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Research Paper

Supply and demand control system for farmer’s market

The farmers usually suffer and has to go through all the hassle just to get a poor deal for their hardwork. This is mainly due to the poor marketing strategies and farmers being unaware. Through our project this problem of the farmers will be resolved. Our application will help them to register their product to the market from anywhere. With the help of firebase the information can be stored and retrieved. The layout of the app is created using android studio.

Published by: Soham Pawar, Soham Phadke, Snehashish Mulgir, Sohan Kamble, Kuldip Solanke

Author: Soham Pawar

Paper ID: V8I5-1231

Paper Status: published

Published: December 3, 2022

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Case Study

Agricultural Supply chain in India: A case study of Bihar

Agriculture and its associated industries provide the most employment opportunities in India. 70% of its rural households continue to rely on agriculture as their primary source of income, while 82% of its farmers are small and marginal. In 2017-18, the expected total food grain output was 275 million tonnes (MT). Despite the fact that the Indian state of Bihar is covered in fertile land and supplied by an abundance of rivers and streams, it has remained one of the poorest states in India. A substantial portion of Bihar's population is engaged in agriculture and related sectors. In this regard, the article attempts to evaluate the supply chain in the agri-industry in Bihar, as it is important for the socio-economic transformation of the state.

Published by: Shikha Gautam

Author: Shikha Gautam

Paper ID: V8I5-1237

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2022

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Research Paper

Ethnic voting is determined by villages in homogeneous tribal societies in India with special reference to Nagaland.

Majoritarian politics somehow finds a footing even in homogeneous tribal societies and not only in heterogeneous social systems. The performance of a parliamentary Government within ethnic communities is expected to perform well, especially under the First Past the Post System. The alienation of certain communities and the exclusion of minorities from the positions of legislative leadership in policy-making may continue for generations. This is the dark facet of competition and electoral politics in Nagaland. The size of the villages corresponding to a high population becomes the prized possession of every legislator or person having political ambitions. Candidates vie the affection of these villages. This paper explains big village chauvinism and its effects on the political competition in Nagaland. It will further explore the idea of village politics dominated by big villages under the authority of traditions by asserting that the circulation of leadership is only within a few majority villages. Representation to the legislature gives leverage to the villages having Members to the Legislative Assembly in the state. These villages are more accessible to state resources. This paper will highlight the narrow field of recruitment to a career in politics and the entrenched traditions that forgets the minority.

Published by: Amongla N. Jamir, Dr. Achanger

Author: Amongla N. Jamir

Paper ID: V8I5-1224

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2022

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Review Paper

Social media is influencing the rise of NFTs and Cryptocurrency

Ever since the pandemic years, there has been a global wave in the popularity of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Even people who don't have much knowledge about the financial world have heard these terms and a significant chunk have heard about it through social media that almost all of us use on a daily basis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role social media played in making NFTs and Cryptocurrency Mainstream. In this paper, secondary data from previous studies were analyzed, and based on a review of the literature on the popularity of NFTs and cryptocurrency from social media, an online survey was conducted in which respondents had to answer three multiple-choice questions. Analysis of secondary data and responses demonstrated that social media fueled the skyrocketing popularity of Cryptocurrency and NFTs. The results are in line with the hypothesis and indicate that social media does play a major role in influencing the popularity of Cryptocurrency and NFTs.

Published by: Venyaa Yadav

Author: Venyaa Yadav

Paper ID: V8I5-1226

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2022

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Research Paper

Operations Research in the Retail Industry

The COVID-19 crisis is one of the most disruptive occurrences of the past several decades. Numerous studies in numerous disciplines, including consumer behaviour, have been motivated by its profound effects, necessitating an effort to review and organise the literature. This article provides a broad summary of the retail industry before and after covid. Changes in purchasing behaviours, modes of transportation, the development of retailers and the customers they target as a direct result of big data analytics, and a comparison of pricing policies in place before and after the emergence of covid.

Published by: Srikar Addala, Yash Sahai, Priyanshi Chauhan, Sanjivani Tapase, Sanya Sachdeva

Author: Srikar Addala

Paper ID: V8I5-1227

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2022

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Review Paper

Thermocycler + Pasteurization Cycle in cancer cure treatment

Data reveals that use of Hybrid Platinum Grade Static Point Material in Building Thermocycler in the Robotic Set up of Medicine Manufacturing Unit helps to Increase the Properties of Cancer Medicines like Efficiency, Accuracy, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination etc in all Seven Dimensions thereby acting as an effective in the treatment of Cancer Cure. Doing Coding to Code for Etho Grade Energies like Etho Grade (Wave Energy + Radiation Energy + Ionization Energy + Laser Energy etc) with the help of Mother Computer & Super Computers in Thermo Cycler enhances the treatment capability to a greater extent in all Seven Dimensions. Increase in Pasteurization Cycle to 7777777……. to the Power ne helps in Purifying the Medicines in all Seven Dimensions. Thus, Both Thermocycler + Pasteurization Cycle helps to enhance the Power Code of Medicines in all the Seven Dimensions thereby making it Effective in the treatment of Cancer Cure.

Published by: Amit Kumar Mohanty

Author: Amit Kumar Mohanty

Paper ID: V8I5-1232

Paper Status: published

Published: November 29, 2022

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