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Research Paper

Sensoid Robot using Android

Sensoid Robot which infers recognizing robot that can distinguish certain things, this robot is introduced with sensors like light, temperature, humidity and gas sensor all of these sensors convey diverse yields. The robot is created using Arduino microcontroller, which is contained diverse features like controlling the improvements and following the estimations of the sensors using an android application camera is embedded in the robot for better discernment, robots like this can be used for military and perception missions. In this proposed work, we have used Arduino microcontroller, light, stickiness, gas sensors, Bluetooth module, OLED demonstrate the customer can see the readings of the sensor and can take a firm decision by following the robot and its advancements through the android application. Gadgets used are Arduino IDE, MIT App Inventor, and Tiny DB database is used in order to achieve the general working arrangement of this endeavour. The essential arrangement of working up this endeavour is that robots like this can be used and sent on various missions where individuals can't reach, by separating the data which is given by the robot we would then have the capacity to touch base at a particular goal and avoid any risk that is required.

Published by: Vishaar G. N., Karthik K. P., Dr. Nagabhushan S. V.

Author: Vishaar G. N.

Paper ID: V5I1-1240

Paper Status: published

Published: February 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Sensor component proposed in a valuable approach for better power economy

This project presents a new methodology for an intelligent energy-saving system. The goal of real energy-saving is to be done from the viewpoint of system-orient strategy instead of materials. In this system design, temperature value, humidity value, CO density level, and power level are to be sensed. In addition, to design backend intelligent agent technology, the feedback control system through hybrid net-work of ZigBee technology has been added which would sensor the running parameters and environmental factors of the energy-saving system. The energy-saving system would collect all the running parameters in the energy-consumption system such as room, house, office, factory, community, or any space.

Published by: Dr. B. Gopinath, A. Karthikeyani, R. Banupriya, B. Dharani, T. Kaviya

Author: Dr. B. Gopinath

Paper ID: V5I1-1238

Paper Status: published

Published: February 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Authorization for secured cloud storage through SHA-256

Cloud computing has become one of the most influential paradigms in the IT industry in recent years. This emerging computing technology demands the user to believe their data is secure to cloud providers, there have been increasing security and privacy concerns on outsourced data. Many Schemes emphasis on Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) have been made for access control of user’s data in cloud computing; however, they lack from some major security issues. In order to realize flexible, reliable, and fine grained access control of available data in cloud computing, A Secured Hashing Algorithm is proposed which is a one-way cryptography technique with no decryption. This online storage mechanism is an integrated cloud backup suite that gives end-to-end visibility and full control of your data storage resources at corresponding rates. Cloud offers high scalability for all your storage needs your scalable data demands met from highly scalable archival to storage, equip your enterprises with the comprehensive storage suites needs. Cloud storage allows you to store unlimited data in an always available, highly durable and fully secure environment with Enterprises-Grade System Management for your commercial and budgetary needs. The key benefits are scalability, durability, support and predictable pricing. The proposed scheme not only achieves security due to its Secured Hashing Algorithm (SHA), but also inherits scalability and efficient access control in supporting compound attributes of ASBE (Attribute Set Based Encryption).

Published by: M. R. Sundarakumar, Dr. G. Mahadevan

Author: M. R. Sundarakumar

Paper ID: V5I1-1245

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2019

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Survey Report

Edge computing by using LZW Algorithm

Data compression is one of the enabling technologies for multimedia applications is used to decrease the number of bits required to store and transmit images without any quantifiable loss of information. The impact of using different lossless compression algorithms on the compression ratios and timings when processing various biometric sample data is investigated. The huge challenge in using biometric data is about the handling of enormous data. As this data is increasing day by day, it becomes difficult to store and transmit the data effectively and efficiently in less time. To solve this kind of problem, in this papers presents an Edge computing by Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) Compression

Published by: K. Mohana Ravali Chowdary, Siddhant verma, Vineeta Tiwari, Dr. M. R. Ebenezar Jebarani

Author: K. Mohana Ravali Chowdary

Paper ID: V5I1-1226

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2019

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Insurance claiming process based on blockchain technology using smart contract

In modern society, blockchain technology is used to improve traditional companies. One type of traditional companies are insurance companies. These companies suffer several problems that are leading to decrease their efficiency in modern societies. The insurance industry is heavily dependent on multiple processes between transacting parties for initiating, maintaining and closing a different kind of policies. The main problems of these companies are that their operations are not transparent. In addition, considering the potential of the smart contract of the blockchain, determining insurance rates must be transparent. The application of blockchain in FinTech processing requires a deep understanding of the underlying business processes. In this study, we focus on the design of an efficient approach for processing insurance related transactions based on a blockchain-enabled platform.

Published by: Jayesh Arun Bordekar, Shubham Kumar Gupta, V. S. N. Tinnaluri, Aditya Kumar Sinha

Author: Jayesh Arun Bordekar

Paper ID: V5I1-1201

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2019

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Review Paper

Effect of various blends on diesel engine: A review

Due to an increase in industrialization and urbanization, there is a rapid decrease in conventional fuels. The price of conventional fuels is going on increasing day to day and also increasing environmental pollution due to more usage. If this goes on there will be no longer the conventional fuels. There is a need to search for alternative fuels for automobile applications. Environmental degradations and depletion of oil reserves are matters of great concern around the globe. Developing countries like India depends heavily on crude oil import of aroud125 mt per annum. Diesel being the main transportation in India finding a suitable fuel alternative to diesel is an urgent need. The projects are aimed to investigate the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine at various loads fuelled with various blends. The experiments are conducted on the widely used diesel engine without the design modifications. The projects compare the performance characteristics such as Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE), Mechanical Efficiency (ME) and emission characteristics such as CO2, NOX, HC, CO emissions of the blends to that

Published by: Prenav T. Nair

Author: Prenav T. Nair

Paper ID: V5I1-1241

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2019

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