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Research Paper

Infrastructure security- Data transfer protection from attacks in named data network

In recent times, Attacks have become widespread, and they are difficult to detect in networks. It is because of their neighboring, simple and effective characteristics, Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed DoS attacks are recognized as one of the main threats faced by Network Services. To cope with the attacker problem, we have proposed a solution for Infrastructure security for the data transmission in the Named Data Network (NDN) by File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which combines the data encryption, satisfies the requirement of secure data transfer and also using dynamic routing protocols for secure web pages, file access through the routers from an unauthorized access. We have to check whether the user is the third party or not. If a user is the third party then he fails to login within the limited access time then admin will block that particular IP address. By this, we can provide a satisfied level of security to the infrastructure of the organization. This is simulated in Cisco Packet Tracer.

Published by: Rajeshwari K R, R Nagaraja

Author: Rajeshwari K R

Paper ID: V4I3-1504

Paper Status: published

Published: May 22, 2018

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Review Paper

Analysis of characteristics of thermal power plant ash to replace the sand in concrete

Pond powder is one, crazy of three classification of fly cinder accessible from warm control stations. Different two classifications are dry fly powder Also lowest part ash, dry fly powder may be gathered starting with different rows about Electro-static precipitators On dry form, bottom fly cinder may be gathered during those base for heater furnace, Pond powder may be gathered starting with powder Pond region. Pond powder will be wastes Also by-products for warm energy plant, have been presented under indian cement industry should save regular assets from claiming parts of cement. Done India, practically of the warm force plants receive wet system for powder transfer. Pond powder is gathered starting with warm force plant In those bottom, in that it holds huge sum of moderately coarser particles (spanning from 150 microns will 2. 36 mm). Pond powder use aides to decrease the utilization of characteristic assets. Also it will be help on take care of those issue of transfer for Pond powder in light it holds enormous sum from claiming compound mixes, for example, SiO2, Al2O3 and so on. These concoction exacerbates (SiO2, Al2O3) need aid assumes a paramount part done hydration response Also aides to process security the middle of two contiguous particles likewise cement assumes a paramount part done long term time for structure something like that it may be likewise imperative to weigh impact for sturdiness Eventually Tom's perusing utilizing sulfate attack, chloride particle penetration, drying shrinkage. Coal-based warm control plants everywhere throughout those universe face not kidding issues of taking care of and transfer of the powder transformed. The secondary powder content (30-50%) of the coal in, india makes this issue complex. Toward present, regarding 80 warm energy stations prepare About 100 million tonsil from claiming coal powder for every annum.

Published by: Anoop, Sumesh Jain

Author: Anoop

Paper ID: V4I3-1510

Paper Status: published

Published: May 21, 2018

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Review Paper

Air pollution modelling

Industrial chimney releases pollutant to the environment which causes air pollution. As an air pollutant is transported from a source to a potential receptor the pollutant disperses into the surrounding air so that it arrives at a much lower concentration than it was on leaving the source. Air pollution modeling helps to determine the mathematical relationship between the effects of source emission of pollutant on ground level concentration. Many dispersion models have been developed and used to estimate the downwind ambient concentration of air pollutants from sources such as industrial plants, vehicular traffic or accidental chemical release. Air Pollution emission plume i.e., the flow of pollutant in the form of smoke released into the air. Throughout many dispersion models, Gaussian Dispersion Models perhaps the oldest (circa 1936) and perhaps the most commonly used model type. The primary algorithm used in Gaussian modeling is the Generalized Dispersion Equation for a continuous point source plume. This paper reviews the air pollution modeling which relates the effects of source emission on ground level concentration by mathematical equations and terminology.

Published by: Kulshresth Singh

Author: Kulshresth Singh

Paper ID: V4I3-1522

Paper Status: published

Published: May 21, 2018

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Research Paper

IoT based smart garbage collection system

Smart waste bin is essential to develop a successful and dynamic waste management system. Waste management from its beginning to its transfer is one of the vital difficulties for the municipal corporations in everywhere throughout the world. Dustbins set across finished urban regions set at open spots are flooding a direct result of expansion to the waste each day and making unhygienic conditions for the occupants. To keep up an essential partition from such a circumstance we have proposed remote strong waste management prototype for sharp urban groups, which empowers common associations to screen the status of dustbins remotely, completed web server and keep urban groups clean profitably by enhancing cost and time required for it. At the point when dustbin has accomplished its greatest edge level, waste management division gets alert by methods for SMS through GSM module set at dustbin so the workplace can send garbage collection vehicle to the specific area to gather the refuse. The objective of the undertaking is to enhance sensibility of IoT based strong waste collection and administration system for smart city.

Published by: Rahul Kumar Borah, Sahana Shetty, Rahul Patidar, Anisha Raniwala, Kratee Jain

Author: Rahul Kumar Borah

Paper ID: V4I3-1518

Paper Status: published

Published: May 21, 2018

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Survey Report

A brief survey on password authentication

Secret key based authentication has been utilized widely as one of the authentication methods. Utilizing passwords for client confirmation is as yet the most regular strategy for some, web administrations and assaults on the password databases represent a serious risk. Web advances are increasing to an ever-increasing extent distinction step by step however the constant survival and replication of password verification plans produce challenges for end clients. The current cybercrimes development is a difficult issue, a huge number of individuals turn into the casualty of cybercrime and most of them can't be avoided effectively just by solid passwords. The assaults incorporate key logging, savage constraining, speculating assaults, replay assault.

Published by: Shruthi Patil, Mercy S, Nagaraja Ramaiah

Author: Shruthi Patil

Paper ID: V4I3-1512

Paper Status: published

Published: May 21, 2018

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Review Paper

A review on characterstic behaviour of porous concrete and conventional concrete

Porous concrete is made using large aggregates with little to no fine aggregates. The concrete paste then coats the aggregates and allows water to pass through the concrete slab. Porous concrete is traditionally used in parking areas, areas with light traffic, residential streets, pedestrian walkways, and greenhouses. It is an important application for sustainable construction and is one of many low impact development techniques used by builders to In the presence of clayey soil, water can be percolated through providing borehole at every 1-2km with the help of drainage system. Water can be filtered and stored as the freshwater below the ground. We can also give direction to water specifically according to need. By providing the certain angle to the flaky aggregate water which gets drained will make its way to the slope going down towards the sewer line or any other drainage arrangement. This could be useful where soil strata have less water absorption capacity.  

Published by: Ashish Verma, Nitin Thakur

Author: Ashish Verma

Paper ID: V4I3-1508

Paper Status: published

Published: May 21, 2018

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