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Case Study

A study of air quality index in Tamil Nadu and Delhi region

Air pollution has emerged as one of the challenging problems before mankind in the past few decades. In this study, we are going to study the effects of air pollution in an urban and rural area. By collecting pollution data from the pollution control board. This study is being conducted to compare the pollution level from Tamil Nadu and Delhi In this study we are going to study the difference between air population in Tamil Nadu and Delhi region and the cause of pollution in this area. In this study we are going to collect the pollution data from national ambient air quality monitoring program form the already existing set of data and analyses the cause of pollution and the main pollutants in Tamil Nadu and Delhi In this study we examine the influence some of the main pollutants such as Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Ozone (O3) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2). We will examine the cause of these pollutions in Tamil Nadu and Delhi main aim of this study is to distinguish between the cause of pollution in this area.

Published by: Jason Vinay Selvaraj, Raghu K. M.

Author: Jason Vinay Selvaraj

Paper ID: V5I3-1600

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Islamic banking role in economic growth and development

The banking, venture, and loaning rehearse embraced by Islamic banks have as of late drawn the consideration of numerous specialists and experts. This is particularly after it developed that these money related organizations that apply the Islamic financial model performed better amid the ongoing worldwide money related emergency in 2008 when contrasted with their partners that utilize the ordinary banking rehearses. Islamic banking is a financial framework that works as per Sharia'h laws, which deny charging or getting premiums or putting resources into items and subordinates that are restricted in Islam. Rather, the laws energize benefit and misfortune sharing as opposed to the exchange of dangers. The banks give various money related items in various modes that look like numerous items in customary banking. The Islamic banks did moderately well in contrast with their regular partners amid the budgetary emergency. The exhibition could be to a great extent credited to the financial framework that debilitates showcase theory and pointless dangers while supporting for straightforward money related exchanges dependent on common additions from genuine financial exercises. Other than its clear flexibility amid the worldwide money related emergency, the Islamic financial model has been related with the positive financial development saw in the economies of Malaysia and Joined Arabs Emirates in the previous three decades. There is a need for budgetary foundations, business establishments, administrative experts and buyers to investigate explicit methodologies that would establish attractive highlights for steady and compelling money related framework. The current look into tried to follow the improvement and method of reasoning of the Islamic Banking model just as distinguish the most critical and remarkable qualities that have encouraged the strength of the Islamic Banking area to monetary stuns amid the ongoing worldwide subsidence. Albeit Islamic banks performed altogether better in the worldwide budgetary emergency, they were later fundamentally influenced by the despondency that hit the genuine economy for some nations. Certain loaning rehearses, what's more, venture the board rules following Islamic financial standards rise as being alluring for improving the flexibility and adequacy of business banks for continued financial development and dependability.

Published by: Javed Aslam

Author: Javed Aslam

Paper ID: V5I3-1597

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Comparison of antifungal activity of plant extracts and shampoos against dandruff causing organism Malassezia Species

Dandruff is a scalp disorder whose characteristic feature is excessive shedding of skin cells from the scalp. It is a common problem faced by people of all age groups. It is one of the major cosmetic problems as it ultimately leads to hair fall. Malassezia furfur, a lipophilic basidiomycetous fungus is a causative organism for dandruff. As dandruff is globally prevalent, it needs an effective therapeutic remedy. Presently people are depending on commercial shampoos as a treatment for dandruff. However, plant products contain various compounds like alkaloids, flavanoids, tannins, terpenoids, etc. which have efficient antifungal activity. A comparative study of the effect of commercial antidandruff shampoos and natural plant products to evaluate their anti fungal efficacy lead to the conclusion that the activity of some of the natural extracts was equivalent to that of the commercially available branded shampoos. As crude herbal drugs have been included in traditional medicine and household remedies for a long time, regular usage of these tested plant extracts can reduce the incidence of dandruff.

Published by: Dr. Kutcharlapati Sunita Raju

Author: Dr. Kutcharlapati Sunita Raju

Paper ID: V5I3-1580

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2019

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Campus placement process automation portal

Campus Placement Process Automation Portal is a web-based system which is implemented on the basis of the placement process system being presently used in the University for storing and retrieving the information of students and companies. Placement process system maintains a large database of students wherein all the information of student including the personal records and the academic performance is stored and company information including a profile of company, eligibility criteria and facilities. The software developed retrieves this data and displays as per the user requirements. This placement process System is developed as an attempt to take a record of company and students. The Placement Portal provides the facility of viewing both the personal and academic information of the student and company. It also facilitates to search eligible students, company and insertion and deletion of records by the administrator. Eligible students will receive an email including the details of the company date and time of the interview and location will be provided.

Published by: Chaithra N. V., C. M. Bhargavi, Harish R., Bharath R., Kavyashivashankar

Author: Chaithra N. V.

Paper ID: V5I3-1590

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2019

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Research Paper

Accident detection, avoidance and vehicle safety using IoT and vehicular network

The increase in the population of cities and the number of vehicles leads to increase in congestion on roads and accidents. The lack of quick medical service on road accidents is the major cause of death. In such situation, an automatic accident detection can help to save the loss of life. Due to increase in number of cars there is also an increase in number of accidents on the roads. In this paper, we have designed a proto type for automatic accident detection and Avoidance system using IOT and Vehicle Area Network. The system is able to avoid accident using distance measuring sensors and also detect accidents if they occur using sensors. In case of an accident the location is sent to the hospitals and the nearby vehicle using VANET. The Avoidance sensor will first try to avoid the accident by slowing down the vehicle whenever a nearby obstacle is detected, every if after that an accident is occurred the shock sensors will detect it. The Vehicle will be connected to each other through a server and will communicate with each other, after an accident the hospitals present in that particular Area and the cars present in that area will be informed with the location acquired from GPS. There will also be an alcohol sensor that will detect if the driver has consumed alcohol and lock the car if detected.

Published by: Ashwini Ashok Adsure, Sheetal Aher

Author: Ashwini Ashok Adsure

Paper ID: V5I3-1500

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2019

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Research Paper

Training and development programmes in banking sector

Indian Business and commerce is rousing up in all its directions to face the challenges thrown by the market economy. To survive in this highly competitive world, top management is pressurizing managers to improve excellence, increase efficiency, cut down waste expenditure and eliminate inefficiency. Thus Human Resource Management (HRM) plans strategies and help managers to recruit, select, train and develop employees based on organization requirement. Obviously, the mutual efforts of the manager and the employee assume relevance in this context. And this is where HRM plays a crucial role. HRM raises to set up training programs try to design and carry out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational efficiency. This paper discusses training and Development programs and how it impacts the Employees of Banking Sector

Published by: Ranjitha Meesala

Author: Ranjitha Meesala

Paper ID: V5I3-1598

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2019

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