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An introduction to INDUSTRY 5.0 and its impacts on assembling and conveyance enterprises

INDUSTRY 5.0 is the future, however effectively entering pattern, of progress procedures coordinating towards nearer participation among man and machine, and orderly anticipation of waste. INDUSTRY 5.0 need is to use productively workforce of machines and individuals, in cooperative energy condition. It returns from virtual condition to a genuine one. This roll out the greatest improvement to INDUSTRY 4.0 which creates what has been known as a "savvy manufacturing plant". Inside the particular organized keen production lines, digital-physical frameworks screen physical procedures, make a virtual duplicate of the physical world and settle on decentralized choices. Over the Internet of Things, digital-physical frameworks impart and coordinate with one another and with people continuously, and by means of the Internet of Services, both inside and cross-hierarchical administrations are offered and utilized by members of the worth chain".

Published by: Tamilvanan N., Syath Abuthakeer S., Karthick D., Shabeena Begam M., Abhinaya M.

Author: Tamilvanan N.

Paper ID: V5I4-1361

Paper Status: published

Published: August 27, 2019

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Research Paper

The analytical comparison on Cu2O nanoparticles synthesized by the different applied methods

Copper (II) Oxide (CuO) nanoparticles can be synthesized by many different methods. Among them, the chemical precipitation method and pulsed laser ablation technique were applied according to the simplicity of the methods and the effectiveness of the cost and the product. For the former method, by using copper sulfate pentahydrate is a precursor and ammonia solution as a stabilizing agent, CuO nanoparticles were produced. For the latter method, the pure copper target metal (immersed in the liquid environment of distilled water) was ablaze by using 1064 nm wavelength of Neodymium: Yttrium Alumina Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser for producing CuO nanoparticles. The synthesized CuO nanoparticles were characterized by XRD, SEM, FTIR, and Zetasizer (DLS). X-ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern confirmed that as-synthesized particles were CuO and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to study the vibrational frequencies between the bonds of atoms for a synthesis CuO nanoparticles. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis indicated flake-like and spherelike structures for chemical precipitation and pulsed laser ablation techniques. The zetasizer was used to study the size distribution of the CuO nanoparticles.

Published by: Kyaw Kyaw

Author: Kyaw Kyaw

Paper ID: V5I4-1352

Paper Status: published

Published: August 27, 2019

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Research Paper

Android application for dairy farming

Dairying is also a major source of livelihood for approximately 80 percent of small and marginal farmers in India (typically owning one to three milk-producing animals) who contribute approximately 70 percent to the total milk production. India has the world’s largest livestock population 58 percent of buffaloes and 15 percent of cattle. Owing to this huge bovine stock, though India has managed to attain 1st position in milk production, the full potential of Indian milk herd remains unattained. The milk productivity of India’s livestock is less than half (48%) of the global average: 987 kg per lactation compared to the global average of 2,038 kg per lactation. There is a need to raise the milk yield in order to enhance the per capita availability of milk and to meet the increasing demand. The financial effect of animal health problems is familiar, however, its devastating impact on the income of farmers' and well-being is generally minimized.

Published by: Pratik Jayant Deshpande, Sumey S. Kalkundri

Author: Pratik Jayant Deshpande

Paper ID: V5I4-1365

Paper Status: retracted

Submitted: August 26, 2019

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Research Paper

Smart home and security system with intelligent monitoring

Automation is all about technology in one go, and one of such technology is IoT (Internet of Things). By this paper, we provide a dependable, affordable, and secure Smart Home and Home Automation solution to society. Through IoT, one can easily connect any device with anything, anywhere in the world for any view over the internet. Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Internet of Humans, and it is a network between “Things with Things” and “Things with Human.” “Internet of Things (IoT) is a platform where anything, can be inspected, supervised, and executed, from anywhere over the internet.” We are connecting a simple device (Home or Commercial) to sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers and further them to the internet to have better living standards, active management also ease of life with customized applications. We have connected all devices and appliances to NodeMCU, which is an ESP8266 firmware-based microcontroller consisting of onboard Wi-Fi capabilities to serve as a gateway for our devices over the internet. It is designed to control and monitor appliances via smartphone using Wi-Fi as a communication protocol. The solution aids in the problems faced by Indians and other personnel in daily life. It additionally helps in Energy Management, Home Security and Power Saving as it is a Smart Home Automation System. Coordination of our gadgets with a few different gadgets, for example, entryway lock so when nobody is inside a home the, it wisely switches the apparatuses, gadgets, water, and gas network off and furnishes the client with a warning, bringing about a sheltered and secure home. It is an intuitive and productive framework for any house.

Published by: Balkrishna Harode, Lakhanveer Lodhi, Shaligram Prajapat

Author: Balkrishna Harode

Paper ID: V5I4-1349

Paper Status: published

Published: August 26, 2019

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Research Paper

Mental health status of school teachers in relation to gender, age and type of institute

The presesent study was conducted with the objective of investigating the influence of the gender, age, and type of institute on the mental health of school teachers. Mental Health Inventory scale was administered to the 212 school teachers in the Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh. The analysis of data revealed that there was no significant difference in gender and type of institute did not show any significant influence on the mental health status of school teachers and there was a significant influence of age on the mental health status of school teachers.

Published by: Ragam Venkata Rao

Author: Ragam Venkata Rao

Paper ID: V5I4-1360

Paper Status: published

Published: August 26, 2019

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Research Paper

Synchronization of traffic signals system for Nagpur city

In the growing traffic of metropolitan cities, traffic congestion has become the main problem. The problem is even worse at an intersection due to improper signal timings which in turn causes delay, an increase in vehicle operating cost and also pollution is the main concern of recent times. Delays have attributed to various socio-economic and environmental problems. Delays in traffic are caused due to numerous factors like scarcity in road width, driver and pedestrian characteristics, vehicle composition, lack of road infrastructure, road condition and geometry, traffic signal management and many more. Among the above factors contributing to delays in improper signal timing or its management forms the main theft for the delays at a signalized intersection. The main parameter while evaluating a signalized intersection is the delay caused due to the signals. Hence in order to encounter these problems, the traffic signal synchronization is the technique in which vehicle starting at one end of the street and travelling at specific speed can go to another end without stopping for a red light at any intersection. In the study the existing traffic at each junction along the Jhansi square, Dharampeth square, Bajaj Nagar square and Laxmi square. In which Jhansi square is one of the most important roads having heavy traffic is studied and signal is designed, thereafter the traffic signals are synchronized and benefits are estimated

Published by: Payal M. Mankar, Dr. M. R. Vyawahare

Author: Payal M. Mankar

Paper ID: V5I4-1362

Paper Status: published

Published: August 26, 2019

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