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Review Paper

Analysis of 5 stage pipelined operations of ARM 32/64 bit

In this paper, we have introduced an analysis of the architecture of the ARM processor. This processor includes some concepts of memory diagram, relative performance, and pipelining stages. Here we have briefed about the introduction, block diagram, pipeline organization, various stages of pipelining, features and application of ARM processor. And we have also included a comparison between different ARM processor and architecture

Published by: Abinash Ghosh, Sujata Kumari, Neha Pan, Sangita Kumari, Aditi Kumari, Tathagata Roy Chowdhury

Author: Abinash Ghosh

Paper ID: V5I1-1304

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2019

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Research Paper

Study Based implementation of Human Face Recognition by using Raspberry Pi

This scheme can categorize a person from image capture. Nowadays security and surveillance are the most essential aspects of human being deduction. Face reorganization system using raspberry pi can simply unlock and lock the door through the image capture. Face detection is apprehensive with finding whether or not there are any faces in a specified image. Our paper describes a simple and uncomplicated hardware realization of face finding system using Raspberry Pi. The results description that the anticipated system can be used for face exposure even from unfortunate quality images and shows excellent performance efficiency.

Published by: B. Gopinath, M. Kalyanasundaram, J. Mohanapriya, R. Monisha, R. Saraswathi, S. Tharini

Author: B. Gopinath

Paper ID: V5I1-1310

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2019

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Research Paper

Operation research on menstruation hygiene management

The operation research on Menstruation Hygiene Management (MHM) as an initiative approach was designed by MOVE with technical and financial support of HEMAYAT, a baseline evaluation utilized a quantitative approach to collect valuable information concerning the existing MHM conditions using cross-sectional methodology in the selected treatment and control districts, data are collected from women and teenagers using a household questionnaire (quantitative). A household questionnaire formed the backbone of the baseline research and included four sections designed to evaluate knowledge, attitude and current practices in case and control areas in terms of demographics, health-seeking behavior, awareness of MHM, practices, and attitudes towards MHM. A pooled cross-sectional survey used quota sampling with random selection in baseline and end-line assessment was conducted to see the output and outcomes of the approach using Difference in Difference methodology. The Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) reflected the ratio of that district’s population and The Secondary Sampling Unit (SSU) were villages, approximately 25 SSU for intervention and 25 SSU for control districts are randomly selected from PSU. Data collection and Analysis: The booth study was conducted in four districts of Kabul province, two districts as control (Kalakan and Dehsaba) and two as treatment (Farza and Guldara), for baseline and end-line- a total of 625 respondents from control and 625 respondents from treatment districts were planned to be interviewed, at baseline study, from 1250 planned respondents, about 1224 have been interviewed and about 26 respondents have been missed (rejected, not completed, household vacated/destroyed) and 3 questionnaire missed by the system. The analysis was applied on 1221 respondents’ questionnaire. While at an end-line study, 1250 have been interviewed and 3 questionnaires missed by the system. The analysis was applied on 1247 respondents’ questionnaire. Following to data collection and entry, the transfer of data to the appropriate SPSS database is done for cleaning and analysis. The results of the baseline assessment were used for the bases of the data on knowledge, attitude, practice, and access to sanitary napkins, In line with the operation research ToR, the treatment districts were exposed with a series of activities including community-based health education and outreach in the target population. There is an absolute lack of awareness about sanitary napkins and its usage, in the baseline; about 56.5 % of the respondents are reported not familiar on sanitary napkins and its usage and disposal, Though, the end-line assessment shows significant differences in the level of awareness, 86.8 % of respondents are familiar about sanitary napkins and its disposal. The majority of women/girls were not aware of their menstruation before menarche-61.5 %, and about 38.5 % have information from different sources, so the information was not adequate and that they needed more insight into the topic. The baseline data shows that there are some miss-practices amongst the respondents regarding their personal hygiene including handwashing, washing of the genital areas and washing of the underwear/re-usable pads during menstruation period. As per end-line assessment data, there were significant changes in the personal hygiene (Washing practice of genital area during menstruation from 57.2%-Baseline to 83.8 %-end line). There is a similarity in disposal strategies used by the women/girls in baseline vs end-line and control and treatment districts. The study data revealed that, girls/women are having experience restriction in specific foods, physical activities, social gathering, pray, taking shower and school attendance, the end-line data shows that there are likely changes occurred in attitudes, restriction to women and girls during menstruation decreased from 91.6% at baseline to 76% at end-line study, it seems the MHM project likely impacted the community and family attitudes towards menstruation. Comparison of baseline vs end-line shows that restriction to bath and shower during menstruation is decreased by 25.2% from baseline, this difference mostly occurred in the treatment group. Overall, increases in demand of sanitary napkins usage, awareness and knowledge of girls/ women on menstruation and menstruation management, personal hygiene and health practices and individual, family and community attitudes towards menstruation and menstruation management suggest that the MHM pilot project was successful in promoting intended objectives. In order to capitalize on current successes, and prepare for a possible future rollout, implementation of the MHM concept in the country is important, so require widely advocacy at a policy level, national and international contribution and community support, there are several recommendations that come out of this analysis.

Published by: Abdul Malok Khalili, Abdul Latif Rashed, Fahima Aram, Manizha Khalili, Deeba Shekaib, Sumaira Yaftali

Author: Abdul Malok Khalili

Paper ID: V5I1-1294

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2019

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Research Paper

Eco-friendly drilling fluid water loss controlling agents

The water loss from the drilling fluid with the addition of natural additives like bagasse, natural sugar, and natural rubber was studied. The entire study is focused on improving the quality of controlling fluid loss with the effect of natural additives. The concentrations of the additives were changed to achieve the desired reasonable value of fluid loss with the help of high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) filter press which worked at the condition of 500 psi and at 300oF temperature. Rheology and various tests of these different samples were studied, and the result is tabulated in this article.

Published by: Ainul Abbas, Sathish Kumar B., Mohammed Jameem

Author: Ainul Abbas

Paper ID: V5I1-1318

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2019

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Review Paper

Exoplanets: Searching for habitable life

This paper inspects the tenability of exoplanets and that we are so near finding a possessed planet. The livable zones around stars, districts which could contain fluid water, are considered, just as the momentum exoplanet discovery capacities. It is reasoned that this field is advancing quickly with the quantity of confirmed exoplanets taking off over the most recent 5 years. This expands the datasets with which to think about the tenability factors. This has prompted arrangements of somewhere in the range of 21 and 51 possibly tenable planets. Confirming in the event that they are possessed is still past current abilities because of normal wonders giving false-positive bio-marks anyway an occupied planet could be confirmed soon.

Published by: Naveen B., Sanjiv, Ricky Jeevan

Author: Naveen B.

Paper ID: V5I1-1305

Paper Status: published

Published: February 12, 2019

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Research Paper

Laufband Zyklus

Laufband Zyklus a German name for treadmill cycle is designed for those people who love to walk outdoor. Treadmill belt constructed on cycle and innovation named Laufband Zyklus' is made. Electronic parts are assembled and run smoothly on walking momentum. As the person walks on the treadmill belt, the belt starts up and the rear wheel starts propelling the bike in a forward direction. Laufband Zyklus is designed for walkers as the conventional treadmill, this project is the combination of best fitness device and traveling long distance without producing any of pollution,

Published by: Aditya Nalawade, Akhilesh Patil, Suyant Dharwarkar, Amit Jadhav, Sagar Pawar

Author: Aditya Nalawade

Paper ID: V5I1-1316

Paper Status: published

Published: February 12, 2019

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