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Review Paper

A review on geopolymer using fly ash and GGBS

If we talk about today’s era, Concrete is the most important aspect in the present scenario in terms of construction. All the construction is being done with the help of this building material. Use of cement is rising on the peak from the last few decades due to the enormous demand for construction of megastructures all around the globe. In addition to that cement is the only material whose demand is increasing day by day in order to meet the needs of mankind. Subsequently, the price of cement is also increasing as its demand is increasing profoundly and also it available limited only. Manufacturing of cement results in the emission of CO2 and other gases which contribute to global warming and which further contribute to climate change and thus it is one of the most complicated material. Its use cannot be stopped but can be limited by using various materials. In order to dilute the use of cement, various alternatives and substitutes have been manufactured which is contributing to less pollution as compared to cement. Since cement cannot be fully replaced, it has been partially replaced with geopolymer using fly ash and GGBS.

Published by: Baljot Kaur

Author: Baljot Kaur

Paper ID: V5I2-2072

Paper Status: published

Published: April 25, 2019

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Case Study

The impact of various child-centric NGOs in the city of Vellore

In this paper, we discuss the impact of various child-centric Non-Governmental Organizations present in our city. This will help volunteers to choose better organizations for their efforts and at the same time provide a platform for the organizations to improve their mistakes. Over the past decade, many NGOs and social change organizations have mushroomed in India, but very few have expanded on the basis of scale and community impact. After all, scraping through red tapestry in government is a herculean task to be able to set up an NGO in the first place.

Published by: Ansha Sondhi, Nehalika Ramchandani

Author: Ansha Sondhi

Paper ID: V5I2-1858

Paper Status: published

Published: April 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Approach for improving data security in cloud computing

Multi-client framework for access control to datasets set away in an untrusted cloud condition. Appropriated storing like some other untrusted condition needs the capacity to check share data. Our framework gives a path of authority over the informational index away in the cloud without the supplier adventure. The fundamental instrument of access control structure is the figure content arrangement trademark based encryption plot with dynamic properties. Utilizing a blockchain based decentralized record, our framework gives the steady log of all vital security occasions, for example, key age, get the chance to strategy undertaking, change or refusal, get the chance to ask for. We propose a huge amount of cryptographic conventions guaranteeing the security of cryptographic endeavors requiring conundrum or private keys. Just ciphertexts of hash codes are exchanged through the blockchain record. The model of our structure is acknowledged utilizing sharp contracts and endeavored on square chain sort out. Here is proposed structure as a customer if they are going to enroll in that account director will give assorted keys to each customer it takes after a private key in the wake of selecting a customer they can log in and they can exchange all of the reports what they need while exchanging time the substance everything will be encoded and for that one open key will be produce these all will be secured in cloud database . As a customer they have an alternate privet key which was given by the manager so they can log in and they can get to that account if they have to exchange they can exchange else they have to get any record they can get that record by using of cloud they can see all the customer archives if they need any record they have to send sales to executive .if overseer to recognize that request they can get that interface if the customer need that record they have to click that record in case you clicked that archive, by then it will be asked first it will ask private key . obviously, it will ask with respect to whether two keys was composed then nobody however they can prepared to download else they can't prepared to down weight .

Published by: L. Venkat, Lakshman Babu K., Nikhith, Ethirajulu V.

Author: L. Venkat

Paper ID: V5I2-2091

Paper Status: published

Published: April 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Dynamic spectrum sharing among the operators using AODV

Dynamic spectrum sharing aims to produce flexible spectrum usage and improve spectrum utilization with time. we have a tendency to propose two optimization models exploitation random optimization algorithms during which the secondary operator: 1) spends the stripped price to realize the target Grade of Service (GoS) assuming unrestricted budget or 2) gains the highest profit to realize the target GoS assuming restricted budget. we have a tendency to assume that there are spectrum resources accessible for secondary operators to borrow under merchant mode. Results obtained from every model are then compared with results derived from algorithms during which spectrum borrowings are random. Comparisons showed that the gain within the results obtained from our projected stochastic-optimization framework is considerably beyond heuristic counterparts. Second post-optimization performance analysis of the operators in the form of blocking probability in various scenarios is investigated to work out the probable performance gain and degradation of the secondary and primary operators, respectively.

Published by: Julakanti Praveen Reddy, A Abhishek Reddy, G. Vikram

Author: Julakanti Praveen Reddy

Paper ID: V5I2-2086

Paper Status: published

Published: April 25, 2019

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Credit card fraud detection using Random Forest Algorithm

This Project is focused on credit card fraud detection in real-world scenarios. Nowadays credit card frauds are drastically increasing in number as compared to earlier times. Criminals are using fake identity and various technologies to trap the users and get the money out of them. Therefore, it is very essential to find a solution to these types of frauds. In this proposed project we designed a model to detect the fraud activity in credit card transactions. This system can provide most of the important features required to detect illegal and illicit transactions. As technology changes constantly, it is becoming difficult to track the behavior and pattern of criminal transactions. To come up with the solution one can make use of technologies with the increase of machine learning, artificial intelligence and other relevant fields of information technology, it becomes feasible to automate this process and to save some of the intensive amounts of labor that is put into detecting credit card fraud. Initially, we will collect the credit card usage data-set by users and classify it as trained and testing dataset using a random forest algorithm and decision trees. Using this feasible algorithm, we can analyze the larger data-set and user provided current data-set. Then augment the accuracy of the result data. Proceeded with the application of processing of some of the attributes provided which can find affected fraud detection in viewing the graphical model of data visualization. The performance of the techniques is gauged based on accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, precision. The results is indicated concerning the best accuracy for Random Forest are unit 98.6% respectively.

Published by: Vaishnave Jonnalagadda, Priya Gupta, Eesita Sen

Author: Vaishnave Jonnalagadda

Paper ID: V5I2-2081

Paper Status: published

Published: April 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Text and label reading using Raspberry Pi and Open CV

In this digital Age with the help of our cognitive abilities, we can see, hear and sense various new technologies and can communicate with them but this is not the case for visually impaired people In order for them to communicate with the world they need assistive technology and adaptive devices. The key idea of the project involves helping the sight challenged people. The Proposal of the project involves capturing an image with the help of a camera, recognizing it and extracting the content in the image using various data algorithmic techniques. With the help of this model people with blindness can be more independent with confidence. The major step in making this project a reality is to obtain images from the real world and recognize them with little to no latency and convert them into audio files that can be played. This can be executed out with the help of Open CV and Raspberry pi the main usage of the latter is its portability and compatibility which can be achieved with the use of battery backup functionality which can also be used for future endeavors. The size of the Raspberry pi soc permits the user to carry it anywhere and use it.

Published by: Shakthi Vel, W. Rohan, R. R. Raghavan, Somdeep Choudhury

Author: Shakthi Vel

Paper ID: V5I2-2009

Paper Status: published

Published: April 24, 2019

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