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Ayurvedic and modern literary overview of menopause

Menopause is a natural process and one of the important milestones in women’s life. According to modern science, it is defined as cessation of ovarian function resulting in permanent amenorrhea lasting for at least one year. It causes many changes in the body and mind due to hormonal changes. There is a nearly 50% reduction in androgen production and a 90% reduction in estrogen production at the time of menopause. Due to this various physical, and mental changes occur in women. Degenerative changes start in reproductive organs. Various early and late symptoms are seen. “वृद्धा तत्परतो ज्ञेया सुरतोत्सवर्जिता " -भा.प्र. (यो .र. रात्रीचर्या ६-१०) The ayurvedic lifestyle is based on principles of a naturopathic lifestyle with a lot of discipline and control with medicine . According to Ayurveda menopause is called “Rajonivrutti “. Rajonivruttijanya laxana is a group of symptoms produced by degenerative changes in the body. Degenerative changes are explained in ayurveda as dhatukshaya, Vata dosha dominance is seen in this stage of life.1

Published by: Dr. Mrudula Kulkarni , Dr. Neha Pasale

Author: Dr. Mrudula Kulkarni

Paper ID: V8I3-1358

Paper Status: published

Published: January 17, 2023

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Research Paper

Analysis of effects of Suppressing natural urges explained in Ayurveda – Causing physiological changes in the human body

Ayurveda is a science of life that deals with keeping the body and mind healthy, by protecting them against diseases and curing illness through its various principles. Certain aspects like Dincharya, Ritucharya, Aahara Vidhi Vidhana, Na Vegadharneeya, etc. are given in classical literature to keep one in a healthy state. The concept of Vega in contemporary science, can be compared to natural biological reflexes related to the autonomous nervous system and their suppression will result in Vata aggravation and ultimately may lead to various pathologies in the body. In the present era, because of stressful jobs, due to hesitation, no proper facilities to void, and being engaged in important work, a person may suppress various urges. Ayurveda describes fourteen Vegas and their suppression or premature initiation is a key factor in the manifestation of ailments through disturbance in the equilibrium of Doshas. In this article, diseases produced in the human body by suppressing natural urges as given in the text are discussed along with their treatment and an attempt is made to analyze pathophysiological changes in different organ systems.

Published by: Dr. Parul Gupta, Prof. (Dr) Mahesh Vyas

Author: Dr. Parul Gupta

Paper ID: V9I1-1143

Paper Status: published

Published: January 14, 2023

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Research Paper

Feminist politics in Gandhian thought

While First Wave feminism of the early 19th century was in an advanced stage of addressing women’s issue of suffrage rights and equality, raising the slogan, ‘Personal is political’, Indian women were in their helpless silence of suffering, exploitation, and discrimination. They believed that they are born to suffer and bound to be ruled by men. They were suppressed by the conflicting social status: either worshipped as Goddesses Durga or Sakti on one hand and on the other, tortured as an object of exploitation. Women, when treated objectively, are what Simon de Bouvier, calls ‘the other’. The gender division in patriarchy, is male-centered, where women’s rights and identity, are suppressed under custom and taboos. Except for a few, women in general, are not conscious of the inequality, oppression, and cruelties, they face. Women’s political history in India in its real sense begins in the Gandhian era. Gandhi has absolute confidence in women’s powers and he visualized, an ideal non-violent world, where, women are the right choice for peacemakers and leaders. She is a perfect individual who can exert immense influence on man and society. Gandhi is a feminist in his socio-political perspectives, which are allied to his patriarchal values.

Published by: Dr. Beena Rani B. R.

Author: Dr. Beena Rani B. R.

Paper ID: V9I1-1142

Paper Status: published

Published: January 14, 2023

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Research Paper

How CRM softwares (salesforce) are changing our economy and what to improve in the future

Customer relationship management, or CRM (salesforce), refers to any business growth, customer retention, and customer strategies, methods, systems, and technologies that enhance customer interactions, encourage client retention and boost a company's sales. The goal of the current research was to determine how CRM (Salesforce) software affected US economic growth, job creation, and revenue production in various industries. The information was gathered from previously released journal publications. According to the study's results, CRM (Salesforce) significantly improved the economies of firms employing it globally and in the US in particular. The results show that CRM (Salesforce) has a significant impact on the creation of jobs and the production of revenue in the US. CRM (Salesforce) resulted in the creation of 1486900 jobs in the US in 2020, 1728100 in 2021, 2024500 in 2022, 2271600 in 2023, 2495700 in 2024, and 2721300 in 2025. (2928700). According to similar data, CRM adoption in the United States will generate $120.20 million in 2020. (salesforce). Through the usage of CRM, a revenue of $144.90 million was made in 2021, while revenue of $173.10 million was generated in the US in 2022. (salesforce). According to the forecasted figures, the US would produce $197.30 million in 2023, $212.20 million in 2024, $723.70 million in 2025, and $279.50 million in 2026 via the usage of CRM (Salesforce). Additionally, this study found that Salesforce generates 78.7 billion dollars and 2.75 million jobs across a variety of industries, including 88.76 billion dollars and 1.1671 million jobs in wholesale, 154.2 billion dollars and 1.6073 million jobs in manufacturing, 13.1 billion dollars and 0.4802 million jobs in health and life sciences, 17.05 billion dollars and 0.6228 million jobs in government, 142.52 billion dollars and 1.6701 million jobs in finance, and 87.76 billion dollars and 1.0204 million jobs in finance. This research suggests that in order to enhance their survival rates and provide the most advantages, businesses in the domains of education, media, and the military must adopt CRM (Salesforce) to manage their operations. Salesforce CRM should tighten data security and limit access to personal data to the bare minimum.  

Published by: Ramsharan Nepal

Author: Ramsharan Nepal

Paper ID: V9I1-1139

Paper Status: published

Published: January 14, 2023

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Research Paper

IoT and enabling technologies for precision agriculture

IoT has rapidly changed the growth of every field. IoT refers to network of objects or Things that are connected to internet for making interaction with each other. Things always refer IoT devices, Home appliances and everyday objects which have unique identity. These Things are able to do remote sensing, monitoring and controlling capabilities. These objects have various interfaces for sensor connectivity, internet connectivity and storage. IoT is a predominant technology that automates the traditional activities of each and every filed. It is an umbrella technology that includes various technologies for its effective implementation. The objective of this paper is to present an overview of IoT and its various enabling technologies for an implementation of IoT in traditional agriculture. IoT technologies are broadly classified in to three major categories. They are IoT software, IoT Hardware, IoT Connectivity. IoT technology adaption will perform drastic changes in traditional agriculture. Precision Agriculture using IoT helps farmers to predict the exact requirement of water, fertilizer and pesticides that are directly related to the growth of the crops. Precision Agriculture also helps to predict the climate change, soil nutrition, plant growth and plant disease for enhancing the productivity and profit. Precision Agriculture is suitable for Indian Agriculture to optimize the scared agricultural resources for obtaining high yield. Precision Agriculture uses various sensors such as Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Soil Moisture and Light intensity for gathering parameters directly from the farm land. These parameters are sent to the cloud database through local gateway for further processing. The collected data are analyzed in the cloud database for taking predictive decision. Precision Agriculture insists the farmers to react quickly for optimizing the scared natural resources, monitoring their plant growth, quality and diseases for achieving high yield and profit.

Published by: Sethuramalingam S., Dr S. Arumuga Perumal

Author: Sethuramalingam S.

Paper ID: V8I5-1295

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2023

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Research Paper

Smart Helmet Data Streaming

The world is progressing towards modernity and people are becoming smarter. Today, the impact of technology in our lives is immeasurable and one of the greatest examples of modern technology is Smart Helmet Data Streaming which could be the light at the end of the tunnel. A smart helmet is a type of protective headgear used by the user(worker) which not only protects the user but also has certain smart functionalities like recording a video. The main purpose of this helmet is to provide video surveillance. This can be implemented by using ESP32-CAM and Arduino which can be streamed on a website. This makes it a smart helmet. ESP32-CAM comes with an OV2640 camera and provides an onboard TF card slot. The ESP32-CAM can be widely used in intelligent IoT applications such as wireless video monitoring, Wi-Fi image upload, QR identification, and so on. Which can be used widely for detecting crime, monitoring scenarios and activities, gathering evidence, arriving at the right decisions and maintaining records. Critical surgeries require to be broadcasted to a wider staff and students as a means for engaging, real-time learning. Live streaming can deliver high quality video from the OR to various users and devices. The literature survey done for the same is mentioned in further parts of the report. Around 7 IEEE papers have been referred to for the study and framing of the problem statement. Loopholes amongst the papers or future work mentioned in them provisioned the project with gap identification and thus trying to resolve the same.

Published by: Dr. Rahul Pol, Pranali Sapte, Niraj Indani, Akanksha Shinde, Rahil Khan

Author: Dr. Rahul Pol

Paper ID: V8I5-1277

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2023

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