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Research Paper

Fuzzy logic system for human activity recognition

Fall detection for elderly and patient is a very important service that has the potential of increasing autonomy of elders while minimizing the risks of living alone. It has been an active research topic due to the fact that the health care industry has a big demand for products and technology of fall detection systems. Owing to the recent rapid advancement in sensing and wireless communication technologies, fall detection systems have become possible. They allow detecting fall events for the elderly, monitoring them, and consequently providing necessary help whenever needed. This paper describes the ongoing work of detecting falls in independent living senior apartments using force sensors and 3-axis accelerometers concealed under intelligent tiles. The force sensors permit detecting elders' falls, locating, tracking and recognizing human activities (walking, standing, sitting, lying down, falling, and the transitions between them). However, the detection accuracy of real data contains false alarms coming from falling and lying postures. To solve this issue, we propose the fusion between the force sensor measurements and the accelerometer sensor decisions. As a consequence, the system accuracy is satisfactory and the results show that the proposed methods are efficient, and they can be easily used in a real elder tracking and fall detection system. The Internet-of-Things (IoT) has taken the business spectrum, and its applications vary widely from agriculture and health care to transportation. A hospital atmosphere is terribly nerve-wracking, particularly for senior voters and youngsters. With the ever-increasing world population, the standard patient-doctor appointment has lost its effectiveness. Hence, good health care becomes vital. good health care is enforced the least bit levels, ranging from temperature observation for babies to pursuit very important signs within the senior. The complexness and value of implementation vary supported the specified preciseness of the individual devices, functionalities, and class of the appliance that they're used.

Published by: J. Susmitha

Author: J. Susmitha

Paper ID: V5I4-1155

Paper Status: published

Published: July 6, 2019

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Survey Report

A survey on successors of LEACH protocol and base station mobility pattern on WSN lifespan

Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network consisting of a large number of low energy sensor nodes. The main objective in WSN is the maximization of network lifespan through efficient utilization of energy. Low Energy Clustering Hierarchy Protocol (LEACH) is a protocol which balances the energy consumption all the sensor nodes in a sensor network. Recent variants of LEACH are Fixed LEACH and N-LEACH clustering routing protocol. Static Base station balances energy consumed in data relaying to extend the network lifespan. Base station (BS) mobility increase the sensor lifespan even further in certain network configurations. Furthermore, utilization of multiple mobile BSs extends WSN lifespan still further as compared to single BS case. It has been observed by researchers that optimal mobility patterns of multiple mobile BSs can be employed for achieving the maximum lifespan in WSNs. In recent literature, four representative patterns Grid, Random, Spiral, and Gaussian). It has been developing a novel mixed integer programming (MIP) framework to characterize network lifespan under different mobility patterns for multiple mobile B.S.

Published by: Shivani Gupta, Ashutosh Singh

Author: Shivani Gupta

Paper ID: V5I4-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: July 6, 2019

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Research Paper

Methodology of a large Maternal and Child Health Demographic Surveillance System (MCHDSS) in marginalized communities

In countries where Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems (CRVS) are not fully established and developed, Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) play a significant role in capturing the health status of a population. This paper describes primary findings and explores the process involved in establishing the largest Maternal and Child Health Demographic Surveillance system (MCHDSS) in India. The present MCHDSS is established in Urban, Rural and Tribal settings in the State of Gujarat in 2019 by Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar. It covers 2 districts, 3 sub-districts/blocks, 132 villages, translated into 2,31,336 individuals. The population being surveyed and monitored largely belongs to marginalized and poor communities. MCHDSS employs a prospective longitudinal survey designed to study 1) Socio-economic situations, basic household level facilities (water, sanitation, etc.) and health, 2) Current situation and longitudinal changes in the Maternal and Child health and 3) provide a platform for testing innovations and interventions for improvement in maternal and child health indicators. Large MCHDSS such as this, will not only yield conventional health and demographic dataset, it will also provide a huge platform for the innovators to field test and proof their innovations in real-life situations. Apart from ensuring data quality, setting up of future HDSS should consider other identified challenges such as retention of human resources, technical difficulties that revolve around the mode of the digital survey and maintaining relations with stakeholders.

Published by: Dr. Kranti Vora, Parth A. Tailor, Susanna Abraham Cottagiri, Shahin Saiyed

Author: Dr. Kranti Vora

Paper ID: V5I4-1142

Paper Status: published

Published: July 5, 2019

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Research Paper

Fuzzy logic system for fruit quality detection

Nowadays,abroad trade has swollen absolutely in varied nations. plenty fruit product ar foreign from alternate countries, as associate example, oranges, apples thus forth. Manual distinctive proof of infected fruit is awfully tedious. the employment of image method procedures is of outstanding implication for the analysis of agro based applications. In any case, detection of infections among the fruit product utilizing photos continues to be risky as a results of the regular changes of colouring in distinctive types of fruit product. throughout this paper three ancient infections of apple fruit ar thought of i.e. Apple scab, apple rot and apple blotch. The image method based planned methodology is created out of the attendant some state of the art color and texture choices ar extracted from the check image, then color and texture choices ar consolidated on and random forest classifier is used for sicknesss classification and if the fruit is infected by any of the one unwellness then the infected 0.5 is split pattern k-means agglomeration technique. The accuracy of the diseases classification will improve by feature level fusion.

Published by: J. Mohith Kumar

Author: J. Mohith Kumar

Paper ID: V5I4-1154

Paper Status: published

Published: July 5, 2019

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Review Paper

A study on rumor spreading in complex network

This paper reviewed the studies on the transmission of rumor dynamics take place on complex network till now and introduced the classical model to discuss the propagation characteristics of networks. Then, we explore the rumor spreading mechanism take place between nodes of any network and various techniques to control the impact on networks used till now.

Published by: Princy Bajpai, Dr. Ashutosh Singh

Author: Princy Bajpai

Paper ID: V5I3-2048

Paper Status: published

Published: July 3, 2019

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Research Paper

Implementation of mutable distance feature in vehicle

As the advancement of vehicular technology improves, so does the need for providing safer and more efficient vehicles for transportation. With a large increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, new technological involvement like Advanced Driver Assistance System is becoming a necessary part of every automobile. Basically, ADAS works for comfort in driving and active safety. In this paper, we discussed the implementation of a system with distance control feature for the vehicle. To improve the safety of the vehicle, we have developed a system where user can set maximum and the minimum distance between the vehicles. The warning is given to the driver before the collision which leads to help the driver to maintain distance between two objects. If in case the driver has kept this system on active in rainy weather to prevent collision the system will alert and will maintain a safe distance.

Published by: Mrunmayee Kitukale, P. P. Shelke

Author: Mrunmayee Kitukale

Paper ID: V5I4-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: July 3, 2019

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