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Review Paper

Influence of ICT on women’s empowerment

In a developing nation such as India, ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are emerging as an effective instrument for women's empowerment. New possibilities for information sharing and knowledge acquisition for both men and women have been made possible by the development of ICTs. The ICT revolution has created challenges and issues in addition to new opportunities for economic and social progress. All facets of society are being affected by its ability to shape and enhance a broad variety of developmental apps in the agricultural, industrial, and social sectors. The growth of people is given special chances through ICT. ICT was expanding inequalities between nations, regions, gender, rich-poor, and elite disregarded also among the several categories of females in different realms of activity. Simultaneously, ICT was enlarging gaps between and within rural-urban, rich-poor, and gender. Building up the skills of women is essential if they are to be included in productive endeavors, institutional development, family and social change, political representation, decision-making, trade & commerce, entrepreneurship development, and social leadership. There is a need to increase the odds of women owning, running, and controlling enterprises in all industries, especially service-based IT firms. Additionally, there is a requirement to expand their employment opportunities in e-related fields, rather than limiting them to call centers, telecentres, data entry-level jobs, and lower levels in organizations, and to higher managerial and technical positions in government & non-government organizations, research, and educational institutions. ICT must address all of these issues affecting women as a whole and be utilized to help create a society where women are empowered.

Published by: Arnav Bansal, Ridhi Jindal

Author: Arnav Bansal

Paper ID: V9I1-1168

Paper Status: published

Published: February 7, 2023

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Research Paper

Work-life balance of employees and its impacts on employee performance at Navdurga MA furniture

The focus of research by HRM specialists and corporate managing teams is shifting more and more toward work-life balance. It involves juggling other obligations, such as spending time with family, following passion/hobbies along with work, participating in leisure activities, and pursuing further education, with paid work. study. Earlier Simply offering good training or job stability helps companies draw in and keep talent. But in the twenty-first century, a lot of workers consider a company's "work-life balance policy" when choosing a job. Since it is easier to locate a new work than a spouse or family, the employee's conclusions are pretty logical. The purpose of this research is to examine how well people in an organization combine their professional and personal lives.

Published by: Shalini Chaturvedi, Sejal .R. Pandey, Dr Sushmita Singh

Author: Shalini Chaturvedi

Paper ID: V9I1-1159

Paper Status: published

Published: February 3, 2023

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Research Paper

Automated stress recognition using supervised learning classifiers and image processing

Our project's key goal is to use vibrant Machine Learning and Image Processing strategies to diagnose tension in IT practitioners. Our system is an updated variant of previous stress monitoring programmers that did not include live identification or personal therapy, but this system includes live detection and daily examination of workers, as well as identifying physical and emotional stress levels in them and delivering proper stress management remedies using a survey form. Our system is mostly focused on stress management and creating a safe and spontaneous work atmosphere for workers in order to get the most out of them during working hours.

Published by: Valluri Anirudh, Bapanapallli Jahnavi, Nanubala Subhash, Mylapalli Taruni, Pidugu Nagendra

Author: Valluri Anirudh

Paper ID: V9I1-1150

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2023

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Research Paper

A study of employee training and development in the reliance industry

Training and development are vital parts of human resource development. It is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted in ever-increasing competition, a rise in customers’ expectations of quality and service, and a subsequent need to lower costs. It also becomes more important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. In on the emerging need for training and development, its implications upon individuals and employers. Training and development play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and in the experiences of people at work. Training has implications for productivity, health, safety at work, and personal development. All organizations employing people need to train and develop their staff. Most organizations are cognizant of this requirement and invest effort and other resources in training and development. Such investment can take the form of employing specialist training and development staff and paying salaries to staff undergoing training and development. Investment in training and development entails obtaining and maintaining space and equipment.

Published by: Parthkumar B. Parmar, Kishan Madam, Sushmita Singh

Author: Parthkumar B. Parmar

Paper ID: V9I1-1151

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2023

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Research Paper

Green HRM practices and it’s impact on private sector banks

Green banking refers to the banking business managed in such a manner that helps for an overall reduction of external carbon emission and internal carbon footprint. The present study attempts to understand the use of Green Banking Products in banking sector and examine the green banking initiatives by Private Sector Banks in India. Study concluded that both Public and Private banks have effectively initiated green banking initiative. Report covers basic concepts of GHRM, GHRM practices adopted by Indian Banks and why banks are adopting GHRM Practices. Provides a detail context and relevance to the problem briefly discussing the findings of other related studies. It also compares various studies done by different researchers and ultimately establishes the fact that Indian research literature suffers from a distinct big gap relating to a lack of in – depth studies.

Published by: Ritvi Jain, Roshni Makkad, Dr. Bijal Shah

Author: Ritvi Jain

Paper ID: V9I1-1155

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2023

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Research Paper

Effectiveness of capacity building programme on the competency of predicting preeclampsia by using glycosylated fibronectin as a point of care biomarker among staff nurses.

Pre-eclampsia(PE) complicates 2–8% of pregnancies globally, and 9% of maternal deaths are attributed to pre-eclampsia in Africa and Asia 1. The study objective is to evaluate the efficacy of the Capacity Building Programme in Predicting Preeclampsia using Glycosylated Fibronectin as a Point of Care Biomarker (GlyFn POC) among Staff Nurses. Methodology: A pre-experimental design was conducted among 40 staff nurses selected through consecutive sampling techniques at selected hospitals in Chennai. Pretest was conducted using background variables proforma, a Structured questionnaire on predicting preeclampsia by using (GlyFn POC), a checklist to assess the competency on (GlyFn POC) and a rating scale for the level of acceptability on the capacity building programme. The capacity building programme was conducted by lecture cum discussion and demonstration method for 2 hours. Post-test was done one week after the intervention, and knowledge and skills were assessed using the same tool. Results: The mean posttest knowledge scores on (GlyFn POC) were higher (21.87 + 3.87) than the pretest knowledge scores (17.32 + 3.45), significant at p <0.0001. Most of the staff Nurses acquired moderately adequate skills, 65%, in performing tests with the (GlyFn POC) to Predict Preeclampsia. Conclusion: Thus, the training program of the health care provider on the updated test helps them to predict preeclampsia at the earliest and protects the pregnant women from complications

Published by: Saranya S., Saraswathy K., Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Dr. Vijayalakshmi

Author: Saranya S.

Paper ID: V9I1-1146

Paper Status: published

Published: January 24, 2023

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