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A study to assess the level of stress and coping strategies of employees among selected banks, Gwalior with a view to develop an information booklet

Occupational stress is one of the major health hazards of the modern workplace. It accounts for much of the physical illness, substance abuse, and family problems experienced by millions of blue and white-collar workers. Also, occupational stress and stressful working conditions have been linked to low productivity, absenteeism, and increased rates of accidents on and off the job. Stress and coping with stress have become important concern both in research and practice. This study conducted to assess the level of stress and coping strategies of bank employees and to associate the stress and coping with selected demographic variables. Objectives of the study are listed bellow 1. To assess the stress and coping strategies of bank employees. 2. To assess the relationship between stress and coping strategies. 3. To find out association between stress, coping strategies and demographic variables. 4. To develop an information booklet on stress and coping strategies. A descriptive research design and quantitative approach has been used in the study. Reliability of the tool was tested and validity was ensured in consultation with Guides and experts in the field of medicine and nursing. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from the selected samples. The tool used for the study was modified job stress inventory and investigator developed coping scale. The data was collected from 100 bank employees who meet the inclusion criteria. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted in terms of objectives of the study. Assessment of the stress level among the bank employees shows that the majority, 84% had moderate level of stress, 9% of employees had severe level of stress and 7% had mild stress. The mean was 47.93 with standard deviation of 0.04. Assessment of the coping strategies reveals that 68% of employees are having poor coping strategies, and 32%are having average coping strategies. The mean was 18.31 with standard deviation of 0.09. The study showed that there is relatively a significant negative correlation between stress and coping strategies. The correlation was found to be-0.82. Findings of the study revealed that there is significant association between the stress, coping strategies and some of the demographic variables. The study showed that the majority of respondents are suffering from a moderate level of stress and majority of respondents have poor coping strategies. The study also showed that there is relatively a significant negative correlation between stress and coping strategies of bank employees. The study found an association between stress, coping strategies and selected demographic variables such as age, marital status, duration of duty etc.

Published by: Dr. Vijay Laxmi Verma, Neetu Bhadouriya

Author: Dr. Vijay Laxmi Verma

Paper ID: V5I3-1963

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete: Versatile building material

The lightest masonry material available in today's market is AAC blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks) whose density is about 1/3rd times of the clay bricks and fly ash bricks and about 1/5th times of the Concrete because of its foam-like structure made up of 80% of air voids while they are being used since the 1920s in most of the part in Europe still many are not accepting them in countries like India and America. Due to its lightweight and great thermal resistance, it is gaining popularity all across the world but not only it is gaining popularity because of its engineering properties but also because it is an eco-friendly product which is why even government and other organizations are promoting its usage. But this lightweight eco-friendly product is also economic as even after the initial costing is higher than clay bricks but its light weight causes the reduction in dead weight around 1/3rd times hence the total project cost decreases by 15-30%.

Published by: Falak Vats

Author: Falak Vats

Paper ID: V5I3-2006

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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Role of total quality management practices in the development of aviation sector

One of the most important issues that the Aviation field have focused on in the last 20-30 years has been quality. As markets become more competitive, quality has become widely regarded as a key ingredient for success in business. Every organization has quality management practices that enable it to add to the values of its customers and stakeholders. A focused quality management system provides a framework for planning, executing, monitoring and improving performance activities within the organization. This paper mainly discusses the various domains of Quality Management that an organization has to practice to sustain business in the aviation sector.

Published by: Greeshma Gopakumar

Author: Greeshma Gopakumar

Paper ID: V5I3-2004

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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Review Paper

Challenges in globalizing the Taj Mahal- Impact on regional economy

The Taj has stood steadfast, an indomitable symbol of India’s cultural heritage, over years of evolution and subsequent modernization of our country. Over the generations, it has only gained popularity, not only adding to the country’s glory but also becoming a major earner of revenue for the Indian government. Even though it has earned itself a coveted spot amongst the seven wonders of the world, the need to consider the further effective globalization of the Taj, its challenges and consequences, is more necessary than we like to think. The challenges to the globalization of Taj largely include the upkeep of its surroundings, the tourism facilities that are available, and the preservation of the other tourist attractions around the Taj. A preliminary bird’s eye view of the historical city of Agra, home to this monument, amongst many others, displays the connection that exists between these largely forgotten heritage sites, and the Taj Mahal. There is also need for consideration of the further development of the booming business in handicrafts which display Mughal craftsmanship of the days of yore, and the erosive effect of rapid construction of structures, on the ecological health of the city. In addition to the above, the recent spat in the number of industrial units in the area, and the lack of any world-class facilities, amongst others, also present major challenges to the task of bringing the Taj closer to the global audience. While the paper seeks to lay down the need, and the hurdles that exist in catapulting the monument to a higher position, globally, yet, the paper also lineally presents the efforts that have been made till present, to overcome each of the identified challenges. While advertisements, cleanliness drives, greater facilities for tourists, the stricter procedure for the public, and the popularised public interest litigation of the Taj Trapezium case, have gone a long way in securing a global platform for the Taj, much still needs to be done to significantly achieve the same. The paper seeks to discuss many varied and unique solutions to the issue at hand, while closely reminding the reader the impact the same will have on the regional economy of the area. The paper hence, seeks to successfully establish the relation of micro-commerce of the region of Agra, with the varied solutions that could be adopted to bring about further globalisation of the Taj, the vista of opportunities that will subsequently open up for employment in the region, and the positive impact on the overall economic development of the country.

Published by: Suneet Silas

Author: Suneet Silas

Paper ID: V5I3-2003

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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Technical notes

Estimation of essential metrics in the IT industry

In this paper, we have written about the software which helps in creating other software.

Published by: Harsh Ketan Jakhar

Author: Harsh Ketan Jakhar

Paper ID: V5I3-2001

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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Research Paper

RP-69: Formulation of solutions of standard congruence of higher degree of composite modulus- A power of the degree

In this paper, a special class of standard congruence of any higher degree is formulated. The formula established is tested and found true by solving different suitable examples and verifying the solutions obtained. Such a formulation is not found in the literature of mathematics. It makes the finding of solutions of the said congruence orally. Formulation of solutions is the merit of the paper. Formulation of solutions made the study of the congruence interesting.

Published by: B. M. Roy

Author: B. M. Roy

Paper ID: V5I3-1986

Paper Status: published

Published: June 25, 2019

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