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Braille glove

About 37 million people across the globe are visually impaired which is a substantial proportion of world’s population In this fast developing world which is tending more towards the use of digital communication, the blind people find it really difficult to cope up with the pace of it. Although there have been some attempts made to develop several systems to help them to connect digitally with the society. Considering the present condition of the visually impaired people, we have developed a system (Braille Glove) which will help the user to send and receive text message using the standard Braille code. This paper describes a low-cost Braille Glove for blind people using touch sensors and vibration motors. This glove allows the person to type characters representing the Braille combination using the touch sensor which is placed on the palm side of the glove. This glove also allows the person to read the incoming message using the vibration motors which we have placed on the back side of the glove.

Published by: Amey B. Shinde, Kumar Shubham, Swaroop A. Raut

Author: Amey B. Shinde

Paper ID: V4I3-1370

Paper Status: published

Published: May 12, 2018

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Research Paper

Driver fatigue detection and accident preventing system

In today’s availing conditions many traffic accidents have been occurring due to driver’s fatigue or diminished vigilance level. Driver fatigue detection based on computer vision is one of the most hopeful applications of image recognition technology. There are several factors that reflect driver's fatigue. An eye is the most important feature of the human face. In this paper, we describe a system that locates and tracks the eyes of a driver and finds drivers fatigue and turns on the adaptive cruise control system. The purpose of such a system is to perform detection of driver fatigue by mounting a small camera inside the car, we can monitor the face of the driver and look for eye-movements which indicate that the driver is no longer in condition to drive and turns on the ACCS. Finally, experiment results show that the proposed fatigue monitoring system detects driver fatigue probability more exactly and robustly and sends the signal to ACCS.

Published by: A. Swathi

Author: A. Swathi

Paper ID: V4I3-1357

Paper Status: published

Published: May 11, 2018

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Research Paper

IoT based retailed shopping system using NFC

In current retail shopping systems, one witnesses long queues at the counter primarily due to limited barcode scanners for product identification and billing system. This causes inconvenience to the customers as well as can be regarded as a waste of time. Furthermore, the barcode system is getting outdated due to memory constraints. In the present paper, the concept of an IoT based retail shopping system using NFC is proposed that is time-saving. It combines the concept of Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with the Internet of Things (IoT). Software technologies like Atmel Studio, PHP, Eagle, Extreme Burner have also been employed in the project. In this system, each product will be assigned a near field communication (NFC) tag which consists of all the product information. Wireless techniques and electronic tag have been used for product identification. To access this information, NFC readers will be used which come inbuilt in all the new smartphones. This system would be mounted on the trolley so that the bill can be easily generated based on the products placed on the shopping cart, using an Internet of Things (IoT) framework. Design of a novel shopping cart equipped with NFC reader and wireless module is presented which serves as a connection between the cart and the server using IoT framework. The proposed design of cart consists of an LCD, RFID reader, and EEPROM. The payment can then be made either online or through cash. Thus there remains no requirement of manual intervention and with the introduction of NFC enabled smartphones, these processes can be made automated.

Published by: Bansi G. Jani, Divyang Shah

Author: Bansi G. Jani

Paper ID: V4I3-1367

Paper Status: published

Published: May 11, 2018

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Review Paper

Aeroponics- A step towards sustainable farming

Aeroponic is a type of vertical farming. It is actually a process which means the cultivation of plants without the use of soil or minimal use of soil. In this method, the roots of the plant are suspended in the air and nutrients are sprayed in the nutrient chamber. This process can be done in both ways whether be it a semi-closed environment or closed environment. The circumstance is controlled and it requires a lot of care with respect to temperature, humidity, pH etc. In recent years, the Aeroponic system has been used mostly to have a pesticides free cultivation. Prediction says that in coming years Aeroponic will increase the yield and also the quality of crops grown. The set up for Aeroponic includes a proper monitoring and control system for water and nutrients distribution for utilizing the Aeroponic cultivation at its best. The monitoring system monitors the chamber’s parameters such as temperature & humidity whereas control system manages actuators in delivering water and nutrients. LCD will display the details of temperature and humidity and the data will be transmitted to a computer to facilitate easier monitoring. The microcontroller will help in the automation of the regulation of actuators for the distribution of water and nutrients.

Published by: Richa Shubham, Arpita Kumari, Bedanga Bikash Saikia, Kumari Udita, Rajeshwari P

Author: Richa Shubham

Paper ID: V4I3-1363

Paper Status: published

Published: May 11, 2018

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Research Paper

A study to evaluate the effectiveness of breast crawl technique on physiological outcome during the third stage of labour and immediate initiation of breastfeeding among postnatal mother at the selected hospital, Trichy

Uninterrupted Breast crawl technique is important just after the delivery, may promote breastfeeding and prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of breast crawl technique on physiological outcome during the third stage of labour and immediate initiation of breastfeeding among postnatal mother in the experimental group. Design: Quasi-experimental posttest-only design. Setting: Selected hospital, Trichy.Participants:60 postnatal mothers fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Selection criteria: Postnatal mothers, experimental group 30, control group 30 on the third stage of labour at a Selected hospital were included. Methods: Non-probability convenience sampling technique was used. Results: The result shows that among postnatal mothers in an experimental group, the level of blood loss 17 (57%) of postnatal mothers had mild blood loss, 13 (43%) had moderate blood loss and none of them had severe blood loss. Regarding duration of separation of the placenta in the third stage of labour 19 (63%) has ≤ 6 min and 11 (37%) has > 6 min. Majority 2 (7%) had maximum breastfeeding score, 28 (93%) had effective vigorous feeding and none of them had moderately effective feeders and effective sucking rhythm not established. Unpaired’ test shown, blood loss (4.76), duration of separation of the placenta in the third stage of labour (7.84) and immediate initiation of breastfeeding (10.92) statistically significant at p0.05. Conclusion: The breast crawl technique was effective on physiological outcome during the third stage of labour and immediate initiation of breastfeeding in the experimental group. Clinical applications: The breast crawl technique is one of the physiological techniques which can be applied to improve the physiological outcome of the mother in the third stage of labour & improve the breastfeeding.

Published by: P. Christena

Author: P. Christena

Paper ID: V4I3-1362

Paper Status: published

Published: May 11, 2018

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Research Paper

Effect of earthquake load on buildings with infilled walls: An overview

Inferable from the expanding shortage and cost of land, structural engineers are being headed to receive the vertical development of structures. This need keeps on testing designers to achieve new statures and this pattern of expanding tallness of structures gets more challenge in the type of seismic burdens. As the tallness of the building expands the impact of the seismic load likewise ends up basic. Masonry infill’s being an essential individual in the building, But, it has been seen amid past seismic tremors that a lot of structures having infilled walls have brought about enormous harms or aggregate fall. Be that as it may, a detailed seismic investigation to comprehend the seismic behavior of the structures with infilled walls under seismic load is fundamental for the proper plan and their better performance. Along these lines, amid this investigation, an audit of different written works on building having masonry infills is done so as to comprehend the behavior of a building with infilled walls under the activity of seismic tremor loads.

Published by: Farooq Ahmed, Soun Mor

Author: Farooq Ahmed

Paper ID: V4I3-1329

Paper Status: published

Published: May 10, 2018

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