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Research Paper

Child tracking system

There are many cases of missing children. This project proposed a technique to track their child location. The child has no need to carry the mobile phone. This system makes the use of android mobile and a GPS device. The parent can track their child location with the help of GPS and GSM. The location is sent to the parent mobile with the help of google map. We have to define the area of the child’s school and whenever the child is out of the defined location then alert message will be sent to the parent’s mobile phone. There is one more concept in which a child can press the help button when he will be in trouble and the alert message will be sent to all the contacts added in the emergency help.

Published by: Sweta P. Thakur, Snehal J. Badhe, Nishigandha R. Parkhe, Puja Padiya

Author: Sweta P. Thakur

Paper ID: V5I2-1698

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Food calorie estimation using machine learning and image processing

In today’s world a healthy lifestyle is a must for every individual and what they consume is of utmost importance in order to achieve the same. Our paper focuses on creating software which gives the calorie of the food which the user is going to consume. In order to achieve this, the software will take two images as input from the user, the top view and the side view. The image will have a probe object as well which is a coin whose volume will be known. The food item in the image will be detected with the help of Faster R-CNN algorithm. We are using Faster R-CNN algorithm since it is the fastest among all the object detection algorithms. In Faster R-CNN we don’t use selective search algorithm on the feature map to identify the region proposals, we use a separate network is used to predict the region proposals. This makes it the fastest algorithm and therefore it can be used for real-time object detection. In the next step, we will segment the image using grabcut algorithm. It is needed for foreground extraction with minimal user interaction. After segmentation of images, the volume of the food item is calculated using the known volume of the probe object. After the calculation of volume, the mass of the food item is calculated with the help of formulas and then the calories of the food item will be calculated using the relation between mass and calories.

Published by: Shaikh Mohd. Wasif, Swapnil Thakery, Amir Nagauri, Sheetal Ignatius Pereira

Author: Shaikh Mohd. Wasif

Paper ID: V5I2-1935

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Parallel image filtering for faster image communication and comparative analysis

We all know that image processing is the field of massive calculations. So, in the major requirements list have parallel processing on the top. In this paper, we have demonstrated the parallel execution of image denoising. Also, the comparative analysis is there, to ensure that the algorithm takes sufficient time and show proficient results when parallel computing is done. Also, instead of taking a single image and applying all filters to it, we used multiple image array and loop through all the filters and followed by PSNR comparison of the same. We used parallel MATLAB for the parallel programming and then listed out all the parameters and their execution cost to be specifically determined.

Published by: Akshat Singhal, Nimit Agrawal, Jivjot Singh, Saksham Sharma

Author: Akshat Singhal

Paper ID: V5I2-1961

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Design, development and fabrication of water pumping system using wind energy.

The project consists of designing, & testing the performance of a Lenz vertical axis wind turbine. Due to the increasing environmental & economic cost of fossil fuels, alternative sources of energy are needed. One such source is wind energy. Much of the current wind turbine research focuses on large scale wind turbine. An alternative approach is a small scale wind turbine design specifically to produce power at low wind speed Water is the primary source of life for mankind and one of the most basic necessities for rural development. The rural demand for water for crop irrigation and domestic water supplies is increasing. At the same time, rainfall is decreasing in many arid countries, so surface water is becoming scarce. Groundwater seems to be the only alternative to this dilemma, but the groundwater table is also decreasing, which makes traditional hand pumping and bucketing difficult. As these trends continue, mechanized water pumping will become the only reliable alternative for lifting water from the ground. Diesel, gasoline, and kerosene pumps (including windmills) have traditionally been used to pump water. However, reliable solar (photovoltaic [PV]) and wind turbine pumps are now emerging on the market and are rapidly becoming more attractive than the traditional power sources. These technologies, powered by renewable energy sources (solar and wind), are especially useful in remote locations where steady fuel supply is problematic and skilled maintenance personnel are scarce.

Published by: Swapneel D. Rawool, Shreyash S. Koyande., Sagar S. Vaidya, Shailendra S. Surve, Shubham S. Prasade

Author: Swapneel D. Rawool

Paper ID: V5I2-1897

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Exploring impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) with and without comorbidities on Quality of Life (QoL)

OSAS has become a significant public health problem with the increasing demands of modern society. It is often associated with serious and adverse consequences as it is most of the time associated with comorbid conditions. Objectives of this paper are: To assess the impact of OSAS with and without comorbidities on Quality of life in either gender of different age The sample of 205 patients diagnosed as having OSAS was divided into two groups depending on the presence and absence of comorbid conditions. OSAS patients with comorbidities were 179 and 26 patients were without comorbidities. The patients were administered with the specific evaluation scale SAQLI. In Group with Comorbidities- Quality of life (SAQLI) of patients was strongly affected by the degree of apnea severity and age. Gender comparison revealed more affection in females in domains Daily functioning, Social interactions, Emotional function. In Group without Comorbidities- Quality of life (SAQLI) of patients was strongly affected by the degree of apnea severity however, no correlation was observed gender and age wise in patients without comorbidities. Conclusion: The impact of OSAS in patients without comorbidities was significantly less than in patients with comorbidities.

Published by: Dr. Leena A. Deshpande, Dr. Amitabh K. Dwivedi

Author: Dr. Leena A. Deshpande

Paper ID: V5I2-1915

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Application of Pareto Principle and Hartman’s Principle for the safety issues in construction industries

The Pareto principle says that the for many events the 80% of the consequence is due to the 20% of the cause if we apply this to the safety and Identify the 20% of the causes we can reduce the potential accidents by 80% and this will automatically allow us to improve the safety performance in this way we used Pareto’s Principle. The problems identified must be solved but according to the effectiveness and the compatibility so now we use the Hartman’s principle of the Pareto’s priority index and find which safety issues must be addressed and solved with the immediate effect so that there increase in the quality of the safety in the industry. We selected the construction industries for the application of this principles as they are industries where we have many safety issues, ill-organized sector and the 11% of employment in India is in construction industry followed by the agriculture which is 53%. As India is the developing country and pushing toward the urbanization the employees in the agriculture sector are moving towards the construction or the manufacturing industries. In the last decade, there is a prominent increase in employees in the construction industries.

Published by: Ch R. V. B. S. Sarath Chandra

Author: Ch R. V. B. S. Sarath Chandra

Paper ID: V5I2-1907

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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