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Survey Report

Security risk assessment in pension fund administration using ARM as a case study

In the current age of information systems, computers and related technologies have become inevitable to business. Financial institutions are among the top sectors that rely heavily on information systems for ease of operation. Information security comprises of risk assessment and risk management which plays a vital role in identifying risk, threats and vulnerabilities. This paper makes an attempt to perform an assessment on risk management in Pension Fund Administrators (PFA); a subsector of the financial institution. This study used a survey method to actually assess the risk that PFA customers are actually exposed to. In this study, we focused on only one PFA which is ARM Pension.

Published by: Samuel, J. A. Ojeniyi, M. Olalere, S. M. Abdulhamid

Author: Samuel

Paper ID: V4I6-1197

Paper Status: published

Published: November 15, 2018

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Research Paper

Finding the optimal cost for transportation of plywood and hardware in Mumbai

Transportation of raw materials within a city can be quite a daunting task. Various problems such as traffic conditions, temporary shut-down of roads, parking issues and low quantity of good increases the per unit cost of transportation and make it infeasible for the seller. The objective of this study is to provide a cost-minimizing solution by using the Modified Distribution Method on the transportation model. We quantify our hypothesis by using real life data of transportation of raw materials used by a furniture making firm based in Mumbai. Furthermore, additional restrictions were added to our model to reflect the real life problems that arise in transporting raw materials. The results showed that we were able to reduce the cost of transportation from ₹2,17,26,000 (quoted by the owner of the firm) to ₹1,98,50,000 (calculated using MODI method) by using the scientific method of the transportation problem. But when applying conditions like traffic movement & congestions and parking difficulties we notice an increase in cost. In conclusion, applying the Modified Distribution can help a firm manage its costs well and quote the appropriate price so as to not be in a loss-making solution.

Published by: Subin Oswal, Shubham Jatania, Sindhuja Thapliyal

Author: Subin Oswal

Paper ID: V4I6-1182

Paper Status: published

Published: November 13, 2018

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Review Paper

Magnitude of information technology and social media in Indian politics

When we talk about India and Information Technology (IT) sector, India has always been a great exporter of IT talent. Most of the executive working for the IT companies abroad are of Indian Origin. Maybe that’s the reason why it took so long for India to become an IT developing country. When we talk about IT, two major components which come are Mobile Phone and Social Networking. Not long back, just 6 or maybe 7 years ago who would have thought that the world today will be completely dependent on Mobile Phones and Social Networking. The Maps or ordering food, the Indian citizens completely rely on the technology around. From the poor to the rich everyone is relishing the assistance of the Internet. With this source of internet, many third-parties have been utilizing IT for their benefit as well. Whether its product advertising, news or image building, the internet has been an oracle in every possible way. Politics is one of the most selling topics in India. Since last 5 years, social media is the key constituent for all Political Parties and Politicians for connecting with the people. As per general discussion with few citizens, most of them know their local politician by social networking site than on ground level marketing. Any updates of completed work or upcoming events are being shared by political parties on the social networking platform. Because of this, the hoarding & marketing cost has been reduced. Even a person working as a volunteer in politics has his/her social networking account which is used for connecting with people.

Published by: Parimal Wagh

Author: Parimal Wagh

Paper ID: V4I6-1172

Paper Status: published

Published: November 13, 2018

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Performance of LTE vehicle-to-vehicle

Interchanges Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) have seen enhancing consideration over the most recent couple of years. In this work, we specify the utilization of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard innovation connected to V2V. We create experimental models for the V2V channel, and show comes about because of far reaching PC reenactments, in light of both the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) principles for LTE. We give results to 10 MHz and 20 MHz channels, as far as BER, BLER, phantom effectiveness and throughput, utilizing numerous MIMO modes. Results demonstrate the intriguing achievability of the LTE innovation in V2V correspondence frameworks..

Published by: Darshan S, Dr. K. V. Prasad

Author: Darshan S

Paper ID: V4I6-1177

Paper Status: published

Published: November 13, 2018

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Case Study

A case study on grid integrated solar roof-top PV system

With advances in technology and industrial development, there is an increase in the consumption of electrical energy. However, the rapid exhaustion of conventional fossil fuels to produce electrical energy has provoked the engineers to find sustainable means of electrical energy generation from renewable resources. Amongst all renewable resources, solar energy produces promising results. There has been a lot of research and development in the field of Solar PV systems. Hence, with recent advancements in solar technologies, the PV systems have become more efficient and cost-effective. There is a little awareness and knowledge about the implementation of Solar PV system amongst common people. The other main issue is the space required for installing solar panels for power generation. In this paper, efforts are made to create awareness and encourage people to adopt and implement solar roof-top PV system for sustainability and a better environment. This paper involves a case study on installation of roof-top solar PV system at RRR Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Turbhe, Navi Mumbai. The paper provides a feasibility analysis in terms of both economics and design complexities using a Top-Down approach. The analysis suggests that grid integrated roof-top system is a more viable solution for city areas where available open space for the solar panels is the main constraint. If grid integrated PV systems are implemented on open rooftops in cities, it would become versatile utilization of roof-tops which otherwise would have been left unutilized. So, the study concludes that a simple grid-tied solar PV system is feasible to be implemented on any roof-top area in cities at an individual level with affordable expenses. Thus, popularizing the implementation of grid-integrated solar roof-top PV system makes productive utilization of roof-tops as well as contributes substantially towards sustainability and environment.

Published by: Yash Ajgaonkar, Mayuri Bhirud, Poornima Rao, Vinit Surve, Sreehari S.

Author: Yash Ajgaonkar

Paper ID: V4I6-1175

Paper Status: published

Published: November 12, 2018

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Review Paper

A study on derivatives as risk management tools for business corporates

Derivatives are the most important tools in the financial markets in the present days. They are working for reducing the risk for business corporate. The basic purpose of these instruments is to provide commitments to prices for future dates for giving protection against adverse movements in future prices, in order to reduce the extent of financial risks. Derivative markets were novel until the 1970s. However, with the breakdown of Bretton Woods system in 1973, there was a sudden increase in the volatility of exchange rates and interest rates thereby making it necessary for firms and investors to find ways to reduce these risks. There is a need of proper training and orientation programmes are required to increase the growth of derivatives in India.

Published by: T Mary Jones, B. Sudhir

Author: T Mary Jones

Paper ID: V4I6-1184

Paper Status: published

Published: November 12, 2018

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