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Android development

AOSP means Android Open Source Program. It is a version of the open source code of Android. It is being developed by Google in its consortium of brands to offer a pure version of the system which is available to anyone. It can be modified by developers without the need to follow standards of Google applications.

Published by: Arulpradeep S P, Naveen C, Abinayaa S

Author: Arulpradeep S P

Paper ID: V4I5-1298

Paper Status: published

Published: October 3, 2018

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Review Paper

IoT based greenhouse

The system proposed in this paper is an advanced solution for monitoring the weather conditions in the greenhouse and make the information visible anywhere in the world. The technology behind this is the Internet of Things (IoT), which is an advanced and efficient solution for connecting the things to the internet and to connect the entire world of things in a network. Here things might be whatever like electronic gadgets, sensors, and automotive electronic equipment. The system deals with monitoring and controlling the environmental conditions like temperature, relative humidity, with sensors and sends the information to the web page and then plot the sensor data as graphical statistics. The data updated from the implemented system can be accessible on the internet from anywhere in the world.

Published by: Aishwarya S, Thiuzhika Rajaram, Manepally Alekhya

Author: Aishwarya S

Paper ID: V4I5-1300

Paper Status: published

Published: October 1, 2018

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Research Paper

Agricultural development and inclusive growth in India

In most parts of the world, especially in the developing nations, the poor face challenges that impair their conditions and limit their opportunities. In order for growth to be inclusive, it should benefit all sectors of the economy while reducing the disadvantages faced by the poor and the underprivileged, as well as ensuring equitable opportunities for all economic participants. In the context of a developing country like India where a major portion of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood, agricultural development forms an important part of any growth measure. One of the many alternative strategies for attaining inclusive growth is through developing an inclusive financial system. Financial inclusion is instrumental to facilitate the economic transaction, manage day-to-day resources, protect against vulnerability, improve quality of life, make productivity-enhancing investments and leverage assets. However, in the Indian agricultural scenario, financial inclusion is faced by various impediments. This paper analyses the significance of financial inclusion and social sector expenditure in the rural economy in promoting agricultural development and inclusive growth in India, and infers with the help of a proposition made in a constructed general equilibrium model. It also offers certain policy prescriptions in this domain.

Published by: Semanti Choudhury

Author: Semanti Choudhury

Paper ID: V4I5-1293

Paper Status: published

Published: October 1, 2018

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Review Paper

Multi-classifier ensemble system with dynamic rule based algorithm for stock prediction

In monetary markets, it is mutually important and demanding to forecast the daily path of the stock market return. Among the some studies that focus on predicting daily stock market returns, the data mining measures utilized are either unfinished and not efficient, especially when a plethora of features are involved. This paper presents a whole and capable data mining process to anticipate the everyday direction of the S&P 500 Index ETF return based on 60 financial and economic features. To make it more accurate, I study many other techniques but SOP (Self Organizing Map) is a very proficient technique. To attain an accurate stock market prediction, the identification of the effective features is essential. In other words, the representative features of the factors play a key role in prediction efficiency. Technical and fundamental analyses are two indispensable tools in the financial market evaluation. Fundamental analysis can be used to estimate a firm’s performance and financial status over a period of time by carefully analyzing the institute’s financial statement. Technical analyses (TA), equally, evaluate securities by means of statistics such as past price and volume that are generated by market activities. The major analysis of TA is that it only reflects on the price movement and ignore the fundamental factors related to the company. The multiple classifier ensemble systems (MCS), a single type of machine learning technique, has newly become the focus of a new methodology for obtaining higher accuracy in predictions

Published by: Sandeep Sharma, Gurpreet Kaur

Author: Sandeep Sharma

Paper ID: V4I5-1296

Paper Status: published

Published: October 1, 2018

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Research Paper

Contribution of quality assurance practices by contractors on quality of public building projects in Kenya by devolved units: A case of Busia County in Western region, Kenya

The activities of the construction industry are vital to the achievement of national socio-economic development goals of providing shelter, infrastructure, and employment. The sector accounts for five percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Kenya and employs about 13 percent of the country’s total workforce. The devolved units (counties and constituencies) have invested the substantial amount of public funds in infrastructure development and yet social audit and media reports have raised the concern over the poor quality of the projects undertaken by these devolved units. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the contractors’ operations in the quality assurance process and how they affect the quality of the public building projects. A case involving sixty-four projects sampled from Busia County and its seven constituencies was carried out. The study was a sample survey whose data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and physical observation exercise. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square good-for-fit tests. The findings indicated the insufficient participation of the contractors as quality assurance providers in the construction process of the public building projects undertaken by devolved units. The participation rate was at 43% which implied that the projects were constructed with inadequate checks on quality through the assurance process. The physical observation assessment revealed the quality of the public building projects stood at 34% compliance to building specifications and standards which is inadequate to meet the required standards. It is concluded that the involvement of contractors in the quality assurance process in the construction management process of public building projects undertaken by the devolved units was inadequate and impacts negatively on the quality of the projects. In order to achieve the sustainable development as far as the infrastructural development is concerned, the involvement of contractors as quality assurance providers in the construction process was critical. This therefore called for the development of the legal and quality frameworks to guide the construction sector at the devolved units.

Published by: Wamalwa Chrispinus W. Mukoche, Kerre B. Wanjala, Simiyu John. W

Author: Wamalwa Chrispinus W. Mukoche

Paper ID: V4I5-1292

Paper Status: published

Published: October 1, 2018

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Research Paper

A study on surface absorption characteristics of concrete made with polypropylene fiber

The objective of this research is to produce polypropylene fibers with improved interface bonding with a concrete matrix. In the present experimental investigation, attempts are made to study on the various strength properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength, an also durability properties like CSAT test were held on long-term durability properties of PPFRC. Experiments were conducted for both Ordinary Concrete and polypropylene fiber Concrete with different percentages of polypropylene fiber. It was observed capillary section absorption conducted for determining the surface absorption test for polypropylene fiber concrete results shows increasing % of fiber than increasing surface absorption and minimum surface absorption value obtained a minimum of certain limit containing PPF in concrete. The 0.0% 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% addition of polypropylene fiber into the concrete shows better result in mechanical properties and durability.

Published by: Sidhamuni Thombre, Sherin Felix

Author: Sidhamuni Thombre

Paper ID: V4I5-1272

Paper Status: published

Published: October 1, 2018

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