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Retina based E-voting system using fuzzy logic and hamming distance

Online E-Voting system is a convenient process to poll their votes easily for users. An online voting system is a very popular method but it has a lot of security issues. The major issue of this process is considered a user authentication and data storage. There are many secured passwords based securities are available in the last decades, but such kind of securities are not safe for user authentication it is easily hacked by the attackers. Hence, Biometric based E-voting system provide reliable security for the confidential E-voting system. The retina based E-voting has provided more reliable security for user authentication. In this work, the feature extraction process is done by the fuzzy logic and the matching process is done by the hamming distance and Manhattan distance to match frequent patterns in similarity measures between the retinal images and identifies detection probabilities in retina layers. Angular and radial partitioning techniques are used to detect the similarities of the blood vessels. This mechanism provides maximum security and achieves optimal results for the E-voting system.

Published by: P. Abirami, R. Anandha Jothi, Dr. V. Palanisamy

Author: P. Abirami

Paper ID: V4I4-1159

Paper Status: published

Published: July 12, 2018

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Research Paper

The effect of caffeine and nicotine on different plants growth

This study was carried out to show the effect of nicotine on different plants. For this experiment, we use two plants Trigonellafoenum-graecum & Mustard Brassica.juncea as they are fast growing plants. The source of nicotine was BEEDI (local cigarette) & KK ( pan masala). Three -three pots taken for each plants Trigonellafoenum-graecum & mustard Brassica. juncea. Trigonellafoenum-graecum for taken 3 pots one for normal, one for kk, one for beedi same is taken for mustard Brassica juncea. An equal amount of water is given on a daily basis & equal environmental condition was provided. It shows that beedi & kk enhance the growth of plants as compared with normal plants. The purpose of this experiment is to see whether coffee and cigarette can make a plant grow taller within 10 days. This experiment was done by using mung bean (Vigna.radiata L) plants and watering them daily with normal water, water mixed with caffeine and with a coffee mixture. The height of the plant was measured as a daily parameter to check the effect on growth. On the fifteenth day of germination, the plant was removed to evaluate dry weight and spectrophotometric measurement for chlorophyll content. The result of the experiment found that caffeine with low amount gives best results which can be reconfirmed by height, chl a, b, carotenoid estimation. The result indicates that mung bean grows faster in soil with caffeine. The effect of nicotine on plant growth (fenugreek seeds) by using cigarette and chewing tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive drug that is found mostly in cigarettes, cigar, chewing snuff. Cigarette and chewing tobacco contain thousands of chemical compound but nicotine is a major constituent of cigarette and tobacco, kills insect pests and used in many organic insecticides to protect plants. Our study investigated the impact of pure tobacco(chewing) and a cigarette on seed germination of fenugreek. The result showed that if we use a cigarette, the plant will grow taller” as compared to the normal plant. But there was a significant decrease in germination rate or growth at pure tobacco or at high concentration of tobacco Qualitative test perform to check the presence of carbohydrate and protein which gives a positive result. Different concentration of bidi and kk used to check their effect on plant growth. Concentration like 1% ,2% &3%. Kk shows the highest growth at 3% then 1%&least on 2%.In nicotine shows the highest growth at 3%then 2%&1%.

Published by: Dr. Heena Asif Pathan, Dr. Swati D. Wavhal

Author: Dr. Heena Asif Pathan

Paper ID: V4I4-1206

Paper Status: published

Published: July 11, 2018

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Research Paper

Clinical study of distal femur fracture treated operatively- Minimum 6 months of follow-up

Fractures in the distal femur have posed considerable therapeutic challenges throughout the history of fracture treatment because they are usually compound, comminuted, readily deformed because of muscle forces acting on the distal fragment, prone to result in functional impairment of the knee joint and ankle joint because of injury to quadriceps system and often occur in elderly patients with osteoporosis.

Published by: Dr. Kirit Jadav

Author: Dr. Kirit Jadav

Paper ID: V4I4-1209

Paper Status: published

Published: July 11, 2018

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Research Paper

An integrated subsystem for basement flood detection

Disaster Management accords with the response to the management of resources and property. It is the exigency in today’s world. Flooding has become a global pervasive in the past decades which hampers economic and social development. This project endeavors an integrated flood risk management system employing a magnetic reed switch interfaced with microprocessor Arduino UNO using microcontroller 328p. The build-out in the architecture of the buildings into apartments and complexes have made a requisite for basements. This device is hence installed in the parking lot and basement of apartments, malls and corporate buildings as the water reach a particular level the reed switch gets closed generating an alert.T he residents of the apartment or the authorities of the building get an SMS through GSM module followed by an alarm. Now once excess water starts accumulating, water suction motor is used to remove water to prevent the rapid rise of water. Thus the reed switch is interfaced with Arduino for flood detection and the rising water level in the basement of buildings and alert people for easy evacuation. The comparison of the reed switch and the previously used sensors is done and the results are obtained.

Published by: Sujatha Anand, Chrisilla S, Angel Natchatra S

Author: Sujatha Anand

Paper ID: V4I4-1216

Paper Status: published

Published: July 11, 2018

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Research Paper

Health scenario of Assam: A study

NRHM is a crucial health initiative taken by the government to improve the health of the rural masses with the special attention to the disadvantaged groups including women and children. In this developing country with illiteracy, poverty, disparity, malnutrition etc, among the rural population, the mission aimed to have dramatic changes in the health status by providing affordable, accessible and available healthcare facility. Assam was embraced by the umbrella of the mission as one of the special focus states. Various initiatives and schemes have been undertaken under the mission to positively affect the health status of the state. An attempt is made in this paper to analyze the performance and effectiveness of the role played by the mission to meet its goals and to change the health scenario of the state. Relying on the available secondary data, the paper shows the improved health indicators and the health system during the period of NRHM. Also, an attempt is made to focus on the existing lacuna of the mission or its performance.

Published by: Sujata Choudhury

Author: Sujata Choudhury

Paper ID: V4I4-1181

Paper Status: published

Published: July 11, 2018

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Research Paper

Experimental investigation of mechanical characterization and drilling of fabricated GFRP composites reinforced with Al2O3 micro particles

Nowadays composites became very popular due to its excellent physical and mechanical properties. Composites are widely used in all the industries like the construction sector, ships, aerospace, automobile etc. One of the most important properties of the composites is a higher strength to weight ratio because of which it is widely used in aerospace parts. Further to improve the properties of the composites microparticles could be added. In this thesis fabrication of glass fiber composites with microparticles in order to improve the mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural, impact strength and hardness by conducting tests such as tensile strength test, flexural strength, impact and micro Vickers hardness test, respectively. Machining of the composites has always been a complex problem in the case of glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites because of the laminar nature of the composites. In order to assemble the structural parts made by composites with the help of rivets and joints or nut-bolts, it is necessary to drill the composites to make the hole. During the exit and the entry of the drill bit in the hole, composites undergo severe damages in the topmost layer and bottom-most layer which in turn results in the delamination of the layers. So in this thesis, the drilling process parameters like speed, feed and the weight percentage of alumina microparticles were optimized in order optimize the output parameters like thrust force and delamination factor of the composites. The optimization of the parameters was done according to response surface methodology concept. The optimum values of input parameters are 1213 rpm speed, 0.16 mm/rev feed and 5.2 % wt. % of alumina microparticles. The corresponding optimal parameters for these parameters are 179.4 N thrust force, entry delamination factor 1.12 and exit delamination factor 1.17 with the desirability of 0.838.

Published by: Rabindra Kumar, Om Prakash Tiwari

Author: Rabindra Kumar

Paper ID: V4I4-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: July 11, 2018

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