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Research Paper

Chat server application

Chat-Application gives the method of reproof others United Nations agency square measure exploitation the Network at a similar time you're. Several network systems square measure engineered to speak with each other furthermore as created accessible through service-oriented architectures. during this project, the shopper server design is employed to develop a talk application. Firstly a talk application is formed for each shopper and Server that relies on Transmission management Protocol(TCP) wherever protocol is an association-directed protocol and could be a reliable association protocol.

Published by: Vedant Laxman Bhoir

Author: Vedant Laxman Bhoir

Paper ID: V8I4-1184

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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Research Paper

Personality prediction through questionnaire

In the modern world of development, more and more opportunities need to provide to an individual to achieve success in life. However, getting a job entirely depends on the selection process. With the advancement in information technology, electronics, and communication, the whole system of selection process becomes quite lengthy and complex. Moreover, every organization chooses a candidate by assessing the personality traits of an individual. In this project, we will try to implement a method that will allow an organization to easily select a candidate with the help of a personality test that will help in assessing the personality of an individual. This personality test predicts the personality with a success rate of 90%. Finally, the organization will choose a candidate if the personality traits of an individual match the requirement of the organization. Thus, the whole system becomes quick and accurate.

Published by: Siddharth Bhatt, Yash Sharma, Priyanshu Karki, Poonam Katyal

Author: Siddharth Bhatt

Paper ID: V8I4-1180

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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Research Paper

Removal of waste dyes from water by organic wastes

Dyes are colored compounds that are used in cosmetics, clothing, plastics, textile, and many more industries. Dyes attach themselves to the surfaces to give them color. Dyes are soluble in water and also make the water acidic. Organics dyes are toxic in nature and are one of the major contributing factors to water pollution because waste dyes are released into water bodies causing adverse effects on the aquatic environment. The dyes contain metal ions and other colored compounds. Since dyes are organic compounds they are aromatic rings and hence also have nitro, sulfo, chloro, and amidocyanogen chains which can be hazardous. Releasing organic dyes can also cause inhibit aquatic plant growth, it can also be consumed by a human and cause diarrhea and it can also make the water carcinogenic. ‘One way to remove waste dyes from water is adsorption. Adsorption is when molecules of a liquid, gas, or solution stick together to the surface of a solid, coating the solid (adhesion). The solid surfaces that they stick to are called sorbents. Sorbents are insoluble materials that are used to collect liquids by either absorption or adsorption. The three types of sorbents are Natural organic sorbents, Natural inorganic sorbents, and Synthetic sorbents (man-made materials).’5 In some places, dyes are removed from water using activated carbon but it is expensive and preparing it with the optimum conditions consumes a lot of energy, which prevents it from being used on a larger scale. The goal of this research is to show that Natural organic sorbents can be used to remove dyes from water as this is a more efficient, cheap, and most importantly environment-friendly method by measuring the turbidity of a solution.

Published by: Netra Patadia

Author: Netra Patadia

Paper ID: V8I4-1178

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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Research Paper

Confidential data protection using a multi-level security approach in the cloud

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. This exciting computing model depends on data traffic and is controlled by a third party. Despite the expected savings in infrastructure and the development cost for business flexibility, security is still the biggest challenge for the implementation of computing for many service-based companies. Security in cloud computing is mainly focused on the protection and guaranteeing data security. This paper discusses challenges related to data security and privacy implementation in a cloud computing environment. A multiple-level approach is proposed to accommodate the protection of confidential data in a cloud computing environment. This framework consists of different levels application security level, keyword-based file search, public key, and fingerprint verification level. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the framework implementation and its architecture verification. It is expected from the research a verified framework to protect private and confidential data in a cloud environment.

Published by: Sagar Bagale, Sudhir Shinde

Author: Sagar Bagale

Paper ID: V8I4-1165

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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Research Paper

Intelligent security response system

Secure product development is the mantra for having lesser vulnerabilities during the life cycle of a product. There are many well-known frameworks and policies companies have been following to ensure the same. E.g. Shift left security. While this is a proactive measure in ensuring security, the reactive support from the security response team also plays an equal role. The mission of any Security Response Team is to protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability of companies’ & customers' data by ensuring a responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities reported by external/internal sources in the product portfolio and in the services portfolio. Through this study, an attempt is made to find out and list down the risks involved if there is a deviation from responsible disclosures by external researchers and along with that explore a technical solution that could help companies have the details of the risk, at first hand. The very reason to name this solution an “Intelligent Security Response System” is that it brings in that extra intelligence that sometimes slips out from normal proactive monitoring solutions. The solution also has the capability to intelligently identify risk ratings and filtering logic, from the historic data which gives it an upper hand in terms of quickly identifying and notifying a threat with a false positive. With the onset of the latest technological disruptions, and the bad actors using all means to exploit the product vulnerabilities, this study also intends to identify the possible shortfalls and opportunities for improvement.

Published by: Suresh K. P.

Author: Suresh K. P.

Paper ID: V8I3-1449

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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Research Paper

Messenger service using AWS and sprinboot framework

Cloud computing is a technology for delivering pervasive, appropriate, sought-after networking access to shared computing resources such as storage, networks, servers, applications, and services that can be quickly equipped and supplied with minimal maintenance or service provider engagement. Most organizations have chosen cloud computing because it is believed to be safer and more trustworthy, especially in inventory tracking. Amazon, with its Amazon Web Services (AWS) business, is at the forefront when it comes to providing cloud computing services around the world. The cloud-based email service uses a serverless an architecture which is the microservice type which will be enacted using Springboot Framework and Amazon Web Services including AWS Lambda, Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service (SQS), Simple Email Service (SES), Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and CloudWatch. The proposed work is to implement a cloud-based email service using AWS to send bulk emails with less time using email templates and configure services to monitor the email sends deliveries, failures, and complaints

Published by: Shivani, Rekha B. S.

Author: Shivani

Paper ID: V8I4-1162

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2022

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