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Research Paper

Soil organic Carbon and total Nitrogen in Himalayan rangeland

The objective of this study is to identify and quantify the present status of carbon and nitrogen pool in Himalayan rangeland and to make recommendations for enhancing carbon and nitrogen storage for rangeland management. To meet the aforementioned objectives, the field study was conducted in 2011 -2013. The study showed that soil organic carbon was highest in legume seeding sub-plot in topsoil (28.53 ± 2.6) t/ha of heavily grazed area. Similarly, total nitrogen was highest in bottom soil (2.81 ± 0.16) t/ha in legume seeding sub-plot of an enclosed un-grazed area. Usually, heavily grazed and legume seeding sub-plots had more soil organic carbon and soil organic nitrogen concentration compared to others. The value of above ground biomass was an increasing trend with decreasing grazing intensity but for below-ground biomass, it was just the reverse. On the basis of the results of this study, the grazing intensity is positively correlated with above ground and below ground biomass and soil organic carbon but no any response with soil total nitrogen and soil bulk density.

Published by: Dil Kumar Limbu, Madan Koirala, Zhang Huan Shang

Author: Dil Kumar Limbu

Paper ID: V4I5-1435

Paper Status: published

Published: November 12, 2018

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Research Paper

The role played by the United Nations Organization to safe guard the world peace and security

United Nations can be identified as a very important International Organization standing in the forefront, among others. The main objective of this study is to verify the manner through which it played its own role, to safeguard World peace and Security. First, we will inquire about the nature of the strategies employed by the UNO to achieve such targets. At this point, secondary sources of information were collected and explanatory research method was used in place of the learning methodology. The conclusion and the outcome of their involvement show, even there were certain setbacks, the UNO has played a major role in maintaining world peace and security.

Published by: W. M. Sarasi Chaya Bandara

Author: W. M. Sarasi Chaya Bandara

Paper ID: V4I6-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: November 12, 2018

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Research Paper

Top-K associate secure pattern mining for mobile sensor data using level base utility pattern algorithm

This paper describes a secure top-k query processing scheme that is secure under the security model. The data privacy is guaranteed by encryption as well as a careful generation of data indexes. In this paper make to transform a top-k query, to a top-range query and adopt membership testing to test whether an associate pattern should be included in the query result or not. This transformation allows the storage node to find Top-k smallest or biggest data values without using numerical comparison operations, which is a key technique for the scheme to be secure under the security model. In the proposed system, it defines a new type of behavioral patterns for WSNs, termed as associated sensor patterns to capture the true correlation among sensor data. To discover such patterns, it uses to devise a highly compact tree structure, called weight associated sensor pattern tree (WASP-tree) and a mining algorithm that can efficiently discover patterns from sensor database (SD) with a single scan.

Published by: A. Sarathambigai, P. Gayathiri Devi, P. Balamurugan

Author: A. Sarathambigai

Paper ID: V4I6-1158

Paper Status: published

Published: November 12, 2018

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Research Paper

Improved selective encryption method for IOT-BSN using stream classification adaptive model

This paper describe a Stream Classification Adaptive Model (SCAM) technique for securing massive sensing information streams that meets multiple levels of confidentiality and integrity. This SCAM technique includes two vital concepts: common shared keys that area unit initialized and updated by D-SM while not requiring retransmission and a seam-less key stimulant method while not break off the data-stream encryption/decryption. Moreover, a replacement theme is planned to secure a big data sensor protocol through the employment of multiple unidirectional hash chains. The theme is shown to be lower in machine, power utilization. Also, communication prices area unit nevertheless still ready to secure Big Data Sensor communication model.

Published by: Meena J., P. Balamurugan, P. Gayathri Devi

Author: Meena J.

Paper ID: V4I6-1153

Paper Status: published

Published: November 5, 2018

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Review Paper

Role of mineral admixtures and chemical admixtures in concrete

This paper reviews the types admixtures used in concrete and their effect on workability, strength, and durability of concrete. A substance other than water, totals, or bond that is utilized as a component of cement or mortar to control setting and early solidify, workability, or to give extra establishing properties is called admixture. They are normal or produced chemicals which are added to the solid earlier or amid blending. The frequently utilized admixtures are air entraining specialists, water reducers, water lessening retarders, and quickening agents. Admixtures are utilized to give uncommon properties to crisp or solidified cement. The admixture is the operators that may higher standard solidness, workability and quality properties to concrete. Over decades, endeavors have been created to get concrete with certain coveted qualities, for example, elevated confining quality, high utility, and elite and sturdiness criteria to meet the prerequisite of multifaceted nature of present-day texture. The properties regularly altered are the warmth of hydration, quicken or hinder framing time, workability, water lessening, scattering and air-entrainment, durability and solidness aspect.

Published by: Sonal Banchhor, Meena Murmu, Shirish V Deo

Author: Sonal Banchhor

Paper ID: V4I6-1156

Paper Status: published

Published: November 5, 2018

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Research Paper

Virtual reality therapy upon cognition among schizophrenic clients

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness with the symptoms of disordered thought, behavior, and emotions. The illness affects approximately 1% of the world’s population and accounts for 1-2% of national health care costs in industrial countries. Cognition is impaired in most of the schizophrenic clients. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy upon cognition among schizophrenic clients. A study was conducted by using Pre Experimental research design at a selected private hospital, Chennai, South India with the Sample size of 35. Samples were chosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected through an interview method by using Demographic Variable Proforma, Clinical Variable Proforma, Mini-mental status examination scale. Post-test cognition score of schizophrenic clients was higher (M=29.4, SD=1.76) than the pre-test cognition score (M=22.6, SD=1.48), which was statistically significant(*P<0.001). It can be attributed to the effectiveness of Virtual Reality Therapy on improving cognition. The above findings reveal that virtual reality therapy is effective in improving the cognition in schizophrenic clients.

Published by: Vanitha V., Dr. Vijayalakshmi K., Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Sujatha V.

Author: Vanitha V.

Paper ID: V4I6-1142

Paper Status: published

Published: November 5, 2018

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