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Research Paper

A study of meteorites on the basis of their source and origin.

Representative samples of meteorites namely, 1) Sikhote Alin (iron meteorite), 2) Campo-del Cielo (iron meteorite), 3) Nantan (stony iron meteorite), 4) Morocco (stony iron), and 5) North West African meteorite (likely to be of chondrite in nature), were investigated to understand their source and origin with respect to their physical properties and chemical compositions. XRF Analysis carried out showed that 1) Sikhote Alin contains Fe - 89.0%, Ni - 4.83% and Si - 3.51% with other elements in minor compositions, 2) Campo-del Cielo contains Fe - 97.4%, Ni - 1.15% with other elements in minor compositions., 3) Nantan contains Fe₂O₃ - 66.8%, SiO₂ - 22.7%, Aluminum - 6.380%, Nickel - 1.760% with other oxides in minor compositions 4) Morocco meteorite contains Fe₂O₃ - 45.7%, SiO₂ - 17.2%, CaO – 14.2%, MgO – 10.9%, SO₃ - 3.80%, Al₂O₃ and NiO – 2.42% and 5) North West African meteorite (N.W.A.) contains SiO₂ - 39.9%, Fe₂O₃ - 27.4%, MgO – 20.8%, Al₂O₃ - 6.040%, CaO – 2.34%, SO₃ - 1.610% and NiO – 0.734%, with other oxides in minor compositions Objects fallen on earth so far has been given a common name ‘meteorites’ The authors of this paper broadly classified meteorites into ‘Seteorites’ and ‘Uniteorites’. The source of ‘seteorites’ is from our solar system and the source of ‘uniteorites’ is from beyond our solar system. Physico - chemical nature of ‘seteorites’ and ‘uniteorites’ are different as per their source. This paper aims at carrying out a detailed study on seteorites (meteorites), to understand their source, origin and their distribution in the solar system with respect to their physical properties and chemical compositions on preliminary basis.

Published by: Raju D. Jadhav, Harishchandra B. Mali

Author: Raju D. Jadhav

Paper ID: V8I5-1154

Paper Status: published

Published: September 23, 2022

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Research Paper

Experimental analysis and optimization of wind turbine for domestic application

The conventional sources of energy are fast depleting and are causing very serious problem to the environment, for example combustion of fuels causes atmospheric pollution which is not suitable for human beings as well as other species living in the environment. The other major drawback of conventional sources is their high cost. The processes by which the conventional sources are extracted are also expensive. So there is a need to search for alternate source of energy and to extract them to meet our needs. An attempt is made to extract alternate source of energy that is wind. Wind energy is used to rotate the blade which helps the dc motor to produce dc current. By installing small wind turbine in the village and city which is situated in western ghat of Tamandu and Maharashtra, the state of Gujarat and Karnataka we can easily produce electricity due to its geographical location. This small wind turbine is able to generate the enough power for a household application in remote area. This will help the nation to overcome with the power crises problem specially in summer season

Published by: S. Nithya Poornima, Dr. V Shantha

Author: S. Nithya Poornima

Paper ID: V8I5-1162

Paper Status: published

Published: September 23, 2022

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Review Paper

Applications of operations research in the airline industry: The aircraft sequencing problem

Operations Research has seen a major breakthrough in the airline industry through airplane sequencing/scheduling problems (ASP). With continual developments, the airline industry has optimized air traffic management and minimized time delays in the arrival and departure of aircraft. There have been contributions from all fields of knowledge to come up with exact solutions and implied algorithms. The objective of this paper is to highlight the analytical discourse of the airline sequencing problem (ASP), outlining graphical formulations, mathematical models, theoretical perspectives, and novel approaches that define the problem and provide alternate contextual solutions. The systematic review focuses on the progress of these approaches to allow a layperson to get a detailed overview of the sequencing/scheduling problem and its implication in the airline industry.

Published by: Saksham Airee, Shivansh Bansal, Sakshi Mehta

Author: Saksham Airee

Paper ID: V8I5-1166

Paper Status: published

Published: September 23, 2022

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Review Paper

Operations research in supply chain management of fashion and textiles: Systematic literature review

This paper will cover the adverse effects of the constantly growing fast-fashion industry within the textile industry on the environment and the challenges faced while trying to make the industry more sustainable in terms of supply chain management. This literature review critically analyses the content of over two hundred papers published in many alternative reputed journals and books spread over fifty years i.e., 1972 to 2022. This systematic literature review is designed by using the subsequent categories: year, sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), textile industry, recycling, textile industry sustainability, water waste management, and barriers. The findings from this literature that the sustainability problems have been solved in theory using multiple different methods such as linear programming problem(LPP), Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method, life cycle assessment (LCA), etc., but implementation is difficult. The results indicate that with increasing consumer awareness, more and more opportunities are becoming available to put the problems solved in theory into practice with the help of advanced operations research techniques and better and more efficient algorithms in SCM systems.

Published by: Juhi Jhaveri, Hridya Arora, Hriday Soni, Jayprakash Daswani, Isha Thanvi, Veerendra Anchan

Author: Juhi Jhaveri

Paper ID: V8I5-1167

Paper Status: published

Published: September 23, 2022

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Review Paper

Application of Queuing Theory in Passenger Queuing Optimization at Airports – A Systematic Review

Waiting lines and queues are a frequent occurrence in both the workings of businesses and the daily lives of clients. A queue is the first contact point between a business and its client. Clients may not be satisfied with lengthy queues. Therefore, in order to leave a lasting first impression on the client’s mind, it is crucial for a company to ensure minimal queuing. The aviation industry experiences significant queuing issues as a result of passengers queuing up for boarding, departure, luggage pickup, and so on. A systematic queue network is also required to guarantee that planes experience minimum air and runway congestion. Queuing theory is a mathematical approach to the analysis of queue waiting times. This paper presents a run-through of queuing theory and its application in the aviation industry, covering a detailed explanation of queuing theory, terminologies associated with it, recent advancements in airport queuing, various queuing models, as well as some suggestions for further research.

Published by: Jash Bhanushali, Himank Bhateja, Jia Vora, Hitanshi Shah, Jinal Jain, Veerendra Anchan

Author: Jash Bhanushali

Paper ID: V8I5-1158

Paper Status: published

Published: September 21, 2022

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Research Paper

Impact of social media during elections – A global perspective

Smart leaders frequently use new media to affect politics. Election-related effects of social media were noticeable in the early 2000s. In his first presidential campaign, Barack Obama made use of social media to mobilize the public and win the 2008 election. According to Pew Research Center, 74% of internet users or 55% of the adult population—looked for election news online during Obama's first campaign. Local elections also benefit greatly from social media. A famous example is when Beto O'Rourke came dangerously close to unseating Senator Ted Cruz in 2018. The majority of Indian political figures now use Facebook and Twitter to express themselves without the censorship of mainstream media. It is vital to understand how social media affects elections and what voters can do to use the internet responsibly given that candidates devote a lot of resources to social media campaigns. Social media platforms were created by businesses to encourage interaction, but although this interaction can help politicians spread their messages and reach more voters, it has also been demonstrated to make it simple for election misinformation to spread globally

Published by: Arhaan Lulla

Author: Arhaan Lulla

Paper ID: V8I5-1149

Paper Status: published

Published: September 21, 2022

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