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Research Paper

Electro-pneumatic braking system

“Electro-Pneumatic braking system” uses laws of pneumatics to apply the brakes. When any hurdle is sensed in the path by the sensors, it will apply the instant break in seconds, So that it will reduce the accidents which are caused by human unawareness’s. So basically whenever the Bike senses any object ahead, it will apply automatic brakes by determining the distance, which we put in sensors. We have used Pneumatic breaking circuit and IR sensors to perform these operations. The circuit can break the vehicle within seconds running at a high speed. Automatic brake with the electro-pneumatic system will provide extra safety to the two-wheelers. This project has been made to perform the required task in shortest time and to add some innovation in the automobile industry.

Published by: Ketan H. Mhatre

Author: Ketan H. Mhatre

Paper ID: V4I3-1211

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Appraisal system for academic institutions

Although the substantial literature on the use of performance appraisal in the profit sector already exists, there is very little literature available regarding the appraisal of staff positions in higher education. This study provides a detailed look at the appraisal of all faculty members in a College under a University. The study points that based on the experience and expertise of the staff and fair and reliable administration decisions, staff’s ability and efficiency can be boosted many folds. Discontentment was found with the appraisal process due to the supervisors not being held liable for the timely completion of the appraisal process and the lack of training provided to supervisors for performing appraisals.

Published by: Prateek Bansal, Shivam Soni, Ritesh Mishra

Author: Prateek Bansal

Paper ID: V4I3-1212

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Object recognition using surveillance dynamic background for cluster recognition

The paper aims to develop an object detection method combining classification and cluster. Object detection is a challenging, yet important vision task. It is a critical part in many applications such as image search, image auto-annotation and scene understanding. Our proposed method work is dividing in two part.1) image classification and 2) clustering method. In this classification part LTP (local ternary pattern) features used to match the dataset image. This LTB features extracted from our input de-blurred image. Finally object is classified and then object is detected using clustering methods. As far as the robustness and effectiveness are concerned, our method is better than the existing image segmentation algorithms.

Published by: Ravi Satvik Gorthi, Bhargava Krishna Pasupuleti, Datharla Pandu Ranga Rohith, R. Sathya

Author: Ravi Satvik Gorthi

Paper ID: V4I3-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Parameter optimization for performance and emissions of diesel using nanoparticle by Taguchi method

In this research paper, the use of nanoparticles as fuel additives in plane diesel for use in the I.C engine for improving performance and reducing the harmful emission is explored. The nanoparticle is mixed properly using ultrasonicator and physiochemical property are characterized. The fuel prepared and then use to run the test rig and the result shows the significant increase in performance and reduction in emissions as compared to plane diesel. Particulate Carbon monoxide(co), Carbon dioxide(co2) and Unburned hydrocarbons(HC), Engine torque, Brake power, Brake thermal efficiency, Specific fuel consumption, kinematic viscosity at 40˚C, Flashpoint, Fire point, Cloud point, Pour point, Gross calorific value and more.

Published by: Rushikesh Digamber Fegade, Dr. Rachayya Arakerimath

Author: Rushikesh Digamber Fegade

Paper ID: V4I3-1217

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Human stress detection using ECG signals

The paper reflects upon the issue of human stress detection using Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) signals. This includes pre-processing of ECG signal, HRV signal extraction, feature selection and their classification. Pre-processing includes removal of power line interference, baseline wanders etc. from the raw ECG. Pan-Tompkins algorithm is used for extraction HRV signal from ECG signal.The ECG is classified as stress or normal by setting the appropriate threshold value. Short term ECG needed for stress detection produces a reliable output of great accuracy.

Published by: Anas Khan, Akhlaque Ahmad Khan, Qamar Alam

Author: Anas Khan

Paper ID: V4I3-1226

Paper Status: published

Published: May 3, 2018

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Survey Report

A Review on IDEA, AES and Blowfish for Image Encryption and Decryption

Network Security is the most vital component in information security because it is responsible for securing all information passed through networked computers. [1] In this paper we discuss and survey IDEA, AES, and Blowfish for Image Encryption and Decryption. In today’s world it is a crucial concern that while transfer image from one network to another network over the internet, the proper encryption and decryption should be applied so that unauthorized access can be prevented. For this, we will survey related researchers and done some problem identification and suggest some future suggestion which can be useful for image encryption.

Published by: R. Sivakumar, B. Balakumar, V. Arivupandeeswaran

Author: R. Sivakumar

Paper ID: V4I2-1881

Paper Status: published

Published: May 2, 2018

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