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Comprehensive and conceptual analysis of revival of Apple Inc. in 1997

The rise of Apple so lies with their angle of “Thinking Differently”. The corporate might not have continually been publicized as a commanding power in the tech industry, their strength over the years has come back from optimum vision and not continuing with constant and similar products and moving towards change to tackle its competition. In recent times, Apple has featured a vast line-up of high-end personal computers, iPods, iPhones, and iPads. They even have a thriving business through the iTunes Store mainly through marketing music, video, and applications for each iOS and MacOS. But all of this would not have existed if it wasn’t for Steve Jobs and the revolutionary changes that he made in Apple Inc. back in 1997. Initially, in 1996, Apple had begun to license Mac OS to Motorola and IBM, that was a move Steve Jobs had advised simply before his termination. PowerPC processors enraptured into the third generation and things were looking promising for all concerned. Apple determined to shop for NeXT so as to boost Mac OS and hold leverage over Microsoft. In 1988, Apple decided to raise its prices, which caused chaos and confusion in the minds of the consumers, this declined the deals significantly, affecting the performance of the company drastically. In the next 10 years, multiple changes were made in the company’s top positions but the company constantly saw a downfall. During the last quarter of 1996, Apple saw its sales decline by 30% according to the reports, Apple reported to Wall Street stating that it will record an after-tax loss of $ 700 million, which was the company biggest quarterly loss ever recorded, with over $1billion. In 1997, with the assistance of Steve Jobs and also the new board of administrators, Apple had created the foremost outstanding revival story known to not simply companies in America but across the whole world, and stands presently as one of the highest valued tech companies in the world.

Published by: Neel Chatterjee, Abhijnan Goswami, Arnold Fernandes, Mohammed Ijas

Author: Neel Chatterjee

Paper ID: V5I1-1382

Paper Status: published

Published: February 21, 2019

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Research Paper

A comparative analysis of private and state owned schools

It is generally observed that parents or guardians prefer private schools than state-owned schools while admitting their children or wards. This behavioral attitude is observed because it is presumed that private schools deliver better quality education compared to state-owned schools. To test, whether state-owned schools are really poor in delivering quality education or is it totally a myth? Even if the difference exists, what has to be done to bridge this gap? To get an insight into this crucial matter, this research study was taken up. In this process, it was surprising to know that, due to a lot of initiatives taken up by state-owned. NGO’s and social institutions in the recent past, even state-owned schools are performing and delivering quality education on par with many private schools and some of them are better performing than private. This is definitely a healthy sign as the target group for state-owned schools would be lower middle class or poor class. Even this segment is receiving a quality education, which will go a long way in shaping their future and improving their standard of living.

Published by: Venkatesh R.

Author: Venkatesh R.

Paper ID: V5I1-1365

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2019

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Research Paper

A clinical study of peptic ulcer perforation

Perforation of the peptic ulcer is one of the common and lethal complications of the peptic ulcer. Unless the prompt diagnosis is made and early active surgical management is done the mortality is very high, it is the commonest cause of death resulting from surgical abdominal emergency next to intestinal obstruction. The patients who are brought to the hospital at a late stage, have the major concurrent illness and preoperative shock, do not improve with conservative treatment. In spite of the better understanding of the disease, effective resuscitation and prompt surgery under modern anesthesia techniques, there is high morbidity and mortality. Hence, an attempt has been made to analyze the various factors, which are affecting the etiology, incidence, postoperative morbidity/mortality of patients with peptic ulcer perforations. Our study comprises of 104 cases of perforated peptic ulcer that were admitted in the Department of General Surgery, National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jaipur from January 2017-June 2018. This study on the cases of perforated peptic ulcer was carried out to study the various risk factors that can and do affect the operative outcome in perforated peptic ulcer. In our study, we found out that the highest incidence of perforated peptic ulcer was in the 4th decade. Males are the most affected gender(70.19%). Ingestion of NSAIDs increases the risk of peptic ulcer perforation. Duodenal perforations were commoner then gastric in present series. The classical symptoms of peptic ulcer like pain, periodicity, vomiting, and hematemesis were observed in present work. Most common postoperative complications were pulmonary complications(16.35%).All over mortality rate was 12.5%

Published by: Chandreshkumar Durlabhbhai Mangaroliya, Dr. Narayan Singh Shekhawat

Author: Chandreshkumar Durlabhbhai Mangaroliya

Paper ID: V5I1-1355

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2019

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Research Paper

Study of prevalence of hypothyroidism in biliary stone patients

Biliary lithiasis is one of the most common biliary pathothogy with a reported prevalence of approximately 6%-12%. The pathogenesis of biliary lithiasis is complex and a multifactorial process involving factors which affect the bile content and bile flow. Hypersaturation of bile with cholesterol and biliary stasis have been shown to be crucial factors in development of biliary stones. Hypothyroidism has a worldwide population prevalence of 4%-5%. It leads to decrease in liver cholesterol metabolism causing serum hypercholesterolemia with 90% of hypothyroid patients having elevated cholesterol levels; approximately 50% higher than in euthyroid patients. This hypercholesterolemia may result in hypersaturation of bile with cholesterol. Cholesterol hypersaturation of bile results in impaired motility, decreased contractility and reduced filling of the gallbladder causing prolonged stay of bile in the gallbladder contributing to retention of cholesterol crystals which may lead to nucleation and continuous growth into mature gallstones. Biliary stasis is also caused by sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia leading to formation of gallbladder and bile duct stones. Several hormones have been shown to affect spincter of Oddi activity including thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones have been shown to have a direct pro-relaxing effect on sphincter of Oddi and lack of this effect in hypothyroidism may result in delayed bile flow which may lead to the formation of biliary stones. An increased prevalence of hypothyroidism (13.3%) among biliary stone disease patients was found in our study, with prevalence rate being comparatively higher in CBD stone patients. Hypercholesterolemia was found in 91.67% of the patients having hypothyroidism.

Published by: Dr. Nikhil Dureja, Dr. Satyendra Pal Singh

Author: Dr. Nikhil Dureja

Paper ID: V5I1-1356

Paper Status: published

Published: February 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Experimental investigation on the properties of concrete with plastic pet (bottle) fibres as partial replacement of fine aggregates

Plastic bottles are major issue of solid waste disposal. Several things which were invented for our convenient life are responsible for polluting environment due to improper waste management technique. One of them is a plastic which has to be disposed or recycled properly to maintain the beauty of our nature. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, PETE or polyester) are routinely used for carbonated beverage and water bottles. This is an environmental issue as waste plastic bottles are difficult to biodegrade and involves processes either to recycle or reuse. In the Modern world, the construction industry is searching for cost-effective materials for enhancing the strength of concrete structures. This work is carried out with the possibility of using the waste PET bottles as the partial replacement of aggregate in Portland cement. Concrete with 1%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% and 5% PET bottle fibers for fine aggregate were produced and compared against control mix with no replacement. Cube specimens, cylinder specimens and prism specimens were cast, cured and tested for 7 day and 28 days strength. Tests such as Compression test, splitting tensile test and flexural strength tests were done and the results were compared with control specimens and results were compared. The observed results revealed an increase in compression and tensile strength hence with the increasing demand for fine aggregate, PET bottle fiber replacements can be adopted. This study was carried to investigate the properties of concrete with plastic pet (bottle) fibres as partial replacement of fine aggregates.

Published by: Younus Maqbool, Maqsood Yousf, Harmeet Kaur, Mir Shaid Majid, Arshied Hussain Bhat

Author: Younus Maqbool

Paper ID: V5I1-1328

Paper Status: published

Published: February 19, 2019

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Research Paper

Land administration through e-governance: A study on Bhoomi project

India is an agrarian economy, agriculture is the back bone, which supports the nation. These farmers who shoulder the noble responsibility of feeding the nation have been exploited from time immemorial. Legislation such as ‘tiller is the owner of land’, ‘imposition of land ceilings’ or ‘movement such as Bhoodana’ during the era of independence has no doubt brought some relief to the farming segment, but the socio-economic condition of the farmers community has not witnessed drastic improvement. The poor land management practices identified have adversely affected the productivity. Therefore, to address this issue, a well defined, more structured land right system needs to be developed. Government of Karnataka has initiated e-governance through services like Bhoomi (computerization of land records), Kaveri (registration after verification), Mojini (measurement of properties). Out of all these ‘Bhoomi’ is definitely a mile stone service, its planning and implementation is being applauded and replicated all over the world as this was seen as more effective and promising approach to address land rights related problems.

Published by: Thippeswamy, Dr. Ravindra Kumar

Author: Thippeswamy

Paper ID: V5I1-1339

Paper Status: published

Published: February 19, 2019

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