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Case Study

Big data analytics using Apache Hadoop: A case study on different fertilizers requirement and availability in different states of India from 2012-2013 to 2014-2015

In today’s digital world large volume of data is being generated from various sources including social media, healthcare, transportation, industries, sensors, etc. This data includes structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. This huge volume of data cannot be stored and processed using traditional systems thus it is termed as big data. To store and analyze this type of data parallel storage and analysis is required. This can be achieved by using big data analytics. Using Apache Hadoop such huge volume data can be analyzed efficiently. In this paper, a case study is performed on different fertilizers requirement and availability in different states of India in three years from 2012-2013 to 2014-2015 using Apache Hadoop.

Published by: Avinash Pratap Budaragade, Jones Temitope Mary

Author: Avinash Pratap Budaragade

Paper ID: V5I2-1974

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Review Paper

Textile System

The proposed system is developed to create a simple, user-friendly and to use software that avoids the tedious task done by the existing system. The proposed system is accessible only to the authenticated user of the system wherein all users of the system contain their valid user id and password. The proposed system handles the various requirements of the textile. The administrator of the system has been assigned to make their settings of the system. He also has the right to see the login details. The main requirement of this project is to make the task of inserting the employee related details, product related details and maintain them very simple and time-saving. After inserting the details it must be retrieved whenever necessary by search criteria which will give the actual information needed by the valid user. There are several reports that are generated based on the employees and room which will show employee information, salary records, and attendance. It will also showroom check-in details and check out details.

Published by: Asif Tamboli, Amar Bhandekar, Sunil Pardeshi, Sanjay Sabane, Balwante S. S.

Author: Asif Tamboli

Paper ID: V5I2-1993

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Research Paper

ICTs in Governance – A case study of GHMC in Telangana

The developments in Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and with potential benefits resulting out of these applications led to a new possibility for governments in carrying out its programs and services in their State and Country. India, even while carrying on with its stiff bureaucracy and a rigid governance structure, has been distinctly at the forefront of this new development of putting in to use ICTs. The recent Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) initiative in employing and integrating ICTs in their services in the capital city of Hyderabad in the newly formed State Telangana is chosen for the paper. The case study method is employed considering the GHMC’s ICT project being vast and ever-changing services provided by the project. The paper looks at the role played by ICTs in the functioning of GHMC which had won the Swachhta Award for the year 2018.

Published by: B. Sunil, Shyamsunder Chitta, Hariprasad Soni

Author: B. Sunil

Paper ID: V5I2-1957

Paper Status: published

Published: April 19, 2019

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Mobile accelerometer based robot

In this project, we present the controlling of a Robot using BLUETOOTH technique. The robot is controlled by a mobile accelerometer through Android Application. In the course of the Android Application, User can use various commands like forwarding, backward, stop, left, right. These commands are sent from the Android mobile to the Bluetooth receiver. This project is built on the 8051 microcontrollers; this project is housed on a robot base, which moves forward, When the data is received from the Bluetooth to the microcontroller, according to the signal the robot moves that direction. L293D is used to drive the motors. This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Full wave bridge rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of the secondary 230/12V step-down transformer.

Published by: Doddala Madhumitha

Author: Doddala Madhumitha

Paper ID: V5I2-1972

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2019

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Research Paper

Liver disease prediction using machine learning

Data Mining technologies have been widely used in the process of medical diagnosis and prognosis, extensively. These data mining techniques have been used to analyze a colossal amount of medical data. The steep increase in the rate of obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle eventually reflects the likelihood and the frequent occurrence of liver-related diseases in the mass. In this project, the patient data sets are analyzed for the predictability of the subject to have a liver disease based purely on a widely analyzed classification model. Since there are pre-existing processes to analyze the patient data and the classifier data, the more important facet here is to predict the same the conclusive result with a higher rate of accuracy. There are 5 distinct phases in this process. First, the min-max algorithm is applied to the original liver patient data set that could be collected from the UCI repository. In the second phase, significant attributes are demarcated by the use of PSO feature selection. This helps to bring out the subset of critical data, from the whole normalized datasets of liver patients. After this step, the third phase involves the usage of classification algorithms for comparative analysis and categorization. Accuracy Calculation is the fourth phase. It involves the usage of Root Mean Square value and a Root Error value. The fifth phase is the evaluation phase. Depending on the studies, a simple evaluation process is executed to preserve the integrity of a precise result reflection. J48 algorithm is considered to be a better performing algorithm when it comes to feature selection with an accuracy rate of 95.04%.

Published by: Vasan Durai, Suyan Ramesh, Dinesh Kalthireddy

Author: Vasan Durai

Paper ID: V5I2-1979

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2019

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Review Paper

A review on environment risk factor influencing scrub typhus

Scrub typhus is an acute febrile widespread disease in Asia & Pacific islands which causes unspecific symptoms & signs. This is one of the biggest diseases in our country especially in the Terai region and South India for many years. Scrub typhus, a dreaded disease in the pre-antibiotic era, is an important military disease which caused thousands of cases in the Far East during World War. It is a zoonosis and is a widespread disease in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Scrub typhus is an acute febrile illness which generally causes non-specific symptoms and signs. The clinical manifestations of this disease. Deaths are attributable to late presentation, delayed diagnosis, and drug resistance. The public health importance of this disease is underestimated because of difficulties with a clinical diagnosis and lack of laboratory methods in many geographical areas. Scrub typhus is known to occur all over India and physicians should be aware of this potentially serious but easily treatable disease. The aforesaid environmental factors affect the incidence and cause of Scrub typhus drastically as there is a high need to control this disease. So, a survey was conducted regarding this aspect.

Published by: Mohd. Minnatullah, Kamal Nabh Tripathi, Anupam Mehrotra

Author: Mohd. Minnatullah

Paper ID: V5I2-1977

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2019

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