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Fistulotomy or LIFT: Which has better outcome in management of intersphincteric and low transphincteric fistula-in-ano– A randomized prospective study

Anal Fistula in ano is an abnormal connection between ano-rectum and the perianal skin. It is a common condition with a prevalence of 12 to 28/100,000 of population per year. There are many techniques to manage this condition. The aim of each surgery is to prevent recurrence and anal incontinence with early healing with decreased post-operative morbidity. LIFT and Fistulotomy are common types of surgery used in the management of Fistula in ano. This aim of this study is to compare the outcomes of the two procedures LIFT and Fistulotomy in cases of Intersphincteric and Low Trans-sphincteric fistulas primarily in term of healing, infection, recurrence, and anal incontinence. This prospective study was carried out in the Department of Surgery at North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi between April 2017 and November 2017. A total of 50 cases were taken up and assigned either procedure randomly. Patients with recurrent fistulas, complex fistulas, high fistulas, fistulas with more than one external openings and fistulas due to secondary causes (Koch’s, Crohn’s Malignancy, post-radiation) and those with systemic diseases such as diabetes, HIV, immunosuppressive conditions were excluded. The patients were followed up for maximum 12 months studying recurrence, incontinence and post-operative morbidity. Of 50 patients 45 were males and 5 females all presenting with a history of recurrent perianal discharge. All patients underwent clinical examination, digital fistulogram, trans anal USG (12 patients) and/or MR Fistulogram to assess the characteristics of the fistula. 22 patients underwent LIFT and 28 underwent Fistulotomy. 25 patients were followed up for 3 months and rest for 2 months. There was recurrence in 4 patients (3 in LIFTand one in fistulotomy), unhealed sinus in 10 patients (7 in LIFT and 3 in fistulotomy) which required re-surgery. No patients had incontinence and 15 patients (10 –LIFT and 5- Fistulotomy) had delayed healing (4 to 6 wks).

Published by: Dr. Rajiv Nandan Sahai

Author: Dr. Rajiv Nandan Sahai

Paper ID: V5I1-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: January 7, 2019

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Review Paper

Role of contemporary therapy in treatment of dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea affects women during reproductive years and is a cause of frequent absenteeism. Conventionally dysmenorrhea has been treated by NSAIDS and oral contraceptives. They have a failure rate of >15% and are limited by side effects and may be contraindicated in others. People have used contemporary therapies for several years to relieve pain during menses and associated symptoms. These therapies include herbal therapy, heat, yoga, and physiotherapy. Each one of them is effective in relieving pain during menses and effects are almost comparable to NSAIDS and have fewer side effects. Further research is required to recommend them as first-line treatment in dysmenorrhea.

Published by: Rajni Mittal

Author: Rajni Mittal

Paper ID: V5I1-1146

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2019

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Review Paper

Medical management of Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea is a very common problem affecting women and may be primary or secondary. Pain in dysmenorrhea is mediated by hypersecretion of prostaglandins and uterine hypercontractility. Secondary dysmenorrhea is due to some underlying pathology like endometriosis, adenomyosis. The treatment options include NSAIDS as first line drugs, Oral contraceptives alone or in combination with NSAIDS or progestins. Cases refractory to combined therapy need further evaluation to rule out a secondary cause.

Published by: Rajni Mittal

Author: Rajni Mittal

Paper ID: V5I1-1145

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2019

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Review Paper

E-Pharmacy regulations in India: Past, present, and future

The advent of digitalization has taken India by storm and the pharma sector is also not left behind. The trend of purchasing medicine online is increasing and so is the number of e-pharmacy start-ups. E- Pharmacies are recent entrants in the Indian e-commerce industry and receiving attention from the government as well as global investors from the past three years. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has published draft rules on 28th August 2018, with the heading “Sale of drugs by e-pharmacy” to bring e-pharmacies within the scope of Drug and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 by making amendments in it which currently does not distinguish between online and brick and mortar pharmacies. It aims to regulate online sale of quality medicines pan India through e-pharmacies registered under Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), India’s apex drug regulator and central licensing authority, where all records are maintained as per rules laid down. The confidentiality of patient details have to be maintained and cannot be disclosed to anyone one under any circumstances other than the central or state government as the case may be. The sale of tranquilizers, narcotic and psychotropic substances and Schedule X drugs are not permitted through e- pharmacies. The dawn of 2019 is expected to bring a brighter future for a fully legitimate and professionally managed E- Pharmacies in India.

Published by: Priya Nair S., Dr. Anil Middha

Author: Priya Nair S.

Paper ID: V5I1-1141

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2019

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Research Paper

A machine vision based approach to Cashew Kernel grading for efficient industry grade application

An algorithm for automated, image-based segregation of cashew kernels into different categories is the need of the hour to drive up the productivity of the Indian cashew industry. The aim of this study is to find a supervised learning model that will accurately recognize and classify the cashew kernel into different grades. Various image processing techniques are used to preprocess the cashew image dataset. K-means clustering is used to perform color image segmentation. Feature selection is performed first using neighborhood component analysis, followed by stepwise regression. Two multi-class classification methods are implemented. Support Vector Machines (SVM) with ‘one-vs-one’ classification and Adaptive Directed Acyclic Graph (ADAG) learning model showed satisfactory results. However, even higher accuracy is obtained by using the Random Forest classification model. Random Forests are easy to train, which makes them good for high dimensional data, with a large number of training examples. The main contribution of this work is developing a robust and efficient computer vision system that can grade cashew kernels on the industrial scale with high accuracy and without compromising much on the speed of computation.

Published by: Mehak Arora, Dr. Veena Devi

Author: Mehak Arora

Paper ID: V4I6-1442

Paper Status: published

Published: January 2, 2019

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Impact of financial assistance provided to small scale industries by IDBI and TIIC

The Government and the financial institutions are very keen on the promotion and development of small-scale industries which is capital sparing and labor-intensive sector. The shortage of finance affects the ability of the small units severely. Every kind of problem, whether it may be raw material, power, transport or marketing faced by an entrepreneur in its ultimate analysis turns out to be a problem of finance. The small industry gets elbowed out by the large and medium scale industries in the procurement of bank finance and institutional credit. A serious problem which is hampering small-scale sector is its sickness. Many small units have fallen sick due to one problem or the other. Some aggregate economic behaviors of the country such as growth in Gross National Product, availability of credit, the volume of the money supply, capital market activity or level of investment and price level fluctuations, may have an important bearing on industrial sickness in the country. The crux of the problem is very often that of finance. Small Scale Industries are very poor and have little to offer as security for raising finance. In this background, the need for financial assistance to Small Scale Industry has become desirable. Government and financial institutions are providing various opportunities and various financial assistance to small-scale industries right from their inception for their growth and development but do this assistance have a real impact on the growth and development of small-scale industries is the real aspect which needs to be analyzed. Accordingly, the study is an attempt to investigate the impact of financial assistance provided to small-scale Industries in Chennai city

Published by: F. Reena, Dr. T. Joseph

Author: F. Reena

Paper ID: V4I6-1446

Paper Status: published

Published: January 2, 2019

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