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Research Paper

A study on the problems faced in the financial sector of rural India

Rural India is one of the sectors that have to develop for the increase in GDP of India. The rural sector includes the agricultural sector. The financial services provided in the rural sector are NABARD and MSMEs’. These are the facilities that provide credit and loans to the public. There is a requirement of credit in the rural sector due to fewer quantities being produced by the agricultural sector. This research paper shows an overview of all the problems being faced in the financial sector of rural India. The paper also provided details of the initiatives taken by the government towards the public in rural areas and shows statistical data of the growth in rural credit.

Published by: Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Ranojoy Kumar Datta, Shravan Shroff, Abhishek Jain

Author: Dr. Varsha Agarwal

Paper ID: V4I6-1339

Paper Status: published

Published: December 18, 2018

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Research Paper

Performance characteristics of bio diesel from castor oil with additives

The Paper mainly focuses on the constantly increasing demand for energy can result in a huge crisis at the end of fossil fuels era Biodiesel, with a history of more than a century, has always been a possible applicant. Biodiesel fuels have the ability to become a decent alternative for diesel which is used fairly to meet the present energy requirements Biodiesel can be produced from new or used vegetable oils, non-edible sources and animal fats, which are non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable. In vegetable oils, castor seed has higher oil yield than other oils Straight vegetable oils pose operational and permanency problems when subjected to long-term usages in diesel engines. These problems are projected too high viscosity, low volatility and polyunsaturated character of vegetable oils. The process of Transesterification is found to be an effective method of reducing vegetable oil viscosity and extinguishing operational and durability problems. In spite of the many advantages of using biodiesel, biodiesels produce higher NOx emissions compared to diesel, which is a deterrent to the market expansion of these fuels. Metal-based additives play a vital role in reducing NOx emission. In this thesis, performance analysis and other emission characteristics in a diesel engine without modification of Castor oil methyl ester and its blends with and without additive are done and compared with diesel. Results show higher blends of Castor oil have lower NOx emission and lower performance characteristics and vice versa for other blends of Castor oil.

Published by: A. Gokul Karthik, R. Karthikeyan

Author: A. Gokul Karthik

Paper ID: V4I6-1361

Paper Status: published

Published: December 18, 2018

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Research Paper

Ball and beam system balancing using ANFIS controller

The ball and beam is highly nonlinear and unstable system. It is a basic reference point with in its dynamics. Some control methods have been applied to balance the ball and beam system. The main aim of this work is to model and control the ball and beam system. Beam angle of servo motor and designing controllers are apply to control the ball position. For finding the ball position of the system Lagrange method is used which is depending on energy balance of the system. Closed loop systems are designed according to transfer function and state space model, two Degrees-of-Freedom is used in System Design. ANFIS controller is used to control the nonlinear characteristic of the second order system. The position of the ball in moving the beam controller controls using the motor and beaten the disturbances. The ANFIS parameters are tuned using ANFIS tuning Algorithm. In order to analyses the accomplishment of ANFIS to learn the effect of simplifying expectation, control methods are designed.

Published by: Deepika Singh, Lalitesh Kumar

Author: Deepika Singh

Paper ID: V4I6-1371

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2018

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Research Paper

Evolution of E-business with E-Human Resource Management

Electronic commerce technologies are changing the way that works tasks are conducted and thus has significant implications for the way organizations manage their human resource functions. Although the impact of IT on work and employment has been the subject of research, little attention has been paid to electronic commerce and its effect on work organization and HR management. Currently, concepts such as e-business or e-commerce have found their place and applicability inside the global economy with ease, knowing it promoted models exhibiting an accelerated rate of development, well above the usual average growth rate of the traditional economy. Business markets are becoming smaller day by day because of increasing globalization and market competition. For this reason, organizations are adopting internet human resource based systems called the “Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM)”. E-HRM involves the adoption and use of web-based technologies with an aim of providing Human Resource Management (HRM) services for employees within the organization. The line managers conduct and arrange the evaluation and development; using desktop computers in the EHRM system, training, and planning, assess labor cost evaluation, and examination of indicators for each absenteeism and turnover among employees. e-HRM systems are supported by dedicated software that is mainly produced or supplied by a private supplier separated from the owners’ organization. Therefore, e-HRM can be defined as the planning, application, and implementation of information technology that is important for networking as well as supporting collective actors who must be more than two individuals to perform shared human resource activities. Employees can gain access to information through the typical use of the internet or channels of web technology. This, in turn, leads to managers and employees empowerment with an aim of increasing their efficiency in performing certain functions of HR and this also relieves some of the burdens on the HR department most of the tasks hence allowing employees to focus more on the strategic elements and less on the operational elements.

Published by: Tanu Goel

Author: Tanu Goel

Paper ID: V4I6-1356

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2018

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Review Paper

Customer relationship management in public sector bank

Customer Relationship Management has been developed in business to improve the quality of service in handling organization, customer inputs, tracking their orders, complaints, customer satisfaction and one of the most important is loyalty. Customer Relationship Management is customer –focused and technology oriented system. CRM involves technology to collect the intelligence you need for the improved services to your customer that has been provided by your firm. Customer relationship management play very important role in business world because the growth of every company depends on it. Customer relationship management requires deep analysis. The author has examine in research paper that study the profile of public sectors bank customers, their services provided by the bank, Customer satisfaction and the influence of demographic variable of customers.

Published by: Sherley Mary, T. Joseph

Author: Sherley Mary

Paper ID: V4I6-1374

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2018

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Research Paper

Knowledge discovery in data: Data Mining

Data Mining refers to a process to turn raw data into useful information. It depends on effective data collection, warehousing, and computer processing. It is the process of finding anomalies, patterns and correlations within large data sets to predict outcomes. Using a broad range of techniques we can use this information to increase revenues cut costs improve customer relationships reduce risks and more. This paper gives a lightning overview of data mining, its tools and techniques, challenges, advantages, and disadvantages and puts some light on the scope of data mining.

Published by: Sneha Sehrawat

Author: Sneha Sehrawat

Paper ID: V4I6-1368

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2018

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