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Effectiveness of scapular muscle strengthening in management of lateral epicondylalgia

Lateral epicondylalgia appears to be multifactorial in origin, while the clinical picture is fairly uniform. Furthermore, only 5% of the people suffering from tennis elbow actually play tennis, and therefore, the condition may rather be referred to as lateral epicondylalgia(LE). There are many studies done for physiotherapeutic management of LE. Ultrasound and wrist extensor exercises remain mainstay in management of LE. There are some studies suggesting relationship between scapular muscles & LE. AIM: To assess the additional effect of scapular muscle strengthening over conventional treatment in management of Lateral epicondylalgia. METHODOLOGY: Subjects who met with inclusion & exclusion criteria were divided into 2 groups. Experimental group was given scapular muscle strengthening exercises in addition to conventional treatment and the control group was given conventional treatment for LE. Grip strength measurement was done using Jamar's hand-held dynamometer & pain intensity and functional ability was scored using patient-rated tennis elbow evaluation(PRTEE) score on 1stday & after 3 weeks. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: Significant improvement was found in both the groups. Scapular muscle strengthening showed significantly more reduction in pain, functional disability and more improvement in grip strength than conventional treatment. Thus, scapular muscle strengthening must be included in rehabilitation plan of patient with LE.

Published by: Dr. Krupa Raithatha, Dr. Ankur Khant, Dr. Vaibhavi Ved

Author: Dr. Krupa Raithatha

Paper ID: V4I3-1893

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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saraNi – An IoT based pathfinder

“Internet of Things” means the interconnection of things – a person, buildings, vehicles, electrical and electronic devices, mechanical devices and so on. There are huge applications in this area like smart home, smart city, medical applications, Traffic management system etc. Now a day’s traffic congestion is a major problem which leads to the traffic jam in developing countries like India. Reaching the destination within the city limit is so unpredictable. It is necessary to analyze the traffic pattern in near real time. So it is necessary to develop an IoT based application with real-time data analysis to overcome the problem. In this paper, we present “saraNi – An IoT based pathfinder” is an application that is targeted to help daily commuters in reaching the destination from the source in the shortest and the fastest possible route. The application is indented to help the commuters using smart wireless sensor network. The application uses sensors that are placed in various junctions, which detects the congestions at the junction.

Published by: Ramyavathsala C V, Dr. Shashikala

Author: Ramyavathsala C V

Paper ID: V4I3-1868

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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Nitrogen content in rice leaf and weed in crop row

Nitrogen (N) estimation and detecting weeds are two different works in the agriculture. Nitrogen is the essential nutrient in plant which gives the status of plants. Detecting weeds in the crop row is also an essential as it affects the crops yield [1]. In this work rice leaf images are considered to estimate nitrogen content based on Leaf Color Chart (LCC), this paper also discusses the detection of weeds in crop row field.

Published by: Vidyarani K, Dr. Shashikala

Author: Vidyarani K

Paper ID: V4I3-1865

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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Research Paper

Voice over Internet with text chat

VoIP is a protocol designed to improve voice over IP and other networks based on packet switching. The birth of VoIP came as an alternative to the expensive public telephone network (PSTN) for voice transmission. Given QoS for VoIP, factors such as system capacity, frequency, packet delay, loss, and channel configurations are of paramount importance. These parameters with security issues, channel bandwidth allocation and reliability issue represent major challenges facing VoIP systems. To master Internet voice communication systems, a clear understanding of Internet Protocol (IP) is mandatory. The audio is transferred by the RTP protocol that is added in the IP packet. In this paper I will focus on the techniques used in VoIP systems and the challenges faced by these systems. As the voice transmission market in transition from traditional PSTN networks continues to VoIP, new technologies are being tested and tested to improve the quality of services provided by VoIP systems. The main focus is finding ways to deal with high traffic and booming demand for VoIP systems.

Published by: Akshay Jain, Siddharth Mitra, Vishal, Netra Patil

Author: Akshay Jain

Paper ID: V4I3-1905

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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Prevention of eavesdropper attack in industrial wireless sensor network

Industrial wireless sensor networks are progressively based on open conventions and stages that are likewise utilized in the IT business and Internet foundation. The vast majority of the businesses utilize wireless networks for conveying data and information, because of high link cost. Since the wireless networks are not secure, it is necessary to secure the analytical data and information within the transmission. The information that transmitted is intercepted by eavesdropper can be anticipated by secrecy capacity. The secrecy capacity is the contrast between channel limit and primary connection of wireless transmission. At the point when the secrecy capacity gets blurs, at that point it is realized that transmitted information is blocked. In the occasion, of applying optimal sensor scheduling scheme in the sensor network with most elevated secrecy capacity is selected and the information is transmitted. It is taken after with helpful localization algorithm to upgrade nodes, predict and keep up the energy of every sensor nodes. Through localization algorithm, best sensor nodes are get anticipated for transmission. Also, AES encryption and decryption algorithm are applied to data transmission. This will be providing protection to data is the contribution work. In like manner, an asymptotic block probability investigation is performed to give certain into the impact of the sensor booking on the wireless security.

Published by: Sairabanu Pansare, D. C. Mehetre

Author: Sairabanu Pansare

Paper ID: V4I3-1875

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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Basics of a police complaint

How to write a police complaint is very important. In everyday life, we face many difficulties and problems. Few of these can be taken care by mediation or by talking about the problems between each other, however, few complaints cant be redressed even after discussions as either party may either dont want to resolve the problems and others further threaten of dire consequences. In the latter situation, the said complaint must be redressed by filing a formal complaint with the authorities like police. Therefore it is quite important how to get a resolution of your problems by writing the police complaint which must contain every fact and everything crystal clear so that resolution is made by police immediately without any further delay. Hence this article would help people write a proper police complaint which would enable them to explain their complaint in a proper manner. This article would also help people get an idea as to what and how to write a complaint to the police and what is the basics of writing a police complaint. This article on the basis of a police complaint also discloses what are the do's and dont's while writing a police complaint. Which things are to be kept in mind while formally jotting down your complaints and which things to avoid. Further, this article also explains the view taken by the supreme court of India while relating to the laws of marking the police complaint. The supreme court has in detail passed guidelines as to what is the procedure to be followed while filing a police complaint. These guidelines of the Hon'ble supreme court are also elucidated in this article. So, in brief, this article would help a person from A to Z of how to draft/write a police complaint.

Published by: Gurmeet Singh

Author: Gurmeet Singh

Paper ID: V4I3-1884

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2018

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