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Bus tracking system using Android and web application

Transportation becomes very difficult in cities like Mumbai. The public transports, especially BUSES are developing around the globe. Such public transports reduce the usage of personal vehicles so reducing fuel consumption and mollifying traffic congestion. The problem with BUSES is that the commuters DO NOT know the exact temporal arrangement of the arrival of BUSES at their stops. This leads to looking ahead to BUSES for 30-35 minutes because the commuters are not aware of what time exactly the BUS is to arrive. The approximate arrival time of BUSES is known but there could also be a delay in arrival thanks to traffic. Seeing that people started avoiding public transports and started victimization non-public vehicles, many applications were developed; but these applications were unable to mitigate the problems. Some applications provided only the arrival time and point in time of BUSES at their supply and destination. Some of them provided time-tables, but even they weren't correct as they failed to contemplate the delay thanks to unpredictable factors like – traffic, harsh weather situation, etc. The timetables were not timely updated leading to waiting for BUSES.

Published by: Mayur Kharat, Manoj Mishra, Sanket Panchal, Pooja Walve, Suyog Kadge

Author: Mayur Kharat

Paper ID: V5I2-1434

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Maximize lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network by optimal sink deployment and sensor to sink routing

Wireless sensor networks typically contain hundreds of sensors. The sensors collect data and relay it to sinks through single hop or multiple hop paths. Sink deployment significantly influences the performance of a network. Since the energy capacity of each sensor is limited, optimizing sink deployment and sensor-to-sink routing is crucial. In this paper, this problem is modeled as a mixed integer optimization problem. Then, a novel layer-based diffusion particle swarm optimization method is proposed to solve this large-scale optimization problem. In particular, two sensor-to-sink binding algorithms are combined as inner layer optimization to evaluate the fitness values of the solutions. Particle swarm optimization constitutes currently one of the most important routing algorithms. Its popularity has stimulated the emergence of various variants of swarm-inspired techniques, based in part on the concept of pairwise communication of numerous swarm members solving the optimization problem in hand. PSO is a population-based optimization method. PSO consists of a swarm of particles which move towards an optimal solution of the problem. Particle uses their position and velocities (P Best & G Best) to find an optimal route. This paper show better result of Maximizing lifetime of wireless sensor networking by using PSO routing Fully Informed Particle Swarm Optimization (FIPSO) and Diffusion PSO Performance of those algorithms is also evaluated over a set of benchmark instances Compared to existing methods that the sinks are selected from candidate positions, our method can achieve better performance since they can be placed freely within a geometrical plane. Several numerical examples are used to validate and demonstrate the performance of our method. The reported numerical results show that our method is superior to those existing. Furthermore, our method has good scalability which can be used to deploy a large-scale sensor network.

Published by: Manpreet Singh

Author: Manpreet Singh

Paper ID: V5I2-1470

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Design and fabrication (development) of e-bike

The technology has been changing day by day, every day new invention and new technology will arrive. Whenever a new technology invented is to solve a past, existing problems. In this era the major problem is pollution and future problem is fossil fuel scarcity. In order to solve these problems, much new technology has been invented. In this invention, one of the best inventions is electric vehicles. These vehicles are free from pollution and also it will help to preserve some amount of fuel to the future generation. The current rate of usage of fuels continuously for the next 5 decades there will be arising of fuel drought.

Published by: K. Sai Chandu, G.M.V Siva Kumar, Kannaji, B. Kiran Kishore, P. Rama Krishna

Author: K. Sai Chandu

Paper ID: V5I2-1473

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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Research Paper

Smart Street light system using IoT

Nowadays conservation of energy is an essential part of day and day by day energy resource are getting reduced so our generation may face a lot of problem due to this lack of resource. In order to save energy, we have automated the street light which helps cities to save energy, cost and maintenance. The project aims to describe a method for modifying street light illumination by using sensors at minimum electrical energy consumption. When presence is detected, all surrounding street lights glow at their brightest mode, else they stay in the dim mode. LED bulbs shall be implemented as they are better than conventional incandescent bulbs in every way. This shall reduce heat emissions, power consumption, maintenance and replacement costs and carbon dioxide emissions. Also, a demonstration with a real-time prototype model involving costs and implementation procedure has been developed using the internet of things (IoT) to visualize the real-time updates of street processing and notifying changes to occur. The street light will obtain power from the solar panel. During the rainy season, it gets power from the government supply.

Published by: Kiruthika M., Kaviya R., Indhuja M.

Author: Kiruthika M.

Paper ID: V5I2-1474

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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Review Paper

PSoC based haemoglobin measurement system

Globally, anemia is ranked to be the third killer disease and it continues to be a serious problem for health as well as social and economic development. It is estimated that iron-deficiency anemia affects 42% of children under age 5 and 53% of children from 5 to 14 years of age. In worldwide, the majority of the 56 million pregnant women and 468 million non-pregnant women affected by anemia live in sub- Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Also, children affected by anemia will result in impaired cognitive performance, motor development and language development. This project is that of a hemoglobin measurement system using PSoC. Hence the proposed project aims at constructing a non-invasive system for haemoglobin measurement.

Published by: Meera N., Akilandeswari S., Revanth S., Venkata Vivek, Veera Amudhan

Author: Meera N.

Paper ID: V5I2-1448

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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Automation in body control module of a car

The number of automobile users is increasing day by day. At the same time, the number of people prone to accidents continues to rise. This is because drivers are exposed to a number of distractions. In order to reduce this, automation came into existence. Over the past two decades, the automotive industry has aggressively researched ways to exploit modern computing and electronic advances in body control modules to provide safety, reliability, comfort and entertainment technologies for users. In this paper, the automation system deals with the development of a Body Control Module (BCM) including features providing automatic control of windshield wipers, headlamps, sunroof, power window regulators with an anti-pinch feature. Developments of these features were accomplished using a PIC micro-controller 16F877A along with components like sensors, actuators, current drivers & signal conditioning circuits. The developed automation system is tested on a general purpose PCB with DC motors and LED.

Published by: Madhu A. R., Pradeepika R., Sandhiya P.

Author: Madhu A. R.

Paper ID: V5I2-1458

Paper Status: published

Published: March 25, 2019

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