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Research Paper

Scaling resistance of silica fumed concrete using industrial waste water

In the modern era of fast construction practices due to the inappropriate use of various suer-plasticisers, admixtures and improper curing methods scaling is one of the rapidly upsurging complications in exposed concrete. This problem can be seen in many structures which had insufficient curing and porous finishing layer. Excessive use of deicing salts, severe exposure of concrete and improper mix design add acute complexities to scaling. Main reason for scaling is porous finishing surface. This problem can be solved by using silica fume as it fills the voids between cement particles. Other reason is cyclic expansion and contraction of entrapped water which not only widens the pores but also leaves behind harmful chemicals in residual form. These chemicals can not reside if concrete already possesses the acidic properties. In this research, we used silica fume as partial replacement of cement and mildly acidic industrial wastewater in concrete. Results show that when silica fume is added by 20% of cement and industrial wastewater is added in same proportion as potable water chloride concentration can be reduced by 35% which can be very useful in preventing the scaling.

Published by: Anand Deshkar, Deepa Telang

Author: Anand Deshkar

Paper ID: V4I5-1476

Paper Status: published

Published: October 24, 2018

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Research Paper

Cost analysis of building construction by using autoclaved aerated concrete block (AAC), fly ash brick and clay brick as masonry component

This research work was done to show comparative study residential building while considering dead and live load using AAC block or fly ash and a clay brick for G+5 building was done. The use of AAC blocks offers an innovative solution to the construction industry associated with preserving environmental issues. In this work, also an attempt has been made to calculate bricks and blocks quantity per floor. The G+5 building was designed with the help of Staad pro software and the cost calculation for steel take off, cost of structure etc. was carried out. Autoclave aerated concrete (AAC) block has been found to be economical as a construction material replaced by conventional brick. After designing the structure we are found that if we used AAC block in place of conventional brick we are saving almost around 25.08 % of steel in the overall project.

Published by: Abdul Aasif Khan, Sandeep Shrivastava

Author: Abdul Aasif Khan

Paper ID: V4I5-1481

Paper Status: published

Published: October 24, 2018

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Review Paper

A review on cost analysis of building construction by using autoclaved aerated concrete block (AAC), fly ash brick and clay brick as masonry component

Burnt clay brick is a predominant construction material used in construction. As we also know that the brick manufacturing process involves CO 2 emissions which leads to produce global warming. Hence to overcome these issues we have to focus on saving our environment. To fulfill this objective, new construction materials can be used for construction. Recently AAC blocks were used commonly for building construction and it is a far better alternative material for construction. Therefore this paper discusses the review of Building Construction by using Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block (AAC), Fly ash brick and Clay brick as Masonry Component.

Published by: Abdul Aasif Khan, Sandeep Shrivastava

Author: Abdul Aasif Khan

Paper ID: V4I5-1480

Paper Status: published

Published: October 24, 2018

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Research Paper

Quantitative analysis of potential energy sources

The energy sector is considered to be one of the most important building blocks in the development of our economy as well as a significant index for the growth of humans as a whole. For developing nations like India, there is an increased need for reliable and efficient sources of energy as they are building blocks to a more developed emergent future. In this uncertain time in the global market with reliance on one another for energy, it is vital that we grow and evolve energy so as to be resourceful, productive, cost-efficient and self-sufficient. Energy has many sources-solar, thermal, hydro, wind etc. Each and every source of energy is accompanied by its own constraints. These sources of energy need to be analysed both quantitatively as well as qualitatively so as to choose the most optimal source of energy. These forms of energy can be harnessed effectively to produce energy. The research paper aims at forecasting future energy requirements of different states and the best possible source that meets their transport and cost requirements. Operations research has thus been used to analyse these sources of energy and derive conclusions from available data.

Published by: Anoushka Maheshwari, Anshika Lara, Arsha Sharma, Ayush Fomra, Devansh Agrawal

Author: Anoushka Maheshwari

Paper ID: V4I5-1471

Paper Status: published

Published: October 24, 2018

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Research Paper

Industrial waste water in silica fumed concrete– A brief study

With a rapid growth in the construction industry, there is an increased demand for concrete for various uses. For concrete mixing and curing potable water is one of the most important ingredients. With increased population and agriculture sector and decreased average annual rainfall, the supply of fresh potable water to the construction industry is on the decline. In many drought-affected areas, water is scarce for even human needs. This may hamper the supply of fresh water to the construction industry. There is dire need to find the alternatives to fresh potable water to sustain the noteworthy growing rate of the construction industry. This paper investigates the effects of industrial wastewater in silica fumed concrete on not only strengths but also on other aspects like abrasion resistance, acid, and alkaline resistance. As silica fume is freely available bi-product in ore production, we normally ground-fill it. Considering the hazards of mixing it with groundwater we decided to use it in concrete as a partial replacement of cement. Also while taking an environmental approach we have to take into consideration the natural environmental conditions for structural strength of concrete. So abrasion resistance and acidic, alkaline resistance was also determined. Overall results show that through the strength of this newly formulated concrete increases, it fails on certain parameters like acid resistance but it certainly has more positive impacts on the environment.

Published by: Anand Deshkar, Deepa Telang

Author: Anand Deshkar

Paper ID: V4I5-1472

Paper Status: published

Published: October 23, 2018

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Importance of travel writing in literature

Travel writing as a genre of literature has not been a contemporary happening, as a cursory look at the annals of literary history shows us that from the biblical times till the present day, though the forms and media have changed, the passion of travel writing has remained much in vogue. The paper explores the ways in which travel writing has been an indispensable part of English literature, both in terms of its contribution to its richness as well as an avenue for human’s development. Human’s psychology is positively impacted through travel and the resultant travel memoirs prepared - discoveries, mysteries and socio-cultural planes give humans experiences with nature and people inhabiting them, so as to result in various forms of travel writing - travelogues, guides and stories. These, in turn, inspire others to undertake a similar travel and experience firsthand their “acquired knowledge from travel writings”. The paper also explores the ways in which travel accounts of voyage and discovery of new lands led to the development of the genre of travel writing in literature, and how it had positive externalities towards enriching other disciplines as well like history, geography, science etc. In turn, it has also been influenced by the socio-cultural settings, as well as questions of identity in society. The paper also traces the writing styles of Charles Darwin in his masterpiece “Origin of Species” and how that set the path right for the flourishing of the genre further. Charles Dickens, Carl Thompson, James Cook, Lawrence, Henry James are other luminaries who embraced literature through their travel writings. The paper also throws light on the inhibitions and bottlenecks which a traveler has to face while on travel - alienation from the homeland, feeling of otherness among a foreign crowd, loss of self-identity and seclusion from the larger group, inability to comprehend alien culture, religion, customs etc. But overcoming such challenges is the very essence of a hardcore travel writer - the passion to undertake travel against all odds to distant places to feel oneness with nature and hence contribute to humankind’s development.

Published by: Barna Bijay Basumatary

Author: Barna Bijay Basumatary

Paper ID: V4I5-1457

Paper Status: published

Published: October 23, 2018

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