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Research Paper

Comparative analysis of lasers in optical communication system

This paper investigates the comparative study of various lasers by varying the bit rate and dispersion. The suitability of various lasers like vertical cavity semiconductor emitting laser, directly modulated laser and Continuous wave laser for an optical transmission link is evaluated. The results have been carried out by evaluating the value of Quality factor and BER at different values of bit rate and dispersion. It is found that using Continuous wave laser; the signal can travel up to transmission length of 71 km with acceptable BER and Q factor. In addition, the effect of dispersion has also been discussed.

Published by: Satnam Singh, Puneet Jain

Author: Satnam Singh

Paper ID: V5I2-1673

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Arduino based smart street light system with accident avoidance in U-turns

In this paper, we are going to discuss the streetlight system and the accident avoidance system which may help society to reduce the number of accidents which is usually happening in u-turns and also with the help of IOT based smart street lights, we can reduce the energy consumption. Streetlights play an important role in cities which means to avoid accidents, secure roads and provide better vision since evening to morning. As the world is ready to accept the technology, we need to upgrade that street light system which will reduce the energy consumptions and save energy. Also one of the major problems happens in cities is accidents, so we are applying IR mechanism to avoid the accidents that usually happens in u-turns. As our goal is to save energy, so we are using LEDs which is directional light source it can emit light in a specific direction thereby optimizing the efficiency of streetlights. The IR sensors detect the objects and set the intensity of LEDs to high for some time. The work has achieved better performance and reduces energy consumption as compared to the current system.

Published by: Rushikesh Bharatrao Choudhery, Shraddha M. Bute, Akash M. Nikam, Nividita R. Bhujade, R. S. Sawant

Author: Rushikesh Bharatrao Choudhery

Paper ID: V5I2-1526

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Online voting system using blockchain

Blockchain as a secure trusted and decentralized architecture is used to create secure schemes, which can serve economics and society with trusted parties. Normally the concept of the voting system is spread wide all over the world. In different generations, different methods of voting system are followed. At the initial stage, the voting system was done by using the paper. Then the second level of development is that the voting is done through the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). But there were some issues regarding the results. There were some safety issues regarding voting results. In order to increase security, we introduced the concept of blockchain in the voting system. This provides secure results and if any changes are done they can be identified easily. We will introduce a new concept called nonce. The nonce value is calculated by using the SHA256 algorithm.

Published by: Santhosh Kumar T. P., Lakshmi Shree R., Sridhar D., Sachin M., Velusamy A.

Author: Santhosh Kumar T. P.

Paper ID: V5I2-1655

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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Research Paper

College bus tracking system

Continuous Campus University Bus Tracking Mobile Application is a versatile application to help grounds individuals distinguish the present area of the transport progressively. Constant Campus University Bus Tracking Mobile Application is a mixture portable application. In any case, for this advancement, it is created for Android client as it were. It can indicate refreshed estimation time entry and the number of people inside the transport. This undertaking utilizing two gadget's implanted inside the transport, which is GPS Tracker gadget and IoT individuals counter gadget. All gadgets will transmit the information into a cloud database which is Firebase. Constant Campus University Bus Tracking Mobile Application is created as a stage for the client to get the information transmitted from the database. Other than that, Student will know the time entry of the transport and the present amount of individuals inside the transport to lead them to stay away from dawdled realizing that they hang tight for the transport that pack of traveler. The understudy additionally to make grumbling and input by means of the stage. Moreover, this task utilizing PhoneGap as an instrument stage to build up the application. The GPS Tracker gadget utilizing Arduino and IoT individuals counter utilizing Raspberry PI to transmit information. By and large, this undertaking utilizing the reusability procedures and Agile technique to finish all the framework which is included four associations to make it full framework fill in of course.

Published by: Arun S., Shibu J., Vennila S., Kalaiselvi T., Mugundhan V.

Author: Arun S.

Paper ID: V5I2-1676

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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Review Paper

Railway trail defense structure based IoT

The only scientific solution to natural calamities is the development of a system to predict, detect and take preventive measure using recent advancement in technology, Railway trail defence structure based on IoT. Using two types of sensor to sense and detect the obstacles. In this project, we implement an idea such as using a camera for live stream monitoring and the sensor to detect the obstacles. The main part of this paper is RPI3 which controls all the operation and passes the information through a webpage. The camera mounted on the front of the vehicle. PIR and ultrasonic sensor are used for sensing the moving and non-moving obstacles. Detecting any obstacles the signal will be sent to RPi3and it will transmit the signal to the webpage. The webpage will be transmitted to the monitor within the monitor the image of the object will appear and the locomotive pilot will turn off the engine. We also used GPS to track the train through the entire path and in which it stops due to any problems.

Published by: R. Senthil Kumar, I. Kirubakaran, A. Loganathan, K. Janani, Pyndaplang Kharkongor

Author: R. Senthil Kumar

Paper ID: V5I2-1651

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Implementing Li-Fi protocols

LI-FI is the latest technology in the Field of wireless communication. Nowadays many people are using internet to fulfill most of their tasks through wired or wireless networks. As the number of users is increasing, the rate of data transmission in the wireless network automatically decreases. WI-FI provides us speeds near about 150mbps as per IEEE 802.11n but still it is not able to fulfill the requirement of the user because of such reason we are introducing the LI-FI. According to the German physicist Harald Hass, LI-FI provides much higher data transmission speeds (10gbps and max up to 224gbps per second) by using visible light. In this condition the LI-FI/WI-FI is analyzed. It’s the same idea band behind infrared remote controls but is more powerful. Haas says his invention, which he calls D-LIGHT, can produce data rates faster than our average broadband connection. Nowadays, parking vehicles is one of the most tedious jobs. Hence, in order to solve this problem, a reliable system is proposed. Our system solves the current parking problems by offering guaranteed parking reservations with the lowest possible cost and searching time for drivers and the highest revenue and resource utilization for parking managers.

Published by: Nikhil Bajirao Belhekar, Anurag Sanjay Autade, Vishakha Sanjay Dhamdhere, Abhishek Ramesh Darekar

Author: Nikhil Bajirao Belhekar

Paper ID: V5I2-1650

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2019

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