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Research Paper

Adaptation of biomimicry in civil engineering

Biomimicry is a novel approach to developing design's and products to solve construction problems by taking inspiration from nature. It could offer a sustainable alternative solution to complex and conventional design in the best eco-friendly way. Biomimicry includes mimicking the shape, properties, methods, principles, and processes of nature. This paper reviews the existing biometric inspired civil engineering systems and architectures. In this paper various examples are taken from the nature and applied in design, like the regeneration process in lizard inspires the self-healing property of concrete, by mimicking termite mound, a passive cooling system could be developed, bridge design is one of the vital aspects of structures of biomimetics which is derived from the load carry process of trees. In a similar way, various other structures are being developed by getting inspiration from the creation of nature, as we move towards creating more sustainable construction and decreasing the carbon footprints in the infrastructure industry. Hence incorporating the potential of the mother earth will lead to the enhancement of structural stability and elegance. It will in turn preserve the earth in her best form.

Published by: Anand Singh Parmar, Alok Shah

Author: Anand Singh Parmar

Paper ID: V5I3-2042

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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Review Paper

A study on low-density parity-check codes

In this paper, relevant research advances in recent years on Low-density parity check codes are studied starting from its formulation by Gallager and rediscovery of these codes by McKay and Neal. Gallager construction of LDPC codes is described and their probabilistic decoding methods. Also, the construction by McKay is studied and the superposition method of construction is studied. Encoding and decoding techniques related to capacity-approaching error-correction technology is also studied. LDPC codes can also be described using a Tanner graph. Matrix representation and graphical representation of these codes are described. LDPC codes show better performance for more number of iterations for message passing decoding algorithm.

Published by: Priya Verma, Dr. Ashutosh Singh

Author: Priya Verma

Paper ID: V5I3-2041

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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Research Paper

Effect of wind on tall building frames – Impact of aspect ratio

In modern times many tall structures and high-rise towers are being built all around the world. Because of its dynamic nature, wind plays an important role in the design of tall structures. Effect of wind is predominant on tall structures depending on location height of the structure. In this paper equivalent, a static method is used for the analysis of wind loads on buildings with the impact of different aspect ratios. The aspect ratio can be varied by changing the number of bays. Different aspect ratios were considered to carry out the present study and the analysis is carried out using STAAD PRO.

Published by: Dheeraj Biyani, K. Naga Rakesh

Author: Dheeraj Biyani

Paper ID: V5I3-2038

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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Research Paper

An experimental study on natural fibre reinforced concrete

Although conventional concrete used in nowadays has got sufficient strength, the major concern is on reducing the overall cost, material consumption and environmental hazards. Therefore, various materials are incorporated or replaced partially in concrete to improve its strength, savings in cost and material as well. The present work is concerned with use of natural fibers which are cheap and locally available such as dry grass straw in concrete as additive material. Dry grass straw is an agricultural by-product and naturally available fiber in southern India which doesn’t have any economic value is used as a additive or reinforcement in concrete and its positive results in achieving tensile strength was determined which will not only enhance future research but also helps in reduce cost and eco-friendly construction. Compressive strength, split tensile strength and two-point load flexural test for different mix proportion are done to analyze the strength variation, behavior and properties of concrete

Published by: Karthik M., Varsha S. Danavandi, Pramod B. V.

Author: Karthik M.

Paper ID: V5I3-2037

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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Research Paper

An exploratory study to assess the lifestyle risk factors associated with obesity among undergraduate students of selected colleges of District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People with obesity are at higher risk for health complications, such as diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable deaths after smoking. Worldwide obesity was more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older were overweight. Overall 650 million people were obese. 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight and 13% were obese. Objective: To explore the lifestyle risk factors among undergraduate students. Material and Methods: The study adopted exploratory research and was conducted at selected colleges of District Sirmour, H.P. A total of 30 undergraduate female students in the age group of 17-25 years were selected by multistage cluster random sampling technique. A self-structured questionnaire was used to assess the lifestyle risk factors associated with obesity among undergraduate students. Results: Data analysis was done with descriptive and inferential statistics. The pilot study finding shows that 33.3% of undergraduate girls were pre-obese. And 6.7 % of girls come under obese class 1 and 60% of girls having BMI in the normal range. The finding shows that the girls who were obese having menstrual irregularity and 33.3% of girls suffered from the polycystic ovarian disease. 33.3% Girls having a family history of obesity. There is a significant association between psychological factors and gynecological problems i.e 0.001**. Conclusion: The pilot study results show that unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyle behavior that should be targeted and can be modified. This could be achieved through promoting intervention program that leads to changing the built environment, weight management practices, counselling and affecting behavioral modification of student’s life style and dietary habits.

Published by: Archana Kumari, Isha Thakur Dharni

Author: Archana Kumari

Paper ID: V5I3-2035

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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Research Paper

Enhancement of multi-machine power system stability by using Power System Stabilizer

In this paper, we are going to deal about the enhancement of system stability, by using Eigen-values we can say how system stability is varying. We can use different devices like Facts controllers, Power system stabilizers, and automatic voltage regulators to improve system stability. Power system stabilizer had been used for improving two machine three bus system stability. We have different linear and nonlinear methods to design controller parameters for power system stabilizers. Genetic algorithm technique had been used to design pss for two machine three bus system

Published by: Devaki Bhavani Divya

Author: Devaki Bhavani Divya

Paper ID: V5I3-2031

Paper Status: published

Published: June 29, 2019

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