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Intelligent and adaptive illumination for street lights using IoT

The main purpose of this project is to design an Intelligent and adaptive street lighting system, which ensures continuous lighting for the rural people as they mainly depend on renewable energy sources. This project “INTELLIGENT AND ADAPTIVE STREET LIGHTS ILLUMINATION CONTROL USING IOT” is to minimize the energy cost & electricity losses and also reduce the manpower used in manually switching on-off the streetlights. This smart streetlight operates only when required and works autonomously on successive nights even when sunlight is unavailable. Nowadays people are looking for smart systems, with less energy consumption along with less maintenance. On considering the above, these Intelligent streetlights are upended with IoT powered adaptive system, to identify the faulty situations and communicate the same to the maintenance using the IoT-NodeMCU

Published by: Ragul R., Dr. N. Kamalakannan, Sivasubramaniyan V., Thamizharasan S., Mukesh Kumar S.

Author: Ragul R.

Paper ID: V8I3-1416

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2022

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Research Paper

State of Art Study on Steps for Formulating Research Problem

This paper describes vital steps of a formulating research problem. Formulating research problem is like the foundation of building to be constructed. i.e. Formulating research problem is the base of any research. The choice of formulation of a suitable problem is one of the most difficult task for researcher. The formulating of problem can be said to be most important and main stage in the research activity. Without the formulation of problem research activity will be futile and will not even produce any result. A researcher must find the problem and formulate it so that it becomes susceptible to research. To solve a problem someone has to know about the problem. In each field or area of education, several problems exist which may have reference to pure, applied or action research. With the formulation of research problem also the reader become aware of the result and objective to be conveyed in a study.

Published by: Shivani S. Railkar, Ankita Pailkar, Amruta Patil

Author: Shivani S. Railkar

Paper ID: V8I3-1411

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2022

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Research Paper

Placement Assist Bot

Placement cell is very crucial management deals with Placement activities respective to Universities and Colleges. This brings up Placement coordinators, Students to monitor all the activities easy to handle in all one place as a Web Application with (AI) Chatbot facilities. This application has a basic dashboard which stores the information of the student and further used in placement process and activities, Scheduled meetings are notified as well as the placement training activities are handled. The Chatbot which is built on NLP basis where the intent is in the form of json fed to a basic model and trained with the pre-processed corpus and deployed using Flask. This chatbot handles the basic queries related to the placement preparation as per the company specified. Chatbots can engage the users and build a good relationship for more personalised usage/experience.

Published by: Shahanawaz Shaik, Sarayu Polepalli, Isha Jain, Dr. P. Tamilselvi

Author: Shahanawaz Shaik

Paper ID: V8I3-1414

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2022

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Research Paper

Best Crop Yield Prediction and Maintenance of Soil Fertility using pH Value of Soil: Predicting pH Value using Digital Image Processing and Linear Regression

the pH of the soil is a key factor that can impact nutrients in the soil and plays an important role in deciding what crops will we yield on the farm as well as fertilizer that farmers will use to make their crops better. The traditional methods are proven by many scientists and have their own disadvantages like sensor damage and maintenance of kits. The alternate solutions such as image processing-based prediction give more accurate and fast results than traditional methods. Here, we have used image processing and a Linear Regression algorithm to identify the pH level of the soil. Basically, to determine the pH level of soil, pH kits from labs are used. But they are not always accurate as they add extra maintenance for the results. To overcome this issue, we proposed a system that can obtain the pH value, recommend the crop for the same and also show the nearest fertilizer stores to the farmer. For crop recommendation system it uses attributes like soil pH, the texture of the soil, the color of soil, and nutrients available in the soil. In this paper, we proposed a method to get the result of soil pH instantly, so that it will be easier for farmers to analyze the crop prediction.

Published by: Himanshu Ajay Borade, Amogh Chandrashekhar Kurlekar, Pranjal Shailendra Sawarbandhe, Randhir Arun Gitte, Dr. Rohini Chavan

Author: Himanshu Ajay Borade

Paper ID: V8I3-1271

Paper Status: published

Published: June 21, 2022

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Review Paper

Conceptual Study of Efficacy of Shwadanshtrabala Vati in Garbhini Mutraroga W.S.R to Mild Urinary Tract Infections During Pregnancy

Ayurveda has given care to the Stree (women) at every aspect of her life in the form of Rajaswala (menstrual care), Garbhini paricharya (antenatal care) and Sutika paricharya(postnatal care). Among all this, giving birth with healthy mother and baby is aim of antenatal care. Progressive changes (both anatomical and physiological) during pregnancy are not only confined to genital organs but also to various systems of the body. Some changes occurring inside woman’s body can be felt as discomfort by a pregnant woman. During pregnancy due to these changes occurring inside mother’s body many maternal illnesses are common among which urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common. pregnant woman having symptoms like burning micturition, frequency of micturition, urgency of micturition, pain during micturition, pain in suprapubic region is considered under garbhini mutraroga which can be correlated with urinary tract infection. The Mutraroga are widespread since the Vedic period. Our ancient acharyas had detail knowledge about their management and etiopathogenesis. In explanation of garbhini vyadhi, mutraroga is not described. but Acharya Kashyapa has opined that the etio-pathology of the physical and psychological disorders that occurs in pregnant women is same as in normal individuals i.e doshas, dushya are same in both.i

Published by: Dr. Mrudula Kulkarni, Dr. Neha Agrawal

Author: Dr. Mrudula Kulkarni

Paper ID: V8I3-1412

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2022

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Research Paper

The Fall of the Greek Economy

Throughout history, numerous countries have faced economic crises at different points in time. Such crises affect the country's economic stability and have a domino effect on the country's social and political atmosphere. One of the most prominent financial crises in recent history has been the downfall of the Greek economy. Through this paper, we aim to understand the reasons leading up to the Greek debt crisis, the policies taken to tackle the grave issue and the aftermath of these policies. We have also covered the current scenario and how Greece's already weak economy is battling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Published by: Simran Raina, Tanushree Sarda, Srishti Sahni, Siddharth Agrawal, Siddhant Vasudeva

Author: Simran Raina

Paper ID: V8I3-1407

Paper Status: published

Published: June 18, 2022

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