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Research Paper

Strategies to eliminate foreign objects in hospital kitchen food

It is everybody’s right to receive safe food irrespective of the industries. Foreign objects in food are a never ending issue. This article emphasizes on the Strategies to Eliminate Foreign Objects in Hospital Kitchen Food. Patients trust and believe that the food served to them will be safe. It is the responsibility of the food service provider to ensure that safe and hygienic food is provided to the patients and foreign objects should never find a place in the patient food. +

Published by: S. Ramesh, B. Manimegalai

Author: S. Ramesh

Paper ID: V4I6-1154

Paper Status: published

Published: November 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Deep learning: An introduction to framework

Deep learning also called hierarchical learning is part of a broader family of machine learning method based on the learning data representation .learning can be supervised, unsupervised or reinforcement there are many deep learning libraries nowadays. Libraries contain direct function by which we can import the library and we can directly perform an algorithm on the data .now days number of such type libraries are available with their available feature and benefits .we have to select an appropriate tool for performing a particular task is difficult to decide. This research represents the comparative analysis of deep learning libraries .the main libraries which I will compare is sensor flow, pytorch, theano, and caffe the parameters for comparing the libraries are the adoption, dynamic and static graph definition, debugging, visualization and data parallelism.

Published by: Shivam Shah

Author: Shivam Shah

Paper ID: V4I6-1151

Paper Status: published

Published: November 3, 2018

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Review Paper

A critical study on communication skill for civil engineering student from rural areas

In the era of the world, English is the much more broadly spoken language. It is spoken the English language almost surrounding world and has achieved in the minds and hearts of people especially from the rural students want to learn the second language in any situation or condition. Communication is one of the media for expressing our ideas, views, thought, feelings and emotions to each other. Every parent wants their children to learn English for which they are ready to spend any amount of physical labor and financial assistance. The daily wager expected to his children to study in the English medium schools for the development of communication. This awareness of communication has come among the rural people. English has become common and official language of the people today in the computer world in India which is multi-cultural country. English is introduced here at the primary level and secondary level and its inclusion continue until the tertiary level of education. Most of the students of the primary schools in rural areas are weak in the English language due to unskilled and untrained teachers who are familiar to the modern methods and availability of lack of materials for teaching in the classroom. People and students from rural areas who are want to acquire the speaking skills of English by any sources, coaching centers, spoken English classes etc. It is must need of the hour for rural students to learn the importance of speaking skills of English today.

Published by: Sachin Sharma, Bhumika Joshi

Author: Sachin Sharma

Paper ID: V4I6-1159

Paper Status: published

Published: November 2, 2018

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Research Paper

Acoustic properties of light concrete of natural pozzolans of Ambohinaorina-Madagascar

Pedological study is essential because it contributes to improving our knowledge on materials used to construct buildings of which life is in compliance with the norms in force. Our study is based on the acoustic properties of the pozzolan concrete of the Ambohinaorina (Vakinankaratra region- Madagascar). The numerous experimental results obtained in this article demonstrate that pozzolan can be used to produce lightweight concrete in taking into account the volumetric composition of aggregates (cement included) which has to be optimum.

Published by: Eddie Franck Rajaonarison, Bam Haja Nirina Razafindrabe, Lalaina Dina Prisca Rajaonarison

Author: Eddie Franck Rajaonarison

Paper ID: V4I5-1491

Paper Status: published

Published: November 1, 2018

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Review Paper

Smart bike data recorder for accident recovery

These days’ accidents have become a dominant issue in the world. By this incident, many people lost their lives. Safety, while driving or riding, is a crucial factor. The project will avoid such type of issue by using different sensor networks providing surveillance of the rider. In the absence of precise data regarding causal factors of bike accidents. The actual effectiveness of system keeping this in mind we are proposing the system where the bike will send messages to emergency services. This sensor networks and wireless communication technologies are used for reducing the accidents due to unreliable problems. The system works for the accident avoidance and security providence for both bike and the bike rider. Nowadays, Science has made advances in recent bikes. These are having higher speed, state of the art engine, and more power, that’s why it leads to accidents easily. It necessary to track all records of the bike.

Published by: Shivam Kavathe, Dr. R. K. Patil, Heena Malandkar, Shreya Revadekar, Rajkumar Gond

Author: Shivam Kavathe

Paper ID: V4I5-1494

Paper Status: published

Published: October 31, 2018

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Research Paper

Design and implementation of a secure and robust voting system based on blockchain

In recent times, numerous accusations have been raised on the integrity of the EVMs used in the Indian elections. These accusations demand the need for a newer system that is in line with the present modern era and addresses these accusations. This new system must be an amalgamation of technology and trust, of modernity and tradition. It must be secure, auditable, transparent and should reinforce the confidence of the voters in the democratic election process. Blockchain technology allows for the development of a decentralized distributed open ledger. It offers features like immutability of data, the integrity of data and resistance of data to modifications. We aim to use these features of Blockchain to build a voting machine that will solve existing issues with EVMs and will be sufficiently automated.

Published by: Ankush Pathak, Abdul Wasay, Chandan Singh, Ritvik Bhavan, Dr. Jayant Umale

Author: Ankush Pathak

Paper ID: V4I5-1507

Paper Status: published

Published: October 31, 2018

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