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Research Paper

Modelling and control of DStatcom using modified DSOGI -SRF Control algorithm

This paper proposes to design and control of three-phase distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) for mitigating power quality problems at the distribution level. The current related power quality issues such as excess reactive power, harmonics and unbalancing of load are taken into consideration. Control based on double second order generalized integrator synchronous reference frame (DSOGI-SRF) theory is developed for generating reference supply currents. Three phases voltage source converter (VSC) with self-support DC bus is used as DSTATCOM. Switching pulses for VSC are generated using hysteresis current control. This system is developed with MATLAB environment using SIMULINK and Sim Power System (SPS) tools.

Published by: Swati Rana, Ankit kumar, Saurabh tiwari

Author: Swati Rana

Paper ID: V5I3-1945

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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Research Paper

MINI: Multidimensional Integrated Neural Interface

Data science today, have reached up to great heights and it has achieved many milestones with great innovation and ideas. On the basis of that have come with an idea where it’s a help to mankind. In today’s world with such a growing technology we have many people with different disabilities in them but with the help of technology, they are able to recover it to a great extent. Increasing the level of technologies alternately put an effect on the increase of its uses in the real world which helps the human being in various aspects. With such hope, to help mankind we have come up with an idea where we can help the people who cannot speak due to various reasons. So, we can come up with a technology where it will help them to express their feelings to the world without speaking.

Published by: Juned Javed Kadri

Author: Juned Javed Kadri

Paper ID: V5I3-1935

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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Case Study

Mesenteric fibromatosis mimicking GIST and presenting as a rare cause intestinal obstruction in a 1 year old boy: A rare case report

Mesenteric Fibromatosis (MF) is a rare myofibroproliferative tumour that may present as a common clinical entity like intestinal obstruction or abdominal mass. They are exceedingly rare in the pediatric population. They often mimic Gastrointestinal Stroma Tumours (GIST) in their presentation, imaging and even histological features. Here we present the case of a one year, 9 months old boy who had a right hemicolectomy for an obstructing ascending colon tumour whose initial histological analysis was suggestive of GIST. A repeat analysis including Immunohistochemistry staining confirmed the diagnosis of MF. No further treatment was given and the child is asymptomatic one year later. MF though rare may present as common clinical entities and tends to mimic MF. Detailed analysis is required to distinguish it from GIST as the prognosis and treatment may differ significantly.

Published by: Alex E. Elobu, Vianney Kweyamba, Ushma Wartikar, Brijesh Kumar, Rakesh Rai

Author: Alex E. Elobu

Paper ID: V5I3-1682

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Experimental analysis of free convective heat transfer through micro channels with different configuration

The microchannel heat sinks play a very important role in the functioning of the microelectronic components. In this paper, the focus is on the convective heat transfer performance of the microchannels with different diameters and configurations. The heat transfer performance is a function of surface area available for the heat transfer and the heat transfer coefficient of the heat carrying medium. It is highly desirable to understand the fluid flow and the heat transfer characteristics of a buoyancy-induced micro pump and micro heat exchanger in microfluidic and thermal systems. In this study, we experimentally investigate the fully developed natural convection in an open-ended vertical cylindrical microchannel with asymmetric wall temperature distributions. The experiments were conducted in both horizontal and vertical orientations. Results reveal that in most of the natural convection situations, the volume flow rate at the micro scale is higher than that at the macro scale. It is, therefore, concluded that the temperature jump condition induced by the effects of rarefaction and fluid-wall interaction plays an important role in slip-flow natural convection and heat transfer rates are higher than vertical configurations the evaluated experimental results are compared with available literature and graphically noted.

Published by: G. Srinivasa Rao

Author: G. Srinivasa Rao

Paper ID: V5I3-1916

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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Case Study

Modified genetic algorithm for automated facility layout design

The placement of facilities is a fundamental task in many industries, and the facility layout problem is frequently encountered. This paper describes the implementation of a modified genetic algorithm for solving the facility layout problem by minimizing the total material handling the cost. An isomer-based elitism is applied and the performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with previous results in the literature. An extended method for measuring the efficiency of the algorithm is proposed. The results suggest that the efficiency of the proposed methodology is competitive with prior work and that isomer-based elitism should be reviewed for application in a wider range of problems.

Published by: Venkatesh Dixit, Dr. Jim Lawlor

Author: Venkatesh Dixit

Paper ID: V5I3-1907

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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Research Paper

A review on digitalization of SHG with mobile usage in India

Microfinance program promoted by the government of India through ‘The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development’ (NABARD) has impacted thousands of villages throughout India for the last twenty years. According to NABARD, 11crore household across India with over 87 lakh Self Help Groups created deposits over Rs. 195 billion. India has a platform of over billion mobile users and a half billion internet users and financial transactions, especially through United Payment Interface by the government of India, make the financial transaction process easy and transparent through banks for customers. E-Shakti launched by NABARD in 2015 has digitalizing information of SHG across India. World bank has seen online bookkeeping of SHG raising over a million transactions every week across lakhs of house households even in a rural area. This paper presents the significance of paradigm shift of digitalization of SHG with mobile.

Published by: Kishore Prabhala, T. Umamaheswara Rao

Author: Kishore Prabhala

Paper ID: V5I3-1941

Paper Status: published

Published: June 19, 2019

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