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Research Paper

Automation of Movement Register

Daily a lot of employees go on business visit to complete the assigned task or to meet business units. So keeping record of movement digitally and utilize its data in form of dashboard like how many visits conducted BU wise or team wise per month is important. So it is necessary to manage such meetings/visits and it’s outcome for future reference purposes. The large volume of such detection and verification makes Automation of Movement register by capturing Geo Co-ordinates along date-time is desirable.

Published by: Anunay Vishnu

Author: Anunay Vishnu

Paper ID: V5I3-1837

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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Research Paper

Vibrational analysis of carbon fiber steering wheel

The most transport truck directing course of action is to turn the front wheels utilizing a hand worked controlling wheel which is situated before the Driver. The directing segment, which contain an all inclusive joint which is a piece of the collapsible controlling section which is intended to enable it to veer off from a straight line as indicated by the Roadmap. In 4 wheel controlling with three mode activity three guiding modes can be changed as required which helps with stopping at substantial traffic conditions, when arranging territories where short turning sweep is required and in rough terrain Driving. For reducing weight of steering wheel carbon fiber used. The 3D model of steering wheel will be made with the assistance of CATIA V5 Software. The Model Analysis will be carried out using ANSYS19.2 . The experimental Impact Hammer testing will be carried out. Comparative analysis will be carried out between Analysis results and experimental results. Result & Conclusion will be discussed & suitable future scope will be suggested.

Published by: Pramod B. Magade, Parag P. Deshattiwar, Kiran L. Bhoite

Author: Pramod B. Magade

Paper ID: V5I3-1826

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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Research Paper

Essential modern way of teaching and learning process

My research paper gives an essential modern way of teaching and learning process to all world. Through graphs and surveys, it is proved that the traditional teaching method is very boring, a teacher-centered, Apathetic, students dislike so the progress of the students has been certainly reduced. On the contrary, in the classroom teaching use the combination of modern technology (using interactive animated flipbook) & constructivism always drop a positive effect on students.

Published by: Machhindra Raghunath Kumbhar

Author: Machhindra Raghunath Kumbhar

Paper ID: V5I3-1790

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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Fresh and hardened state properties of fiber reinforced self compacting concrete

Even though concrete has achieved considerable progress in material science and construction technology, still it is having its own limitations, viz concrete cannot flow past obstructions into nooks and crannies. Thorough compaction is required to get enough strength and durability of concrete. Self-compacting concrete is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can be spread into place, fill the formwork and hold to the reinforcement without any mechanical compaction. Compared to ordinary concrete self-compacting concrete increases the workability and durability. Fibres may be used to enhance the properties of self-compacting concrete such as flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete. Fibres such as glass, polymer, steel, synthetic, natural etc… are used in Fibre-reinforced self- compacting concrete. Steel fibres are used to enhance mechanical characteristics such as flexural strength and toughness. Polymer fibres may be used to reduce segregation and plastic shrinkage or to increase fire resistance. Advantages of Fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete are an increase in durability, arrest the cracks, increase in energy absorption, reduces sudden failures etc… Various fresh property tests conducted for self-compacting concrete are V-funnel, U-funnel, L-box and flow test(as per EFNARC guidelines). Hardened state tests are compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength.

Published by: Dade Thejaswini, Annam Jagadeesh, Mandru Sanjay

Author: Dade Thejaswini

Paper ID: V5I3-1836

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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Research Paper

ICT for risk mitigation of open to sky livelihoods

Small and Marginal Fisher-folk, Farmers, Livestock owners need optimal information from the sky, ground and from the surrounding environment at the right time from the right source to move up the curve of Income Generation. Most support they seek is not in the form of money or assets but a little knowledge to make a decision which could help them cope with a situation and prevent them from thinking of the inevitable on their fight to balance their walk on the tight rope of the livelihood chosen by them. To minimize arbitrage out of time difference, not for profit programs aim to cover a maximum number of homogenous farmers/fisher-folk lateral literates using Information Communication Technology (ICT). They also have a toll free helpline number which gives them assurance of the existence of the users. A potential user of information immediately confirms the customized content in conversation with an expert to confirm the content of the voice message and also to understand better over a dialogue in his own language. Many other users learn from such peer who has confirmed it with an expert. We see that this kind of Attention Economy, which uses ICT, depends on Persuasion Technology (E.g. A voice message requires a text follow up and then many times conversation with a human expert in users own language then alone he uses (adopts) the information delivered). In this given scenario we may measure the value of information by the amount of risk reduced.

Published by: Dr. N. Ganga Vidya

Author: Dr. N. Ganga Vidya

Paper ID: V5I3-1828

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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Research Paper

Clustering for the decision making in data and business analytics

The term clustering is a very important in the field of data analytics and in building the decision and for reaching to the conclusion to make the decision from the given data set. How clustering is use in the process of decision making with different methods and processes, we will get to learn by this paper. The clustering is used for the prescriptive model by which it will form the decision. The clustering is used for the process of predictive model analysis to the prescriptive model analysis.

Published by: Suhani Jain

Author: Suhani Jain

Paper ID: V5I3-1753

Paper Status: published

Published: June 11, 2019

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