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Research Paper

An exploratory study to assess the impact of mobile phone use on adolescents studying in selected schools of district Solan, Himachal Pradesh

Technology plays a major role in the life of an individual. In the present scenario, our society is acceptable to all the changes occurring in the field of communication technology. In today’s time adolescents are the most active users of these new innovations making them more technology dependent and leading to various health problems. To assess the pattern of mobile phone use among adolescents. To explore the impact of mobile phone use on adolescents. The exploratory research design was collect the data from 398 adolescents of the selected schools of District Solan (H.P.) using the probability stratified cluster sampling technique. Data was collected by Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire and 4-point Likert scale using the self-report technique. Data analysis was done through descriptive and inferential statistics. The study results showed that the majority of adolescents (73.1%) were using mobile phones with internet access. 70.3 % of adolescents there was a moderate impact of mobile phone use, 23.4% had a mild impact and 6.3% had a severe impact. There was a highly significant association of education, gender, father’s education, and father’s and mother’s occupation; a number of siblings with the impact of mobile phone use at p >0.01 level of significance. There was a strong positive correlation of the impact of the mobile phone use with the academic performance, physical, psychological, social wellbeing and the financial state of adolescents at p> 0.01 level of significance. The results of the present study reveal that the negative impact of mobile phone use among adolescents is high so there is a need to put more emphasis on this area and possible strategies should be planned out in order to reduce this harmful effect of technology on youth.

Published by: Vidhi Paul, Isha Thakur Dharni

Author: Vidhi Paul

Paper ID: V5I3-1961

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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Research Paper

Data mining methodology and its application

Data mining is the process of discovering correlations, patterns, trends or relationships by probing through a substantial amount of data stored in repositories, corporate databases, and data warehouses. Industrial engineering is a broad field and has many implements and techniques in its quandary-solving arsenal. The purport of this study is to ameliorate the efficacy of industrial engineering solutions through the application of data mining. To achieve this objective, an adaptation of the engineering design process is utilized to develop a methodology for efficacious application of data mining to databases and data repositories concretely designed for industrial engineering operations. This paper concludes by describing some of the advantages and disadvantages of the application of data mining techniques and implements to industrial engineering; it mentions some possible quandaries or issues in its implementation; and conclusively, it provides recommendations for future research in the application of data mining to facilitate decisions pertinent to industrial engineering.

Published by: Tripti Upadhyay, Sumit Verma

Author: Tripti Upadhyay

Paper ID: V5I3-1955

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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Technical Notes

Foretaste on identity based encryption

Cryptography is an art which provides confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and authentication to the parties involve in communication. Identity-based systems allow any party to generate a public key from a known identity value such as an ASCII string. A trusted third party, called the Private Key Generator (PKG), generates the corresponding private keys. PKG uses user’s credentials to publish the public key and after authentication of the user, it grants it is a master private key. Security of IBE depends on the trust of issuing authority. The purpose of this paper is to review the technological aspects in cryptography under Identity-based scheme. Section I provide an introduction of the scheme illustrating its background and procedure: Section II throw light on few schemes of IBC with their proofing algorithms while Section III mention the pros and cons of this scheme and finally the conclusion. Section IV summarises the content as the conclusion of the paper. Section V list the references that were sighted in the writing of this paper.

Published by: Ashish Tripathi

Author: Ashish Tripathi

Paper ID: V5I3-1939

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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Modernization in Indian agriculture- An IoT approach

The main aim of the project is to provide overall support to the farmers and increase their margin of profit. In spite of agriculture being a non-recession occupation, many farmers are not able to reach the expected margin of profit. Reasons for that can be many. Having no prior knowledge about inflation in the market, farmers might end up growing the same crop in ample quantities in the market. Hence they reduce the margin of profit and sell the crop. The second reason being the traditional method followed in agriculture. Error due to human intervention cannot be ignored. Last reason being the role of intermediates. Farmers having inadequate knowledge about the price in the market, agree on a deal with intermediates. In order to reduce the risk, a farmer obtains a system has been proposed. The proposed system provides aids in multiple stages. In order to avoid inflation of crops, data about the quantity of all crops are aggregated and stored in a central database. This value acts as a threshold and warns before inflation. Change from traditional method to modern techniques in agriculture can be introduced with the concept of sensors. Multiple sensors are deployed in the farm field which gives timely and accurate readings to the farmer. Being in a remote location farmer is able to control his field. Farmers are being cheated by the intermediates due to lack of information about the price of crops. The system proposes a solution to this problem. Market price stores in the database are made available to the farmers. As a result, they are prevented from cheating.

Published by: Bhandavya B. V., Pooja R. Ganiga, Burnda M., Nalla Venkat Revanth

Author: Bhandavya B. V.

Paper ID: V5I3-1938

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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Review Paper

Students recruitment strategies at higher educational institutes: A new world perspective – A review of the literature on higher education marketing

Purpose: In this paper, the author has tried to review the literature available towards the enrollment of the students at Higher Education Institutes. It is a prime task of universities to attract retain and nurture the students. Universities spend a lot of time identifying and living up to the Expectations of the students. Here we are trying to understand the parameters which are influential institute in the decision-making process, through the available literature. Findings: The research field of higher education marketing is still at a relative pioneer stage with much research still to be carried out both from problem identification and strategic perspective. For those with a passion for research, and a belief in the power of markets and marketing, there is still much to be done in the context of HE markets.

Published by: Gautam S. Bapat, Sayalee S. Gankar

Author: Gautam S. Bapat

Paper ID: V5I3-1967

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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Case Study

A case study – Structural stability of 14 years old college building using NDT technique

Reinforced concrete is extensively used as the construction material for its application, ease of construction and low cost. Deterioration of concrete is a natural phenomenon and has started exhibiting in a large number of structures an efficient approach is required in dealing with such problems. Identification of the causes of distress and consequent repair/ rehabilitation strategy at optimum cost is carried out by monitoring the structure. Structural health monitoring can be achieved by Non-destructive evaluation techniques. NDT is well known for assessing the in-situ strength of concrete without causing any damage to the structure.

Published by: Bharath V. B., Somesh P.

Author: Bharath V. B.

Paper ID: V5I3-1964

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2019

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