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Research Paper

E-super edge bimagic graceful labeling of graphs

In a graph minimum numbers are assigned to the edges and maximum numbers are assigned to the vertices. In each graph there exist two magic constants with some condition

Published by: Durga Devi, Marimuthu

Author: Durga Devi

Paper ID: V5I4-1234

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2019

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Statistical Procedures and Associations in Clinical Research

Performing Statistical analysis is regarded as the foundations of evidence-based clinical practice, a key in the functioning of new clinical research in the evaluation and the application of research. The paper throws light on how to review and the choice of statistical procedures, analyze the associations among variables and techniques used when the clinical processes being examined are still in process. Methods for building predictive models in clinical situations, and the procedure to assess the stability of these models and other quantitative conclusions. Techniques for comparing independent events are distinguished from those used with events in a causal chain or otherwise linked. Attention then turns to study design, to the determination of the sample size needed to make a given comparison and to statistically negative studies.

Published by: Balakrishna

Author: Balakrishna

Paper ID: V5I4-1280

Paper Status: published

Published: August 8, 2019

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Empirical detection of humanistic real-time behavioral scooping and interpretation from multivariate data

Despite the advent of wearable devices and the proliferation of smartphones, there still is no ideal platform that can continuously sense and precisely collect all available contextual information. Mobile sensing data collection approaches should deal with uncertainty and data loss originating from software and hardware restrictions. We have conducted lifelogging data collection experiments from many users and created a rich dataset (7.5 million records) to represent the real-world deployment issues of mobile sensing systems. We create a novel approach to identify human behavioral motifs while considering the uncertainty of collect data objects. Our work benefits from combinations of sensors available on a device and identifies behavioral patterns with a temporal granularity similar to human time perception. Employing a combination of sensors rather than focusing on only one sensor can handle uncertainty by neglecting sensor data that is not available and focusing instead on available data. Moreover, we demonstrate that using a sliding window significantly improves the scalability of our analysis, which can be used by applications for small devices such as smart phones and wearable.

Published by: Poonam Patil

Author: Poonam Patil

Paper ID: V5I4-1308

Paper Status: published

Published: August 7, 2019

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Review Paper

Ancient methods for extraction of Zinc from ores: A comprehensive study report

The Zinc is the most interesting metal and was responsible for the invention of coins of mock gold and utensils of mock silver ad. Because of the low boiling point (907°C), zinc is difficult to smelt. Pure zinc can only be obtained after the mastery of distillation techniques, which have been described in our ancient chemical treatises. The mines have given definite evidence of the production of zinc from back to 6th Century BC in Rajasthan. The process of distillation was being used from the 12th century AD, So India was the first to produce zinc by using distillation processes. In fact, many ancient Indian literatures refers to various types of metal that were used in different periods. In the epics e.g. Mahabharata and Ramayana, brass and the bell metal have been termed as kamsya, the utensils of which were used for milking and drinking. The Rasaratnasamucchaya, a fourteenth-century alchemical text, tells that the Indian alchemy was not only confined to the principle of mercury and its compounds but also to a large number of other minerals. It reveals names of scores of celebrated alchemists like Nagarjuna, Govinda and others. The rasvidya (alchemy) was kept closely guarded secret and confined to devout practitioners only.

Published by: Sawanraj Arora

Author: Sawanraj Arora

Paper ID: V5I4-1286

Paper Status: published

Published: August 6, 2019

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Research Paper

Change method of teaching and learning at universities in Vietnam on current

Today, the technological and scientific revolution thrives, marking the process of globalization taking place in all areas. In the process of integration, education in Vietnam in general and higher education, in particular, are facing fierce competition right at home. Especially the wave of industrial revolution 4.0 and non-traditional education methods pose many challenges for the education industry, especially higher education. What should Vietnam do to avoid lagging in education and participating in the globalization of education? Are the methods currently used in universities still relevant? How is the change of method at universities going? These questions were open issues for the authors to embark on research on the need to change the current teaching and learning methods in Vietnamese universities.

Published by: Nguyen Trong Long, Vu Hong Van

Author: Nguyen Trong Long

Paper ID: V5I4-1300

Paper Status: published

Published: August 6, 2019

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Review Paper

A review on green hybrid composites – (Glass-Sisal-Bamboo) for aircraft structural applications

Green Hybrid Composite Materials are an emerging trend for future applications mainly in the Automotives and in the Aviation sector, so lots of researches are on the way mainly for Natural Hybrid Composites. This is a review journal which deals with the Green hybrid composites to be used in the Aviation industry, as we have more probability for these kinds of Hybrid Composites. In this review, a good touch is given to reinforcements such as glass, sisal, bamboo, and its hybrid properties. Also, the use of green hybrid composite, their special focus on aerospace structural development in terms of its performance and requirement are explained in this review work

Published by: S. S. Pon Sudhir Sajan, Sengunthar Ranjeet Kumar

Author: S. S. Pon Sudhir Sajan

Paper ID: V5I4-1290

Paper Status: published

Published: August 6, 2019

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