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Research Paper

FPGA implementation of CORDIC algorithm

Trigonometric functions have the wide variety of applications in real life. Trigonometric-related calculations which are widely found in a broad range of applications can be performed by using CORDIC algorithm. Specially SIN and COSINE waves have been very useful in medical science, signal processing, geology, electronic communication, thermal analysis and many more. Real life application requires fast calculation capabilities as much as possible. CORDIC is Coordinate Rotation Digital Computing. Cordic algorithm’s used to find the sine and cosine angle in the integer form. The CORDIC algorithmic is an iterative computing algorithm capable of evaluating various elementary functions using a unified shift-and-add approach Used to calculate a wide variety of functions. It requires only addition, subtraction, bitshift and looks up the table. Where multipliers are not used. The algorithm is implemented here for an angle of 30 degrees and the Active-HDL results are shown along with sine and cosine values in the tabular form for different rotation angles. It can be used in digital synchronizers, graphics processors, scientific calculators, and so on. It offers the substantial saving of area complexity over the conventional Design. Designing of CORDIC Processor in Verilog to determine the sine and cosine The result has been shown in this paper that resolution of CORDIC algorithm is best for implementing many trigonometrical functions. Here a brief concept, design strategy, implementation of cordic architecture and summary of cordic synthesis results based on Xilinx FPGA. The system simulation is carried out using Xilinx ISE design suite 14.1. the system is implemented using Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX45 FPGA with Verilog hardware description language.

Published by: Chaitra Y, Dr. H. S. Sheshadri

Author: Chaitra Y

Paper ID: V4I3-1579

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2018

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Survey Report

Satellite image classification and feature extraction using various classification techniques: A survey

The classification of remote sensing image plays an important role in pattern recognition. The objective of the image classification is extracted the tremendous information,  patterns present in the image in form of classes The Satellite images play a major role in a hassle-free monitoring and management of the natural resources such as land, forest, water etc. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of Image classification, its techniques, and review of various previously conducted works with techniques observations and the results obtained by them respectively. It also discusses the emerging classification techniques such as Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks in brief.  

Published by: Akshata M. Marnur, Anil B. Gavade

Author: Akshata M. Marnur

Paper ID: V4I3-1576

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2018

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Research Paper

Fynbot- Artificial intelligence system for personal expense management

A financial Chatbot is one way for banks, financial service vendors, and other financial organizations to connect with customers on a more personal level. It is meant to simulate a conversation with another human. The user can type a question into a message box, and the Chatbot comes up with the answer instantly. A chat-bot is a conversational agent that can interact with human’s turn by turn using natural language. In the world of personal finance, applications are being used by users to answer questions about bank balances, recent transactions, and spending trends which are controlled by operations that as simple as text input and click events. The main objective of this project is to build a Chatbot that enables users to micromanage their expenses in a fast and better way. With the combination of NLP techniques, machine learning techniques and certainly advanced algorithms based on AI we can solve the problem of building a Chatbot to manage personal expenses of an individual. The platform will generate reports and analyze user transaction data in order to manage their expenses and regulate the usage according to budget constraints.

Published by: Varisha Ashraf, Ankit Jain, V B Sree Kumar, Varun Patwari, Dr. Rajesh S L, Chandrakanta Saini

Author: Varisha Ashraf

Paper ID: V4I3-1575

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2018

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Review Paper

Impact of climate change: A curse to the shrimp farming in India

Aquaculture has been spanning one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing sectors across the globe. Humans and fish have been inextricably linked for millennia, not only because fish is an important source of animal protein, providing many millions of livelihood means and food security, but also from an evolutionary viewpoint. In 2008, aquaculture accounted for 46 percent of the global food-fish supply, and per capita supply from aquaculture increased from 0.7 kg in 1970 to 7.8 kg in 2008, an average annual growth rate of 6.6 percent (FAO 2010). In developing countries, the sector contributes significantly to livelihoods and food security, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

Published by: Amit Kumar Mohanty

Author: Amit Kumar Mohanty

Paper ID: V4I3-1559

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2018

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Survey Report

A literature survey on detecting compromised accounts on social networks

Online social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter have become one of the main media to stay in touch with the rest of the world. Over time, social network users build a trust relationship with the account they follow. Unfortunately, when control over an account falls into hands of a cybercriminal, he can easily exploit this trust to further his own malicious agenda. Moreover, the effect of an account compromise can extend well beyond the reputation of a company. This paper presents COMPA, which is designed to detect compromised accounts on online social networks. COMPA is based on a simple observation, social network users develop habit overtime and those habits are fairly stable. Compromised accounts on the online social network are detected with the help of behavioral profile of user and messages sent by him or her. Every time a new post or a message is generated, it is compared to this behavioral profile. If the message significantly deviates from the learned behavioral profile, COMPA flags it as compa. We implemented our approach in a tool called COMPA and evaluated for Twitter and Facebook in this paper. We show that our system is capable of building meaningful behavioral profiles for individual accounts and detect it and send message notification to admin, who is able to block it.

Published by: Vinod Khanapure, Amruta Ayachit, Pooja Gujanatti, Reshma Gajappanavar, Anusha Ashok Shettar

Author: Vinod Khanapure

Paper ID: V4I3-1481

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2018

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Vehicle security using Raspberry-Pi

Recently every individual person preferring to use own vehicle for transportation rather than public transportation because of flexibility in schedule. Thefts are happening on parking and sometimes driving insecurity places like highways. Hence the security and safety become a basic necessity for the urban population and also everyone. In recent days vehicle security and accident prevention are more challenging. The proposed system gives an alarm which represents vehicle tracking and accident detection when theft and accident identifying. Raspberry-pi is the heart of the system, which is connected to any moving vehicle, these make an easy option to track any moving vehicle for that it matters in real time on Google-maps. An alert will be received to the authorized person, the vehicle will be moved to stop mode through the GSM-GPRS connected to the raspberry-pi kit which is kept on inside of the vehicle. Which consist of rasp-pi-camera, sensors, and android phone. The camera is used to take pictures when the vehicle is open or closed mode. This system helps find-out the exact location of an accident with the server and sent the information to an authorized person, give an alarm signal to save the human life. This system also detects the behavior of the driver through the sensors whether he/she drowsy/drunk, the speed vehicle is stopped. This system more securable reliable and economical.  

Published by: Pavithra .M, S. Jyothi

Author: Pavithra .M

Paper ID: V4I3-1569

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2018

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