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Expense based performance assessment of financial institution

Performance of Financial Institutions is dependent on various aspects that can affect their growth. Many of them are standardized aspects such as Portfolio At Risk, Provision Expense Ratio, Risk Coverage Ratio, Write Off Ratio. Along with these, we introduce a scientific cost distribution value that we name as the Expense Accrual Ratio (EAR). Along with the other parameters of measurement, EAR can be used to assess if the health of a financial institution. In this paper, we explain the role and functioning of EAR along with ways of calculation of it with formulas for the derivation. The effect of dependent parameters on EAR is explored and the graphs are explained. Further, its impact on performance is analyzed with data references. Comparison is done with the current interest rates of the institution to derive at a conclusion based on EAR. Along with other parameters of the measure this can be used as a powerful tool to adjust the functioning of the financial institution to avoid further losses. The necessity to balance EAR for unforeseen or natural calamities has been pointed out for future work.

Published by: Mohd Saifuddin, Muzameel Ahmed, Reehan Lalkhan

Author: Mohd Saifuddin

Paper ID: V5I3-1867

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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Research Paper

Government’s preparedness for disaster management based on Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984

Disaster management is dealing with and avoiding risks. This involves emergency evacuation, disaster response, supporting and rebuilding society after natural or human-made disasters. During the tragedy Union Carbide India Ltd wasn’t prepared for a quick disaster management. Gas concentration in the areas ranged from 85 to 0.12ppm , people who were in deep sleep got awakened by coughing, severe eye irritation, feeling of suffocation and burning in respiratory tract. Thousands of people had died by the following morning. The problem was made worse by the plant’s location near a densely populated area, non-existent catastrophe plans, shortcomings in health care and socio-economic rehabilitation . Analysis shows that the parties responsible for the magnitude of the disaster are the two owners, Union Carbide Corporation and the Government of India and to some extent, the Government of Madhya Pradesh. From a Union Carbide factory killed a total of 16,000 people and injured half a million, Bhopal has become synonymous symbol with an absence of industrial safety measures.

Published by: Greema Micahel K.

Author: Greema Micahel K.

Paper ID: V5I3-1862

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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Research Paper

Experimental study on durability assessment of concrete structures due to various chemical attacks

The strength and durability of concrete after casting changes at variance factors regarding physical and chemical damages. Concrete structures with steel-reinforcement are in a continuous and losing life with corrosiveness that naturally occurs from long-term exposure to an aggressive environment. The concrete structure like dams, canals, bridges which have the influence of water forms various types of chemical reactions which include carbonation attack, sulfate attack, chloride attack, alkali-aggregate reaction, etc. Chemical reactions, either intrinsic or extrinsic, are one of the main reason for concrete’s deterioration. The present dissertation consists of an analysis of the chemical expansive reactions in concrete element, the alkalis aggregate reaction, and the internal sulfuric reaction. During the carbonation process, the fundamental element identified in the concrete microstructure is calcite which comes outs at the surface of concrete structure, in the form of cracks. When carbon dioxide causes by environment come contact into the concrete structure and effect with calcium hydroxide to create calcium carbonate this phenomenon is called as carbonation. Carbonation usually describes by ph value which indicates the depth of reaction in the structure. The depth of carbonation directly affects the life of the structure in the year. Through the years to overcome this problem the solution is being discovered by performing various experiments on Concrete after and before the casting. Which gave us the Chemical test like by increasing the CO2 binding capacity, improving CaO Value and physical tests such as applying an epoxy coating, etc. After all, performing the various types of test for a particular outcome finally check for durability tests for the concrete structure is taking place for better result. There are many of them but in this case, it will be ph indicator, UTM and CTM are being discussed. This project address the study of chemical reaction which is take place on various type of concrete structures and affect the durability and strength of it.

Published by: Venkatesh B. Panmand, Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni

Author: Venkatesh B. Panmand

Paper ID: V5I3-1913

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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Research Paper

Performance analysis of flat plate hybrid PV/T solar water collector system

Solar Photovoltaic module converts the light component of solar radiation into electrical output measured in watts and heat part is absorbed by module increasing its operating temperature which reduces the electrical efficiency of the module by 10 to 35%. Hence by using the external cooling system, the module temperature can be reduced to improve electrical power efficiency. This cooling system is called a photovoltaic heat exchanger. The cooling system fitted to the backside of the PV module produces thermal power(in terms of hot water), can be used for low-temperature applications. Combined PV module and heat exchanger generating both electrical and thermal power are called as hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) solar system. Performance of a direct flow heat exchanger and its effect on the hybrid PV/T system is studied in the current paper. The experimental analysis and results like performance efficiencies of Photovoltaic, thermal and PV/T system at different loading conditions were discussed and evaluated for the latitude of Kalyan, Mumbai. The results at solar radiation of 6.52 kWh/m2/day and water mass flow rate of 0.04 kg/sec through heat exchanger showed improvement in combined PV/T efficiency of 73.7% with PV efficiency of 12.7% and performance ratio of 70.5%.

Published by: Snehal Prabhakar Sonawane, H. B. Chaudhari

Author: Snehal Prabhakar Sonawane

Paper ID: V5I3-1902

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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Research Paper

Green concrete with high-volume fly ash and slag with recycled aggregate and recycled water to build future sustainable cities

Building sustainable green cities for the future can be difficult or highly challenging as such cities need to reduce their environmental footprint through eco-friendly materials, resource and energy conservation, as well as renewable energy generation. This paper proposes three new types of sustainable concretes in an attempt to further reduce the carbon footprint. In Type I, a total of 4 concrete mixes were made with a high volume GGBFS with 60, 70, 80, and 90% replacement of ordinary portland cement (OPC),100% recycled water (RW), and 100% recycled aggregate (RA). The same replacement ratios were used in Type II but with only 100% RA. In Type III, a total of four concrete mixes made with a high volume fly ash (FA) cement with 40, 50, 60, and 70% replacement of OPC. The paper provides information on the mix design, full justification of CO2 footprint, and the cost for each concrete mix. The hardened and plastic properties and durability test parameters for each mix are presented. The results showed that the fly ash and slag significantly reduced the carbon footprint and meet the requirements of future sustainable cities. An economical mix with 90% GGBFS and 10% OPC was nominated for use in the future construction of sustainable cities with 125 kg=m3 emissions.

Published by: M. Mothilal, K. Mounika

Author: M. Mothilal

Paper ID: V5I3-1881

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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Research Paper

In vitro micropropagation of Cheilanthes farinosa (Forssk.) Kaulf. Pteridaceae

Cheilanthes farinosa is a pteridophytic plant belongs to the family Pteridaceae is a rare plant of rhizome up to 1 cm. in diam. Sori minute, 1 mm. in diam, closely set along the margins of the pinna segments. The plant roots are used to treat eczema and stomachache; fronds are used to treat menstrual disorders. Rhizomes and roots are used to treat gout, rheumatism and used as general tonics. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory, skin disorders and rheumatism etc., So the Cheilanthes farinosa plant was chosen for conservation through micropropagation. The sporangia are used as explant. MS medium with 3.5mgL-1 of BAP and GA3 shows the high growth rate and 2.4mgL-1 of IBA and KIN shows the slow growth rate. After 1 month of inoculation, the gametophytic body was developed. And it was subculture to MS medium containing various concentrations of BAP and GA3.

Published by: Kavitha R., Prabakaran R.

Author: Kavitha R.

Paper ID: V5I3-1869

Paper Status: published

Published: June 17, 2019

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