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Analysis and optimization of Ti (Grade-5) on µ-EDM by using Taguchi Methods

During the last decennium, there has been perpetuating authoritative ordinance of compact, integrated and diminutive size product by a nontraditional process for precise and cost efficacious quantification of material properties. These are needed for machining for implements and product design, the development of micro-size components, the growing desiderata for microfeature generation. Micromanufacturing process has different materials capability and machining performance designation. Machining performance designation of concern includes minimum feature size, tolerance, surface finish and MRR and application of advanced, which is very arduous to machine materials. They have made the micro EDM a paramount manufacturing process to meet these authoritative ordinances. Micro EDM technology has been widely utilized in engenderment, aerospace, aircraft, medical and virtually all areas of conductive material machining. Ti (Grade 5) is ever engendered in manufacturing industries. It is capable to withstand in very high temperature and the excellent resistance in mechanical and chemical debilitate. The Ti (Grade 5) aluminum predicated superalloys are having high vigor thermal conflict with very hard material characteristics it is withal very good corrosion resistance in many conditions of engineering application. Due to very tough in nature and the machinability has been studied by many researchers on these materials and been carried out for the last few years. This objective of this project is to investigate the performance of Micro EDM machining on Ti materials.

Published by: Aditi Tiwari, Manoj Patel

Author: Aditi Tiwari

Paper ID: V5I3-1895

Paper Status: published

Published: June 15, 2019

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Research Paper

Solar powered seed sowing machine and spray pump

The seed sowing machine is the main equipment of the agriculture field. It is used for seed sowing and plantation. Population increasing rapidly day by day, therefore, it is necessary to meet the food demands hence it has to be developed seed sowing machine. Traditional method consumes more power as well as time with less efficiency. Labor availability becomes a major problem for farmers. This machine requires less man power as well as overall cost. So it is important to develop more efficient methods. Application of Non-conventional energy is the only another option to fulfill demands. In this paper, the development of solar-powered seed sowing machine is mentioned.

Published by: Pramod B. Magade, Abhijeet G Kulkarni, Akshay Bhoi, Nilesh Waykar, Dnyaneshwar Karad

Author: Pramod B. Magade

Paper ID: V5I3-1885

Paper Status: published

Published: June 15, 2019

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Research Paper

A Descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding Reverse Osmosis waste water utilization among general public of Indore District

A method of extracting essentially pure, fresh water from polluted or salt water by forcing the water under pressure against a semipermeable membrane, which passes the pure water molecules and filters out salts and other dissolved impurities. all reverse osmosis units produce waste water. the waste water ratio to filtered water ratio can be changed, but not eliminated. Wastewater is any water that has been affected by human use. Households may produce waste water from flush toilets, sinks, dishwashers, washing machines, bath tubs, and showers. The study aims to assess the knowledge regarding Reverse Osmosis wastewater utilization among the general public of Indore District. Material and methods A quantitative research approach, the descriptive research design was adopted for the study. Total 30 general public selected by using Non randomized purposive sampling technique was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Major findings of the study it is found that among the general public are 3.3% of the general public having is adequate knowledge and 13.33% is inadequate knowledge and 83.33% is moderate knowledge. Statistical analysis showed that the mean value of reverse osmosis waste water utilization is 7.7. A significant difference was found at the score. (p>0.05 Thus the study revealed that there is a significant association with the selected socio-demographic variables regarding knowledge of reverse osmosis waste water utilization among the general public. so it conculated that alternative hypothesis H01 was accepted and null hypothesis H0 was rejected. Hence the research hypothesis HA1 is accepted there is significant Association between the knowledge scores regarding reverse osmosis waste water utilization and socio demographic variables of general public.

Published by: Seema Chourasia, Suneetha V., Amita Paul

Author: Seema Chourasia

Paper ID: V5I3-1871

Paper Status: published

Published: June 15, 2019

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Improvement of firefighting techniques by using sound waves

Fire is a particularly feared hazard. Therefore, a fire extinguisher is very important equipment. Unfortunately, existing fire extinguisher has some drawbacks such as using a chemical compound which is dangerous and it leaves a residue. Therefore, the need for a new fire extinguisher method is needed to overcome this problem. After various researches, it was found that sound waves can be used as an alternative method to extinguish flames. Acoustic pressure and air velocity produced from a speaker is the fundamental concept used to explain how sound waves put off flames. In this paper, we proposed a new method using the sound wave to extinguisher fire. Our method was using a speaker and a converging tube to focus the sound wave to overcome the fire energy and thus put the fire down. The aim is to develop a portable fire extinguisher to study and analyzes the effect of different frequency of a sound wave on flames. Experiments are conducted to find a suitable frequency range to extinguish the flame and to analyze the acoustic-flame interaction. Three different sources of flames were used with three different states of fuel (solid, liquid and gas). Using this method, a different set of experiments were conducted to find the range of frequencies within which fire can be extinguished and found that fire can be extinguished between 48 Hz to 60 Hz. Also, we found the optimum frequency as 53Hz. From the result of the experiment, the sound waves manage to extinguish all flames of different fuel types. We also found the applications of this extinguisher at Travancore Titanium Products (TTP) Ltd., Kerala, India. However, in both experiments the flame boundary used was relatively small as compared real fire accidents due to safety consideration. Nevertheless, this sound wave based fire suppression technology could be used to combat early stages of fire accidents.

Published by: Thejas R. P., Saidaly S., Vaishnav A. B., Muhammad Noorulla B., Anuraj A. R.

Author: Thejas R. P.

Paper ID: V5I3-1830

Paper Status: published

Published: June 15, 2019

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Research Paper

The state finances in Assam- An overview

India’s state finances have suffered from many difficulties and there is an adverse trend from the 1980s. The state government has been facing various budgetary hardship which affecting their developmental expenditure. Among the hardships, inadequate revenue sources, low central transfers are prominent. The Indian constitution sets three fold classifications for expenditure responsibility between the state and center. Constitution accordingly also sets forth the respective taxation powers of center and state governments. It is generally perceived that the state taxation powers are inadequate in relation to their expenditure responsibilities and that imbalances have been worsening over time. In addition to center state tax collection and sharing, the constitution has some other provision of resource transfers to the states through various mechanisms determined by the finance commissions. The finance commission plays a vital role in center state tax sharing and resource transfers. The planning commission and both five year and one-year plans which are not mandated in the constitution, have become a very important part of center-state financial relation. Transfer to support state plans have been determined by the ‘Gadgil formula’ and through other CSS’s. Various centrally sponsored schemes have become an increasingly important source of funding for state government budgets. But since they are time-bound and subsequent recurrent expenditure responsibilities devolve wholly on the states, the schemes are argued to worsen the long term fiscal situation of states. Central government employees pay structure also increase the pressure of various state governments from their employees. However, this factor will become less important in the future because almost all the states are coming into the line along with central government.

Published by: Dr. Brajendra Saikia

Author: Dr. Brajendra Saikia

Paper ID: V5I3-1891

Paper Status: published

Published: June 14, 2019

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Research Paper

A study on self-help groups in Ramanagar district of Karnataka, India

A group of 4 to 20 members can form a self-help group. They develop a habit of savings. The amount so collected is used for disbursement of the loan. Those who do not have formal banking facilities can avail these loans for self-employment and livelihood. The self-help SHG and microfinance is for those who do not have access to formal credit facilities. Self-help groups become the basis for action and change. It also helps to build mutual trust between the promoting organization and the poor through constant contact and genuine efforts. Thus Self-help groups disburse microcredit to the rural and urban poor for the purpose of making them self-reliant and encouraging them to enter into small business activities. The main purpose of this Article is to evaluate the performance of the 5005 Self-help groups and the attitude of members of the Self-help groups towards economic impact, social impact and psychological impact. Self-help groups are necessary to overcome exploitation, create confidence for the economic self-reliance of rural and urban people. These groups enable to come together for a common purpose and gain strength from each other to deal with exploitation, which they are facing in their daily life.

Published by: Krishna C. P., Dr. Ramesha H. H.

Author: Krishna C. P.

Paper ID: V5I3-1840

Paper Status: published

Published: June 14, 2019

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