
Recent Papers


Design of heat recovery agent of producer gas byproduct system in limekilns

ITC PSPD (Bhadrachalam) is one of the biggest and renowned paperboard manufacturers in India. The unit has 7 paper and board manufacturing machines powered by its own thermal power plant of total capacity 125 MW with a network of 7 turbines and a battery of 9s boilers, which include 3 no’s Soda recovery boilers and 6 no’s Atmospheric Fluidized bed combustion type coal-fired boilers. The Soda recovery plant is operated with 2 Rotary kilns of 200 and 300 TPH respectively with a lime purity of 79 ± 2.5 as a prime requirement with a firing system of fuel combination 60:40 ratio of producer gas and furnace oil. The producer gas plant is operated with 8 No’s of gasifiers with a capacity of 1400 M3/Hr and coal as an input material. During the process, Coal tar is the byproduct of the producer gas. The outline of the project is to design a heat exchanger to reduce the Tar(Fuel) Viscosity so that it matches the physical properties of conventional fuel (Furnace Oil). This will be helpful in reducing the Furnace oil consumption by 40 percent after substituting furnace oil with Tar. Hence the cost of production is optimized.

Published by: Jaya Prasad Vanam, Gunda Dilleswararao

Author: Jaya Prasad Vanam

Paper ID: V4I4-1450

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2018

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Research Paper

Effect of ammonia on the redox reaction of cobalt(II) with potassium ferricyanide in alkaline medium

The effect of ammonia on the redox reaction of cobalt(II) with potassium ferricyanide was studied potentiometrically as a function of pH, the concentration of ammonia and concentration of cobalt using as platinum as an indicator electrode and saturated calomel electrode as a reference electrode. In the presence of ammonia the formal potential of the Co(III)/Co(II) system is lower than the [Fe(CN)6]3-/ [Fe(CN)6]4- couple at a pH of 9.0 – 11.0, and hence it is possible to oxidize it quantitatively with potassium ferricyanide which is not possible otherwise. Thus, the addition of complexing agent increases the sharpness of the endpoint of titration with ferricyanide. The precision and accuracy of the method have been assessed by the application of lack – of- fit test and other statistical methods. Overall mean recovery and the mean standard analytical errors obtained were 99.81% and 0.0084 respectively. The interference study was carried out to check the possible interference of other metal ions.

Published by: K Kavitha

Author: K Kavitha

Paper ID: V4I4-1451

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2018

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Design of efficient compression and cryptographic model for an image transmission using WBCT and ECC

There is always a need for more memory and enhanced security for transmission. Image compression has gained importance because it reduces the storage space with the only acceptable amount of degrading in quality. Also, cryptographic techniques are used to provide security during transmission. In this project, an efficient compression and cryptographic model for image transmission are proposed. An input image of any format is converted to a grayscale image and Wavelet-Based Contourlet Transform(WBCT) is applied. Wavelets have the capability of approximation of images with sharp discontinuities, but they are not efficient for the approximation of images with a smooth contour. Contourlet transform uses Laplacian pyramidal decomposition and a directional filter bank to produce effective and powerful multiresolution and directional decomposition of an image. Together Wavelets and Contourlet Transform makes an image suitable for image compression. Huffman coding is used for lossless compression of data(image). This compressed image is encrypted using ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography). ECC has its own advantages such as smaller keys with enhanced security, requires less computing power, battery life, and memory. The ECC decryption algorithm will perfectly recover the original image. The work is implemented by using MATLAB. The compression ratio is 4.2 to 5 and PSNR value in the range of 24-32.

Published by: Navyashree R, Sujatha S

Author: Navyashree R

Paper ID: V4I4-1452

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2018

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Reduction of low pressure steam consumption in deaerator of coal fired boiler

ITC PSPD (Bhadrachalam) is one of the biggest and renowned paperboard manufacturers in India. The unit has integrated pulp mill and 7 no’s paper and board manufacturing machines powered by its own thermal power plant of installed capacity of 140 MW with a network of 6 turbines and a battery of 9 boilers, which include 3 no’s Soda recovery boilers and 5 no’s Atmospheric Fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) type and 1 no Circulating Fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) type coal-fired boilers. AFBC and CFBC boilers generate high-pressure steam with 62 ata, 102 ata and temperature 480 degrees C, 525 degrees C respectively. One of the AFBC Boiler of capacity 90 TPH consumes Low-pressure steam 0.150 Tons per Tons of High-pressure steam (Specific LP Steam) which is very high. This can leads to an increase in the cost of HP steam generation. Higher specific low-pressure steam consumption in boilers is a serious concern for the organization because of the low-pressure steam cost is nearly Rs 750/ton The reason for High LP steam consumption is Low Feed Water temperature which is coming to Deaerator. So we would like to increase the temperature of DM water by recovering heat from a process which is venting to atmosphere

Published by: Jaya Prasad Vanam, Vinnakota Mohan Krishna

Author: Jaya Prasad Vanam

Paper ID: V4I4-1448

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2018

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Case Study

Self-help group and empowerment of women- A case of Haveri district of Karnataka

Self Help Groups (SHGs) Women’s self-help groups (WSHGs) in particular, represented a form of intervention that is a radical departure from most current programmes. They are an effective strategy for poverty alleviation, human development, and social empowerment. Poverty represents a negative facet of human development. The state of Karnataka has always recognized the need for, and value of financial services to the poor. Yet there is no reason to believe that the basic reasons why people need money. The poor borrow money to life events like births, deaths, wedding etc. And to meet emergency needs related to the accidents drought and illness and for others unforeseen contingencies.

Published by: M. B. Banakar, Dr. C. S. Yatnalli

Author: M. B. Banakar

Paper ID: V4I4-1427

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2018

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Case Study

Market basket analysis using association rule

The proposed paper focuses on the basic concepts of association rule mining and the market basket analysis of different items. In the current study, the market analysis would be done by collecting the real, primary data directly from retailers and wholesalers. The efficiency of the FP- Growth algorithm can be measured in terms of mining of the frequent pattern. Precisely, we apply the FP-Growth algorithm on the various data collected from different stores in order to trace the various association rules comprising of a basket. One discrete advantage is that it avoids the generation of candidate sets, which is computationally exhaustive. The results and conclusions drawn can be used in optimizing the market. This will help in predicting future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make knowledge-driven decisions.

Published by: Mohini H. Chandwani

Author: Mohini H. Chandwani

Paper ID: V4I4-1444

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2018

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