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A comparative study to assess the psychosocial problems among elderly people residing in old age home and within families at selected areas of Kolhapur district, with a view to develop an information booklet

The non-experimental, descriptive comparative research design was used, which consists of a group of 100samples that were selected by using non-probability, purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by using Sociodemographic variables and Modified WHO Quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing scale through structured interview schedule after assessing the psychosocial problem score the information booklet was given to the elderly people residing in old age home and within families at Kolhapur district.

Published by: Sonia Ramesh Gaikwad

Author: Sonia Ramesh Gaikwad

Paper ID: V5I3-1948

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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Research Paper

Short term load forecasting using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system

In Electric power system operations forecasting is an integral part, as it is the primary prerequisite for achieving the goal of optimal planning and operation of power systems. Short term load forecasting is necessary for the control and scheduling operations of a power system and also acts as input to the power analysis functions such as load flow and contingency analysis. This paper deals in short term load forecasting using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The set of inputs utilized to perform STLF is non- linear, therefore an adaptive decision-making system is attempted for the purpose of accurately mapping the inputs to the output. An ANFIS based system has the merits of fuzzy logic capable of mimicking the way human beings reason, and artificial neural networks with the adaptive learning ability. Such a hybrid system is composed of fuzzy if-then rules. For this workload and temperature data of March month is used and load is forecast for working day. For this work consider Holiday is Sunday, Preholiday is Saturday, Post-holiday is Monday and Working day is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The Training and Testing of ANFIS is done using MATLAB version7, R2013a.

Published by: Ashish Shukla, S. K. Bajpai

Author: Ashish Shukla

Paper ID: V5I3-1968

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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Research Paper

The view of Confucianism about the importance of men, disregard for women and its influence on Vietnam

For 2.000 years of dissemination in Vietnam, particularly in three periods such as Tran (1225 - 1400), Later Le Dynasty (1428 - 1527) and Nguyen Dynasty Early Period (1802 - 1883), Confucianism caused vigorous impacts on politics and culture of Vietnam. It mainly influenced upper classes and strata in society, but it did not take root in lower social classes and strata. For politic, Confucianism was used by Vietnamese feudal dynasties to govern the country; for the spiritual culture, Confucianism made a contribution towards formation of an orthodox culture besides folk that was attached closely with ethnic sense, resulting in the core of ethnic culture. Confucianism made the spiritual culture of Vietnamese people in the medieval time significantly Chinese-inclined; at the same time, it held back and caused negative impacts on Vietnamese traditional culture, both spiritually and materially. The more significant Confucianism was considered, the weaker Vietnam became and the more regressive Vietnamese culture was kept. Eventually, Confucianism became powerless and faded, when Vietnam encountered the situation of losing the country in the middle 19th century (1858). In Vietnam as in other Asian countries, Confucianism has exercised a powerful influence in the formation of society, and continues to be a major cultural factor. The traditional Vietnamese, the man plays an important role in family and society; women spent her whole life taking care of her parents, husband and children. These famous Confucius statement express that ideal: “trai anh hùng năm thê bảy thiếp” (a man who is considered a hero must have five to seven wives), “tại gia tòng phụ” (serving the father at home), “xuất giá tòng phu” (upon marriage serving the husband), “phu tử tòng tử” (after the death of the husband serving the children). The view “trọng name khinh nữ” (the importance of man, disregard for women) of Confucianism has been used by Vietnamese feudal dynasties and existed in Vietnamese society until today. In the history of Vietnam, that idea has created a distinction, treatment and lowering the role of women, adversely affecting the distribution of society. Although today, in the society of Vietnam, that idea has no longer affected the development of society but it still exists and creates gender inequality in social relations, hindering the development of Vietnamese society.

Published by: Vu Hong Van

Author: Vu Hong Van

Paper ID: V5I3-1975

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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Research Paper

Performance analysis of the Machine Learning Classifiers to predict the behaviour of the customers, when a new product is launched in the market

Here in this study, I will analyze the correlation of the buyers with their age and salary using various machine learning classifier algorithms. This study will predict, who will buy a new item faster as soon as it is launched in the market and how it will be related to the age and salary of the people, who are buying it. The aim of this study is to investigate six different types of Machine Learning, Classifier algorithms (namely Logistic Regression, SVM, Naive Bayes, KNN,Decision Tree, Random Forest and to show their comparative analysis and to predict whether a person will buy a certain product as soon as it is launched in the market. Experiments are performed on the Social_Network_Ads data set which is sourced from Kaggle the online community of data scientists and machine learning engineers. The performance of all the above algorithms is evaluated on the various metrics like recall, precision, F1_score and confusion matrix. Results are then compared.

Published by: Poulomi Saha

Author: Poulomi Saha

Paper ID: V5I3-1966

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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Research Paper

Using mobile CRM to gain value added to small and medium enterprises

The revelation in mobile devices and wireless technologies leads to reach customers wherever and whenever which increase productivity and efficiency for many types of organization. By using social and mobile customer relationship management improve sales team performance by allowing customer services to remotely track contacts and accounts of their customers. Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in global economic growth but they faced by many challenges in the global market. The small and medium enterprises stared to using mobile devices and mobility services to penetrate the global market. Mobile CRM will benefit both organizations and customers through maximizing the utilization of mobility services and proving new value added to the businesses.  Mobile aspects can present many new opportunities for small and medium enterprises. The main purpose of this paper focuses on the value added that can be gained by small and medium enterprises by using Mobile CRM.

Published by: Christina Albert Rayed

Author: Christina Albert Rayed

Paper ID: V5I3-1937

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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Research Paper

A mixed method research on experience of stress among mothers of children admitted in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Indira Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, District Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is a multidisciplinary unit that provides care for infants, children and adolescents who become critically ill or injured. Admission of a child to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is a stressful situation for the mothers who are accompanying them in PICU. It is very difficult to explain the devastating stress experienced by mothers. Aim & objective: The aim of the study is to assess the level of stress, the qualitative experience of stress and its association with selected demographic variables. Methods: The study has adopted Mixed Method Research design and was conducted in PICU K IGMC& Hospital, Shimla. A total of 32 (total enumeration) and 9 mothers (purposive) were taken respectively for quantitative and qualitative interview. A semi-structured interview schedule, Perceived Stress Scale and Qualitative interview were used for data collection. Results: Data analysis was done by using the descriptive, inferential statistics, Colaizzi’s steps and by mixing of data. The study results reveal 6 (18.8) of mothers had high and 26 (81.3) had a severe level of stress. The type of family, family budget alters due to the illness of child were found to have a strong association at 0.05 level of significance. The causes of stress, the impact of stress, predominant thoughts/feelings, adaptive thoughts and behaviors, perception about medical care/ health care professionals, information needs and perception of support system emerged as the main themes of the qualitative study. In mixing the quality of stress is explored in the forms of the impact of stress and cause of stress etc. has clearly supported the level of stress among mothers. Conclusion: The results of the study show that mothers are highly stressed due to the child’s admission in PICU. So its emphasis on the use of coping strategies, grievance and counselling cells in the hospital.

Published by: Kavita Verma, Isha Thakur Dharni

Author: Kavita Verma

Paper ID: V5I3-1960

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2019

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