of animation, India still is in a poor position. Indian animation in particular-2D and 3D, concerning animated film or series, has to face many challenges of struggling differently for the world scenario in terms of other countries. This study is going to look at all the causes, issues and circumstances under which Indian animation (2D, 3D) is still in dilemma about its position, in this respect the study will provide valuable data and scientific justification on the same.

Published by: Ananda Karmakar

Author: Ananda Karmakar

Paper ID: V5I4-1192

Paper Status: published

Published: July 17, 2019

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Research Paper

Emotion recognition using Eigen Faces

Human-computer interplay has numerous crucial fields of programs and expression detection is one among them. To evaluate the facial expression, we need to analyze the variability of human faces like coloration, posture, orientation, feeling, lights and so forth. Detecting and studying facial capabilities is a pre-needful to emotion recognition. That is frequently carried out through observation of components of the face, like eyes, lips motion and many others. These are then categorized and compared to pre-defined sets of data also called a training set. At a particular in this evaluation, a person's facial expression recognition gadget is modeled exploiting the eigen face technique. The proposed technique uses Haar cascade classifier to discover the face in a photo. Fisher faces calculation has been employed for decreasing the excessive spatial property of the eigen face. The Euclidean separation between the test photograph and mean of the eigen faces is hired to anticipate emotion expressed with the aid of test face. CK/CK+ data-set is hired for training purpose. The grey scale image of the face is employed by using the version to categorize 5 simple emotions like surprise, disgust, impartial, anger and happiness.

Published by: Prekshi Vyas, Abhimanyu Saxena

Author: Prekshi Vyas

Paper ID: V5I4-1193

Paper Status: published

Published: July 16, 2019

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A Comparative Assessment on Menstrual Hygiene Knowledge, Perception, and Practices Among the Adolescent Girls in Rural and Urban Schools of Karur District, Tamil Nadu, South India

Menstruation is a taboo subject in the Indian context and considers it as unclean where socio-cultural restrictions keep girls and women ignorant of the scientific facts and hygienic practices that result in adverse health outcomes. This study has assessed the knowledge, practices, and perceptions of the adolescent girls both in rural and urban and compared the same. This is a cross-sectional study that has been conducted among 309school going adolescent girls who were selected randomly from the selected schools at Karur District, Tamil Nadu covering both rural and urban. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data obtained was compiled and analyzed using the SPSS version 22. This study shows that urban adolescent girls have better knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene than rural adolescent girls. But most of the negative perceptions found to be similar among both rural and urban girls. However, there is a change in perceptions in certain aspects among urban girls than rural girls. Majority of the respondents (88%) are using sanitary pads at the time of menstruation and only 12% of respondents use cloths which is a good indicator for hygienic practice. However, the frequency of changing pad is more important hygienic practice. One-fifth of the girls do not practice it which is found to be more among the rural girls compared to the urban girls. The findings on the knowledge, practices, and perceptions among the adolescent girls show that rural girls need more information /facts on menstruation compared to urban girls. It is the need of the hour that we need to integrate all the stakeholders viz the health, education and community professionals both private and state to work together for the promotion of menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls.

Published by: Dr. Jancy Helena, Dr. Jilly Philippa

Author: Dr. Jancy Helena

Paper ID: V5I4-1177

Paper Status: published

Published: July 16, 2019

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