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Underwater optical wireless communication analysis using blue laser diode

In the proposed system, a 450nm blue laser diode is directly modulated by 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) data which are orthogonal. The simulation is done by assuming underwater with ambient noise present in the underwater covering a distance of 20 meters. Due to the presence of noise and attenuation of the wireless medium, the optical power is decreased to a great extent. The photodetector converts the weak optical signal to electrical signal. The phase and amplitude of the signal is change caused by noise present in it. A Butterworth filter is implemented to obtain the original signal at the receiver side. It is shown that the output binary data has change due phase due to the corruption of the noise.

Published by: Malsawmdawngliana, Dr. K. Kalimuthu, Dr. Sabitha Gauni

Author: Malsawmdawngliana

Paper ID: V4I3-1143

Paper Status: published

Published: May 1, 2018

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Research Paper

Good governance and digital India

Good Governance and Digital India is a new concept in this two existing India. Both words have their own importance. Today every country is moving towards good governance and digitization. Good governance day is celebrated in our country on the birthday of former Prime Minister ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE (December 25). When we talk about government rule, the importance of digitization increases, Today the world has become so digital that we can sit in one place and get information from all over the country, if we use digital in good governance, then we sit in one place and get information about that place The place where the accident happened, today is the time of the Internet, which is moving digital India forward. Today, at the present time, global governance is sometimes talked about, that is why it is possible for global governance to achieve global governance, neither does it require more public power nor is it the concept of global rule First is in vain as a fantasy, but now it is moving from fantasy to reality.

Published by: Anushika Tiwari

Author: Anushika Tiwari

Paper ID: V4I2-2158

Paper Status: published

Published: May 1, 2018

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Review Paper

Tollgate automation system

RFID based automatic toll gate control system allows the vehicle drivers to pass the toll tax booths without stopping at the toll booths and also designed to automatically keep track the vehicle movement. The toll amount is deducted from the smart card. In this is card will be allowed three toll gate for without balance amount. The main aim of our project is to Reduce the time consumption at the toll gates by automating the toll collection process and the user will not wait to give the money because the driver has to just show the RFID card in- front of the card reader. And then the RFID based automatic toll gate control system will open the gate to pass through. The main benefit of the system is User doesn’t have to carry the money each time. The user will link to the RFID card and will use this card each time my travels.

Published by: Madhubala. M, Parkavi. S, Indhuja. R, Karthigaiveni. S

Author: Madhubala. M

Paper ID: V4I2-1970

Paper Status: published

Published: April 30, 2018

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Research Paper

Performance analysis of column-oriented database for data warehouse system

Column-oriented database systems, also known as column-stores, have an important demand in the past few years. Basically, it is about storing each database column separately so that the attributes belonging to the same column would be stored contiguously, compressed and densely-packed in the disk. This method has advantages in reading the records faster as compared to Traditional row stores in which every row are stored one after another in the disk. These databases are more suitable for data warehousing system to get an analysis done faster as data is stored in columnar form. Indexes are much faster in column-oriented databases which results in faster data retrieval and hence data analysis. This is an alternate database technology over row-oriented database systems. There are two approaches to map database tables onto a one-dimensional interface: store the table row-by-row or store the table column-by-column. The row-by-row approach keeps all information about an entity together. In the customer example above, it will store all information about the first customer, and then all information about the second customer, etc.  The column-by-column approach keeps all attribute information together: the entire customer names will be stored consecutively, then all of the customer addresses, etc. Both approaches are reasonable designs and typically a choice is made based on performance expectations. If the expected workload tends to access data on the granularity of an entity, then the row-by-row storage is preferable since all of the needed information will be stored together. On the other hand, if the expected workload tends to read per query only a few attributes from many records, then column-by-column storage is preferable since irrelevant attributes for a particular query do not have to be accessed.

Published by: Kamod Kumar, Dr. Alok Ranjan Tripathy

Author: Kamod Kumar

Paper ID: V4I2-2161

Paper Status: published

Published: April 30, 2018

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Research Paper

Mining datasets with efficient patterns growth and pattern mining

Data mining is to find valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. In general, there are many kinds of patterns that can be discovered from data. For example, association rules can be mined for market basket analysis, classification rules can be found for accurate classifiers, clusters and outliers can be identified for customer relation management. Frequent pattern mining plans an essential role in many data mining tasks, such as mining association rules, correlations, causality, sequential patterns, episodes, multi-dimensional patterns, Maa-patterns, partial periodicity, and emerging patterns. Frequent pattern mining techniques can also be extended to solve many other problems, such as iceberg-cube computation and classification. Thus, effective and efficient frequent pattern mining is an important and interesting research problem.

Published by: Amit Kumar, Dr. Alok Ranjan Tripathy

Author: Amit Kumar

Paper ID: V4I2-2160

Paper Status: published

Published: April 30, 2018

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Research Paper

Development of chalk layered microfiltration ceramic membrane

In the present investigation, a low-cost ceramic microfiltration membrane was fabricated by using inexpensive raw materials through paste casting technique. The membrane was cast in the shape of a circular disk of 73 mm diameter on a metal plate by using local river soil, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate, oxalic acid and chalk powder. Initially, the paste was prepared by mixing the precursor materials in a predetermined proportion with the help of 1 M and 3 M NaOH solution. The casting process was followed by sintering at 970 °C and subsequent activation at this temperature for 30 minutes. Then the prepared membrane was allowed to cool down to room temperature in order to provide strength. The porosity of the prepared membrane was determined by pure water permeability test and it was found to be 0.43 whereas the permeability of pure water was evaluated as 3 × 1068 m3/m2-kPa-s. The compressive strength of the prepared membrane was calculated as 2.32 MPa. The cost of the prepared membrane was estimated to be 13.64/membrane respectively. Therefore, in the present study, a low-cost ceramic membrane had been effectively developed which could be used to remove various water pollutants from wastewater.

Published by: Mekhala Mitra, Sayantan Adak, Rupayan Mallick, Saugata Roy, Angira Sengupta, Avik Denra, Avirup Saha, Dr. Monal Dutta

Author: Mekhala Mitra

Paper ID: V4I3-1160

Paper Status: published

Published: April 30, 2018

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