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Water quality assessment of the Unnao Tannery region

The leather industry has gained immense socio-economic importance in India. Indian leather division has contributed significant economic growth by providing job opportunities. The main reason for the development and growth of the leather industry in the country is its large animal population. India holds nearly 10% of the total global availability of raw hides and skins which are the basic raw material for the leather industry. The impact of tanning and associated activities on air, surface and groundwater and soil pollution arise from the chemicals applied, the raw materials used and the effluents, waste and off-gas releases generated in the process. The tanning industry is known to be very polluting especially through effluents high in organic and inorganic dissolved and suspended solids content followed by propensities for high oxygen demand and containing potentially toxic metal salt residues.

Published by: Mohd. Faraz Khan, Hina Khan

Author: Mohd. Faraz Khan

Paper ID: V5I4-1373

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

Antinociceptive activity of selected Cadaba species

The present study was designed to investigate the antinociceptive activity of two species of Cadaba leaf extract using central and peripheral pain model viz., tail flick, tail immersion, hot plate method and acetic acid-induced writhing method (thermal and chemical stimuli). Alcohol and aqueous extract of Cadaba fruticosa and Cadaba trifoliata were administered orally at doses of 100 and 300 mg/kg to Swiss albino mice and Wistar rats. It was evident that 100mg and 300mg of aqueous and alcohol extract of C.trifoliata exhibited statistically significant antinociceptive activity against thermal stimuli. The effect was more profound in the heat-induced pain model than chemical-induced. This finding substantiates the traditional claim mentioned in the classical texts.

Published by: R. Mythreyi, E. Sasikala

Author: R. Mythreyi

Paper ID: V5I4-1369

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Review Paper

Fabrication of wing assembly

Missile wings are used to control the surfaces and produce lift on the body. The wing includes a number of components like panels, lock tab, pins, tubes, and lamina. The performance of the actuation system plays a decisive role in determining the performance of the flight control system for a highly maneuverable missile. To produce the lift on aerodynamic control surfaces called wings. The manufacturing processes of wing components involve different operations like CNC milling, drilling, wire cut EDM, grinding, heat treatment and inspection.

Published by: Divyasree Kaithepalli, Ch. Thirumala Rao

Author: Divyasree Kaithepalli

Paper ID: V5I4-1343

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

Influence of supply chain management on operational efficiency with an example of Walmart’s supply chain

This paper examines the influence of Supply Chain Management on the operational efficiency of the organization with a specific example of Walmart’s Supply Chain. Various aspects are been looked upon like 3PL, lean manufacturing, bull whip effect, Just in Time, training workforce, technological aspects, perfect order measurement, reliable inputs, and strategic supplier partnership and how they bolstered the concept of operational efficiency in the supply chain.

Published by: Vaishnavi Jhanwar, Chandrama Datta, Vidisha Agarwal

Author: Vaishnavi Jhanwar

Paper ID: V5I4-1372

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2019

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Research Paper

Supply chain costs and its mitigation

Nowadays, as consumption and production are growing at a rapid pace, cutting costs to stay in the market competition has become all the more important. In companies, supply chain expenses play a colossal role in determining the total cost of the product. This paper focuses mainly on describing the costs involved in supply chain and various means for their reduction.

Published by: Adveya Sharma, Jitesh Jalan, Tanvi Mathur

Author: Adveya Sharma

Paper ID: V5I4-1371

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2019

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GSM and Arduino based power theft detection and protection

Theft of electricity is the criminal practice of stealing electrical power. It is a crime and is punishable by fines and/or incarceration. It belongs to the non-technical losses. According to the annual Emerging Markets Smart Grid: Outlook 2015 study by the Northeast Group, LLC, the world loses US$89.3 billion annually to electricity theft. The highest losses were in India ($16.2 billion), followed by Brazil ($10.5 billion) and Russia ($5.1 billion). Electrical power theft detection and control system is used to detect the consumer when they try to use the power illegally. Electricity theft happens when the customer uses energy meter tampering such as placing a magnet near to energy meter, disconnecting the neutral line and shorting the phase coil of the current transformer. To identify and control power theft here an intelligent system is introduced. It consists of two current transformers that are used to measure the actual load current and the other is to measure the turning back or neutral current. Those two current signals are fed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will compare these two current signals. Depending on the comparison made by the microcontroller it concludes whether power is theft through bypassing the energy meter or not and a message will be sent to notify the authorized power vendor using GSM Hence the power vendor can easily identify the customer who is illegally consuming the power for that energy meter. Moreover, when there is an occurrence of theft the relay will disconnect the load from the supply. The GSM based power theft control system is developed. We used Proteus software to analyze and estimate what the hardware will look like. Mainly this system consists of microcontroller, energy meter, current transformers, LDR, relay, LCD and GSM module.

Published by: S. Arivazhagan, Tsegaye Alemayehu Atiso, Mohammed Awol Seid

Author: S. Arivazhagan

Paper ID: V5I4-1363

Paper Status: published

Published: August 29, 2019

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