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Review Paper

Smart jacket based on IoT review

Soldiers are an important part of the army, hence for their safety purpose IoT based device can be designed called Smart Safety Jacket. In order to collect and detect various signals for organizations, it is possible to use wearable devices like smart jackets and other accessories. So it can become easy to respond to different situations Smart jackets consists of materials and remote sensors which coordinates with regards to the human body. It can be used to measure and observe different parameters.

Published by: Dhanaji Sugriv Narwade, Rahul Malvadkar, Akshay More, S. S. Saste

Author: Dhanaji Sugriv Narwade

Paper ID: V5I3-1255

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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Review Paper

Offline signature verification for the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases

Neuron degeneration will be a system of operations in which the neurons lose its structure and functionality this results in the end of neurons. Neuron cells are basically responsible for gathering information, synthesizing the same information and passing appropriate signals, based on the information sent, to other nerve cells. There will be no particular involuntary relationship between handwriting patterns of a patient suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. It is known truth that handwriting of a patient can depict the intensity of the disease, it will also be taken as a symptom and detection tool, yet no standard theory or tool exists. Signature verification is an important biometric technique that aims to detect whether a given signature is forged or genuine. It is essential in preventing falsification of documents in numerous financial, legal, and other commercial settings

Published by: Shashank V. P., SachinKumar K., Sandesh B. V., Sunil Michael D. Souza, Kusha K. R.

Author: Shashank V. P.

Paper ID: V5I3-1353

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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Survey Report

The survey on detection of plant diseases by image processing technique

The traditional agricultural system is causing various problems regarding the production of crops and it is the main reason for plant diseases. There are few diseases like rice blast, brown spot, red stripe and downy fungal which cause significant reduction in both quality and quantity of agricultural products. As we people were busier in our daily life, we need a technology which can automatically detect symptoms of plants and give information about it for farmers, so they can easily diagnosis it. So the technological world and agro scientists have found a solution for the major problem facing by our farmers regarding plant diseases. There are many plant diseases which can cause various problems in the human race. We can implement a system which detects and prevents plant diseases easily by using “IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE”. This technique initially finds the infected region, later finds features like color, texture, and shape. This can be achieved by 3 steps, first color transformation structure for the input RGB image is created, thus the green pixels are masked and removed by segmentation, later texture statics are computed, and finally extracted features are passed through the classifiers. The major techniques involved in the process are, color space, color histogram, grey level co-occurrence matrix, etc…and classification techniques like support vector machine (SVM), back propagation (BP).

Published by: Sakshi, Vachana Shree, Vinutha H., Srinath G. M., Sowmyashree H. V.

Author: Sakshi

Paper ID: V5I3-1362

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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Research Paper

EVI-databse authentication using advanced security standards

The concept of embedded virtual intelligence was to enable database authentication with advanced security standards. Data is the most resourceful asset of any information system the key idea of the paper was to secure data. Evi was designed with a centric algorithm that makes database authentication or access to any other system portal very secure. The functionality of this system is intelligently based on two major security modules are IP Retrieval Module and Automated Kernel Level Execution. IP Retrieval Module is a system package which runs on the background which has a steganographic implementation that retrieves the IP address of the host as soon as false login is attempted and logs I another independent server. Automated Kernel Level Execution Module overrides the system once the IP Retrieval Module is done this system force downloads executable files that run on startup now the executable files are implemented with kernel scripts that automatically retrieves all the network and system related information and packages it to a text file and mails back the details to the desired destination email address along the credentials.All these kernel scripts inside the exe files are encrypted by AES algorithm.

Published by: Vaibhav Muthukumaran

Author: Vaibhav Muthukumaran

Paper ID: V5I3-1355

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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Research Paper

Reduction of environmental pollution while stone crushing

Stone crushing industry is an important industrial sector in the country engaged in producing crushed stones of various sizes depending upon the requirement which acts as raw material for various construction activities such as the construction of roads highways bridges buildings and canals etc. It is estimated that there are over 12000 stone crushing units in India. The number is expected to grow further keeping in view the future plans for the development of infrastructure for the overall development of the country. This industry is estimated to have an annual turnover of RS.5000 corers. Along with increasing economic benefits, there are some pollution problems that are increasing rapidly. These problems are causing very harmful effects on human health and the surrounding environment and thus needed to be controlled within time. Thus an overall assessment or analysis is performed here.

Published by: Ashutosh D. Kamble, Ritesh K. Dole, Rishikesh H. Gavale, Sanket G. Dey, Pushkar S. Bhamare

Author: Ashutosh D. Kamble

Paper ID: V5I3-1380

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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Research Paper

Analysis of deficits of highway to propose for better geometry

For the Design of any roadway, there are many governing parameters that affect the total efficiency output as perceived by the driver. The roadway should be designed for perfect Geometric features. This paper involves the analysis or in other words the complete finding the wear-about of the deficits of an existing roadway and to come up with a proposal for the improved Geometric proposal for the roadway using DMRB as the basis for the design. There is much research going on the same deficiency improvement related aspects and still needs a lot of further scope of improvement in order to achieve the complete safety of a proposed roadway. Considering the ongoing research on the geometric improvements on the existing roadways the optimistic user as well as Eco-friendly design is to opted for our site

Published by: Hardik Sharma

Author: Hardik Sharma

Paper ID: V5I3-1277

Paper Status: published

Published: May 13, 2019

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