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Research Paper

Automated human detection and tracking for surveillance applications

Automated surveillance systems are gaining importance because of their vast applications at the border while security is concerned. Various algorithms are developed and technologies are used to improve the efficiency of these surveillance systems. Efforts are being made to reduce the number of false alarms and detect any kind of suspicious activity happening in the region of suspicion within no seconds. These suspicious activities include drug smuggling, illegal immigrants crossing the borders and last but not the least, terrorist intrusion. These activities need to be detected and analyzed in order to conclude if the activity is suspicious enough to be classified as a threat. The existing systems deployed at the border are not efficient enough to detect threats and hence this paper is designed with an objective of presenting a better algorithm to make a better automated surveillance system. The sole purpose of this algorithm is to increase security at the border because safeguarding the border till date continues to remain a challenge to our country.

Published by: Amritha Sharma, Milind Pathak, Avaneesh Tripathi, Parth Vijay, Shitalkumar A Jain

Author: Amritha Sharma

Paper ID: V5I3-1731

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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Research Paper

Solar power to empower India for economic growth and development

Renewable source of energies are playing an important role in the national and international podium. There has been tremendous increase in solar power in India and this energy is utilized for further development of the household and industrial sector.Various initiatives have been taken to promote the development of Solar Power in India. This renewable energy is not only strengthening the economic sector but it is also empowering the social sector by creating many employment opportunities. Thus, solar power can be considered an important tool for promoting overall economic development.

Published by: Dr. Runa Paul

Author: Dr. Runa Paul

Paper ID: V5I3-1729

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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Research Paper

Chatbot for healthcare system using Artificial Intelligence

The Chatbots are the computer programs that interact with the users using natural language. The chatbot stores the information in the database to identify the keywords from the sentences and make a decision for the query and answers the question. In this paper keyword, ranking and sentence similarity calculation is done using n-gram, TF-IDF and cosine similarity. From the given input sentence, the score will be obtained for each sentence and more similar sentences are obtained for the given query. The query posed to the bot which isn't comprehended or not present in the database is further processed by the third party, expert system.

Published by: Kavitha B. R., Dr. Chethana R. Murthy

Author: Kavitha B. R.

Paper ID: V5I3-1727

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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Review Paper

Design and manufacturing of die and punch for RM-800 load cell braided sheet

Now a day’s sheet metal working processes are widely used in almost all industries like automotive, defense, mechanical industries. Also, sheet metal working processes are predominantly used as various reasons not only for industrial purpose but also utilized for commercial purpose as well. For that many people are working in developing the new trends using their innovative ideas. Especially indie design, many die sets are made for different functions such as progressive die, compound die, etc. This project is also based on a new design of die punch. The main aim of this project is to design a new die with interchangeable punches also reduce the weight of the material by means of changing the material of die set. The project mainly focuses on different operations done on single die set in a single stroke of the press, presently these operations are done separately in five steps which include four drills and one plasma cutting. These operations are leading to reduce the production rate and increasing the cycle time with cost as well. As per our new die set, this should constantly eliminate the loss in the production time and reduce the manpower for loading and unloading of the work piece. The parts of die sets, punch and die are designed and assembled in the Creo Parametric 1.0.

Published by: Rushank D. Patil, Swastik S. Gandhi, Mayur D. Esave, Rajesh Mhetre

Author: Rushank D. Patil

Paper ID: V5I3-1717

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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Research Paper

An adaptive authorization in OpenStack cloud platform using MAPE-K

In recent years, Cloud computing has been receiving great attention from various business and research organizations as it promises to provide large storage facilities and highly managed remote Services. However, at the same time, it faces many technical challenges like privacy, reliability, security, etc. Insider threat is one of the most critical security threats for any Industry. Many researchers have been done and are being carried out in the field of cybersecurity for malicious insider attacks. Thus, the first element of such an attack is the internal user. Self-adaptive systems have shown to be able to provide an appropriate solution to treat these problems due to their efficiency and effectiveness. PERMIS role-based authorization infrastructure along with its conceptual authorization, access control, and trust models. It supports history-based decision making but PERMIS does not provide any authentication mechanism but leaves it up to the application to determine what to use. Applying SAAF to OpenStack would require considerable refactoring because OpenStack components that are responsible for dealing with authorization issues based on the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) model. OpenStack Keystone is quite different from that of PERMIS, The applicability of the proposed architecture is exemplified by means of possible responses to the insider threats scenarios. Responses are captured and incorporated into the MAPEK controller of the proposed architecture. The responses may have a different level of impact over the user, the role, or the service being accessed. It is possible that some of the responses may disrupt access to legitimate users whilst removing access to insider threats.

Published by: Kandala Saikiran, M. S. V. Sashi Kumar

Author: Kandala Saikiran

Paper ID: V5I3-1668

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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Research Paper

Study of aquatic environment of Khar Danda sea coast

The seacoast of Khar Danda 18.96°N and 72.82°E is to the western edge of Mumbai shore of Bandra Suburb at an altitude of 10m to 15m. It has a tropical climate and temperature varying from min 18°C to max 37°C. The sea line is marked by black Deccan basalt sea rocks. It receives torrential Indian Ocean monsoon rains, between June and September. The Khar-Danda fishing village in the south is the oldest area where Koli community resides to the north is the Carter road Promenade. Human activities like domestic, agricultural or industrial have an impact on water and the ecosystems. Fish farming is the important occupation and several other anthropogenic activities like cremation of dead bodies, domestic sewage, and fecal discharge has tremendously affected the ecosystem of the shore as well as the sea. About 11,494 industries are located in the city and 24,554 industries are located in suburbs, contributing as the major source of industrial pollutants. Nearly half of the Mumbai’s populations about 42% of residents are slum dwellers or homeless lacking sewage and sanitation facilities. They use coastal areas as a natural toilet which results in a huge amount of sewage released directly into the sea. A massive amount of these wastes enter the coastal water in and around Khar Danda which is under the grip of pollution. These pollutants carry soil and particles laden with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and minerals. This nutrient-rich water can cause fleshy algae and phytoplankton to thrive in coastal areas; known as algal blooms, which have the potential to create hypoxic conditions by using all available oxygen. Moreover, a drastic depletion in faunal and floral diversity of the area has been observed causing destruction of mangroves as well as a decline in fishery catches. The Pomfret catch has declined from 24,000 tons in 1982 to 3,000 tons in 2006-07. Also, the Bombay duck catch has crashed from 80,000 tons in 1982 to 23,000 in 2006 (Times of India by S.S.Singh.2010). The Physio-chemical parameters like temperature, pH, Hardness, D.O, B.O.D, CO2 , Nitrate, Nitrite, fecal coliform(FC) and total coliform (TC) studied are presented as a minimum, maximum and mean values to assess the extent of water quality variation throughout the year from OCT. 2017 to SEPT. 2018.The result indicated that parameters were found to be greatly affected.

Published by: Nagma Tamkeen

Author: Nagma Tamkeen

Paper ID: V5I3-1635

Paper Status: published

Published: June 3, 2019

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