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Experimental investigation on concrete with phosphogypsum

Phosphogypsum is a by-product in the wet process for the manufacture of phosphoric acid (ammonium phosphate fertilizer) by the action of sulphuric acid on the rock phosphate. The disposal of phosphogypsum is a serious environmental problem. This problem along with the scarcity of cement, environmental pollution associated with the manufacture of cement and its increased cost can be solved to some extent by replacing a certain quantity of cement in concrete with phosphogypsum. Our present study deals with the experimental investigation on compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength of phosphogypsum concrete. The study aims to determine the optimum amount of phosphogypsum that can give maximum strength to concrete. The experiment consists of testing partially replaced phosphogypsum concrete using 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% replacement of cement with phosphogypsum. Based on the experimental investigation conducted and the subsequent analysis of test results, the following conclusions are drawn. The percentage increase in compressive strength (at water-cement ratio 0.5) at 8% phosphogypsum content, when compared with plain concrete is more than 20%. The percentage increase in split tensile strength (at water-cement ratio 0.5) at 8% phosphogypsum content, when compared with plain concrete, is around 10%. The percentage increase in flexure strength (at water-cement ratio 0.5) at 8% phosphogypsum content, when compared with plain concrete is around 30%.

Published by: R. Ashok Kumar, R. Manisha

Author: R. Ashok Kumar

Paper ID: V5I3-1819

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Design and fabrication of coffee bean sorter machine

This paper focuses on the design and fabrication of a coffee bean sorter machine. The main purpose of this machine is to sort the coffee bean cherries based on their color before they get peel and roasted for a better quality of the coffee. Sorting of products is a very difficult industrial process. Manual sorting is the traditional approach preferred by industries. In this approach, a visual inspection performed by human operators. This traditional approach is tedious, time-consuming, slow and non-consistent. Continuous manual sorting creates consistency issues. This describes a working prototype designed for continuous recognition and automatic sorting of coffee cherries based on the color. The system has the ability to sort the object according to their colors into the respective color station in minimum time. TCS230 sensor was used to detect the color of the product and the microcontroller was used to control the overall process. The experimental results promise that the prototype will fulfill the needs for higher production and precise quality in the field of automation.

Published by: Chaitanya Chowdary Burugupalli, Deekshith D. S., Krishna Bhargava K. R., Deepak Dinesh Kumar, Manjunath Naik H. R.

Author: Chaitanya Chowdary Burugupalli

Paper ID: V5I3-1823

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Recognition and overcoming of Dysarthria

Speech disorder is a condition where a person can-not properly create speech sounds required for communication. About 5% of children in the world suffer by speech disorders. Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder which results in slurred or slow speech that is hard to understand. It is a neurological disorder, that affects the muscles which help to produce speech. In this paper we propose a method where machine learning can be used to predict the actual word spoken by dysarthric patients while the dysarthric speech may not be clearly understood by the common man. We have also proposed a method to predict the gender of the speaker and severity of dysarthria in patients. We have also built an application which has also the above mentioned features along with the option of saving the details and also emailing the data.

Published by: Anurag A. S., Dr. M. N. Jayaram, Jeevan D'souza, Manoj M. S., Abhishek P.

Author: Anurag A. S.

Paper ID: V5I3-1746

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Regional transport services through smart governance using bigdata

Smart Governance is the process of utilizing modern technology to create a transparent and sustainable environment for citizens and the government. Intelligence through smart governance is utilized to upgrade decision making through a better collaboration including government and citizens by utilizing heterogeneous techniques and technology through smart governance. Transportation is being the vital concern for enormous countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal etc; where the vehicles are increasing in big numbers which include variety of vehicles like two-wheelers, cars and heavy vehicles where all the vehicles have to get registered at Regional Transport Office(RTO) which are situated all over the country in various states. The motive of this paper is to store an enormous range of vehicle data and extract the information in a smart and efficient manner by utilizing the Big data technology.

Published by: Ramya R., Asha K. H., Navyashree V. Shetty, Meghana M. V., Manasa B. V.

Author: Ramya R.

Paper ID: V5I3-1834

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Efficient and secure data access control with multiple attribute authority in public cloud storage

One of the main challenges in public cloud storage is accessing the data. There are various techniques to provide flexible, fine-grained and secure control access and one among them is Cipher-text policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE). In CP-ABE scheme, single attribute authority executes legitimacy verification and secret key distribution and this results in a single point bottleneck approach. When this scheme is applied on a large scale cloud then the user must wait for a longer period to obtain the secret key and performance of the system becomes low. To overcome single point bottle neck problem, a heterogenous framework is used which employs multiple attribute authorities. This framework shares the load of user legitimacy verification. In the new scheme, central authority acts as the administrator of the system and shares the secret key whereas the multiple attribute authority manages the whole attribute set independently. Proposed scheme enhances more security and improves the efficiency of the system.

Published by: Chandan G., Achutha H. Bharadwaj, Bhuvanendra R. Hirewadeyar, Deepak S., B. S. Umashankar

Author: Chandan G.

Paper ID: V5I3-1832

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Antimicrobial activity of few regional Plants

The present work is aimed to screen and test the anti-microbial properties of active principles, extracted from a few of the plants commonly grown in various parts of Koppal locality. Modern scientific medicine has concentrated to a large extent on curative or system regulating medicines, many other medicines that are synthetics also duplicated the plant products chemically, but there is nothing as good and as pure as nature. Some of the medicinal plants are believed to cure practically every human ailment from head to toe; no doubt many mineral and animal products are used as medicines. But it is the plants and their products that contribute to a greater extent in the preparation of medicine (Hill, 1979). Well, the best of these herbal medicines have in fact been incorporated in modern medicines. There is much to explore from the herbs of medicinal value using our knowledge that has been perpetuated from generations. In the present study, the ethonolic extract of E.officinalis indicated the strong inhibition against S.typhi, E.coli, and P.aeruginosa. Indicating the antibacterial activity against the pathogenic organisms.

Published by: Murlidhar Shingri

Author: Murlidhar Shingri

Paper ID: V5I3-1831

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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