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Review Paper

A study of signature-based and behaviour-based malware detection approaches

In the present scenario, one of the biggest threats to computers and mobile devices is malware. There are two approaches to detect and prevent malware infections: Signaturebased and Behavior-based approach. The Signature-based approach is more widely used, but this outlook can only be used to detect existing and old malwares and it does not allow understanding future threats and militating against these threats. The Behaviorbased approach uses a dynamic analysis method to understand and classify malwares. However, it is still not as favored as its counterpart due to its limiting behavior. In this paper, we study both Signature-based and Behavior-based approaches to determine which the favorable approach to malware detection is.

Published by: Adit Kumar Chakravarty, Aditya Raj, Subham Paul, Apoorva S.

Author: Adit Kumar Chakravarty

Paper ID: V5I3-1824

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Review Paper

The role of women in higher education in India

Knowledge is the life of every Indian woman. It results with the experience that she gains from the environment and the supporting world around her, which allow her to live as knowledgeable productive members of the society. The homely environment with mother’s love is the first source of learning for the child a and an educated mother would create an environment, allowing her children to gather and analyze information, which helps in adapting to bigger society in future. Critical thinking and analysis will make children better members of society. To educate someone is to deliberately teach them something new and higher education for women is most powerful means to evolve through/beyond the current economic and social crisis in India and to teach her children the art of thinking and analysis before entering the school for education

Published by: Dr. S. V. G. V. A. Prasad, A. Ch. Sravanthi, K. T. N. Jyothi, K. V. Lakshmi

Author: Dr. S. V. G. V. A. Prasad

Paper ID: V5I3-1817

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Online organic food shopping using Artificial Intelligence and Android

Online Organic Food Shopping Using AI and Android Application, can lead to error-free, secure, reliable and fast management system. It can assist the user to concentrate on their other activities rather concentrate on the record keeping. Thus it will help society in better utilization of the resource. The society can maintain computerized records without redundant entries. That means the one need not be distracted by information that is not relevant while being able to reach the information. The valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. Basically, the project describes how to manage for good performance and better services for the clients.

Published by: Dattatray Chavan, Preeti Kusanale, Amogh Tubachi, Trupti Minaki, Vishal Danawade

Author: Dattatray Chavan

Paper ID: V5I3-1815

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Single robot path planning using nature inspired algorithm in a static environment

This paper proposes a solution to the problem of Path Planning for a robot in a static environment consisting of obstacles using Nature inspired Algorithm. Here, in this case, we have applied a very efficient search Algorithm known as Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. The main focus is to minimize the length of the path taken by the robot from an initial position to target position and at the same time avoiding any obstacles that occur in the path of the robot. Particle Swarm Optimization uses different techniques of searching for the most Cost efficient path by the use of random simulations of different possible paths and comparing their costs. Simulations are achieved in MATLAB and are further demonstrated in this paper.

Published by: Agrim Mehra, Prakash Kumar Singh, Ankur Kumar, Deepak Kumar Rastogi

Author: Agrim Mehra

Paper ID: V5I3-1774

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Implementation of HOG algorithm on eye controlled wheelchair using Python language

The eye-controlled wheelchair is a flexible device for persons with restrained or severe locomotor disabilities, ameliorating movement further for the aged. There are numerous interfaces for wheelchair obtainable within the market, but still, they continue to be under-utilized because they require the presence of mind, ability, and power to control them. The proposed model is an alternative that tries to form the lives of those individuals easy by helping them move around as they wish and not a burden on others. An individual littered with paralysis will move his eyes and may tilt his head partially. Thus, A wheelchair that is totally controlled with eye movements and blinks has been designed in which python software is used & processing of eyeball movement is done which employs the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm. The Arduino drives the motor driver circuit. The motors connected to the wheelchair support differential steering that avoids clumsy motion. The wheelchair has been supplied with a joystick to make sure safe movement just in case of tired vision and with a security stop button, which is able to prevent the wheelchair movement at his own case.

Published by: CH. V. Naga Bhaskar, Y. Harika

Author: CH. V. Naga Bhaskar

Paper ID: V5I3-1820

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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Research Paper

Role of individual saving accounts in Social Security Transformation

The general purpose of the study was to do an investigation on the role that the individuals and savings accounts play towards the Social Security Transformation. The research problem was how most of the Americans perceive the Social Security experience. Most of them see this as the long haul funding issue which should be looked into so as to come up with the solution. The design of this research will entail looking at both the individuals who are below the age of 35 years and those that have retired. It will also entail conducting some interviews from various individuals and stakeholders who are in relation to this issue. After conducting the research, it was found out that most of the youths are not sure about the Social Security Fund. This is because they do not believe that laborers can bear higher finance charges. The research also found out that scaling up of the individual accounts has a lot of advantages. It was also found out that individual account planning can vary in two ways namely; laborer's definitive retirement benefit hanging exclusively on the span of workers’ commitments and achievement of laborer's speculation strategy and within the individual record framework, benefits will be compensated out of huge collections for exclusive reserve funds. The research also found out some threats to the individual account namely; investment threat and deficit threat. Lastly, it was found out that the most applicable way for enhancing the wellbeing of the youthful employees and those employees that have retired is giving the support countrywide sparing in order to get more future salaries which can be shared amongst the employees.

Published by: Aryan Yogi

Author: Aryan Yogi

Paper ID: V5I3-1818

Paper Status: published

Published: June 10, 2019

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