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Structural analysis of non-linear pipe bends

Pipe bends are most important necessary for all kind of industries in terms of pipelining materials. Pipe bend is very difficult to avoid thickening on the inner side of the pipe bend and thinning of the outer side of the pipe bend. The cross-section also becomes non-circular due to bending process; this tends to cause ovality and thinning in pipe bends. ovality is the main cause to fail the pipe. This study is an attempt to analyze the stainless steel tube.We are going to apply both internal load an external load on the pipe. The internal load we are applying as pressure and external load we are going to applying by using spring balance The stainless steel tube with Diameter 42.2mm and thickness 3mm and bend radius of 250 mm for the percentage of ovality varied from 0 to 20 is considered for doing the analysis. The pipe bend geometry is imported into ANSYS as IGES file and the convergence study was performed. Workbench option is invoked in the analysis for better results. The results of the analysis presented in the form of total deflection and stresses for incremented internal pressure was computed for the various percentage of ovality. During this process, the bend undergoes plastic instability due to pressure and bending. Pipe bends improve the pipe quality and trustworthiness in terms of pipe bend analysis. Finally, the induced stress intensity and deformation of the pipe due to internal pressure and bending were noted.

Published by: Kaliki Hemanth, M. Imthiyas Sheriff, Kodam Vineeth Kumar, S. Sellakumar

Author: Kaliki Hemanth

Paper ID: V4I2-1819

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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Review Paper

Synchronizing data sharing approach with reducing communication overhead on a multicore system

Synchronization problem can occur when the file has been modified or it can happen when communication has to take place. Due to synchronization problem, general edits may occur in bursts or in isolation. General edits may cause communication overhead and it can create conflicts on the object access. After the modification of the file, it is required to maintain the synchronization of files on various location. There can be chances of increasing the communication overhead due to general edits. In this work, we will show that a small amount of interaction can help design low complexity codes with close to optimal communication rate. Insertion on storage media plays a major role on any operating system. Insertion on the logical partition cannot be accomplished thought if we have enough space available on our storage media. During the insertion process of the object if an object is broken into the different object then it is possible to store it in multiple logical locations. Our model describes the System which will help to manage synchronization of multiple files and it can have the load balancing of the single file in multiple locations. The algorithm works effectively when the object has to be stored in single physical storage with multiple logical partitions.

Published by: Pooja Bhosale, Tejal Fegade, Shweta Bharambe, Mily Lal, Pratik Doke

Author: Pooja Bhosale

Paper ID: V4I2-2006

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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Research Paper

Physical Layer Mechanism based Secure Key Exchange for 5G Networks

5G wireless networks are evolving to meet the rapid increase in the demand of the users to get high-quality broadband services with high-speed data rate. This advance development came up with a lot of challenges such as coverage region, security, energy efficiency, spectrum utilization, cost, latency, and data rate. To ensure the security, there are many conventional key exchange algorithms that need complex infrastructure. In recent times, physical layer-based security has gained a lot of attention since it offers the simple and efficient way of key exchange by exploiting wireless channel characteristics. In this project, for secret key sharing between the two legitimate users through the correlated channel that is shared with eavesdropper, a pre-equalization transmit filter that inverts the main channel is employed. Further to decrease the probability of interception by eavesdropper while permitting successful decoding by the legitimate user. Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) code is used to assure reliable communication. Modulation schemes such as basic QPSK and 64,128 and 256- QAM are used to achieve higher bit rates. To achieve high secrecy between the legitimate users zero forcing algorithm is used to invert the channel. Through simulations, the effect of channel correlation will be studied to analyze the low secret key mismatch between the Bob and Eve. Here Eve having high Bit Error Rate(BER) so that eve could not obtain the original bits. The simulation will be done using Matlab.

Published by: Bolla Sai Venu Kiran, T. Ramya

Author: Bolla Sai Venu Kiran

Paper ID: V4I2-2138

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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Research Paper

Bahubali- The unmanned robotic system

Robots in the present scenario play a major role not only in the daily industrial operation but are used majorly in the field of defense, medicals, industries and home applications. BAHUBALI-An unmanned robotic arm is a form of the programmable mechanical arm, which performs functions similar to a human arm. It has multiple useful sensors for carrying out different operations; this robotic arm may be taken together for a single mechanism or may be part of a more complex system. The robotic system that is connected by joints allows rotational motion and translational motion. The major catching point of this robotic arm which makes it different from other arm is its connectivity with Internet which provides it a huge range of control. IOT is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without manual assistance or intervention. The embedded technology in the object helps them to interact with internal states as well as the external environment, which in turn affects the decisions taken. The purpose of this robot is to automate the industries on the moving wheels with the working and strong robotic arm providing some automatic systems.

Published by: Shri Krishna Saraswat, Anuja Gupta, Rishank Yadav, Puneet Baghel, Sachin Singh, Annu Govind

Author: Shri Krishna Saraswat

Paper ID: V4I2-2182

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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Research Paper

Advanced accident prevention helmet with smart vehicle protection system

Breath-based alcohol detection system detects alcohol content in motor vehicle drivers breath and localizes drink and drive situation. This alcohol detection system needs to be low cost and highly effective to be widely deployed. A simple alcohol detection scheme is employed to detect the quantity of alcohol in the human body through a breath-based system and accordingly, the relay module is operated depending upon the alcohol content recognized in the rider’s breath. Post alcohol detection there is relay operation which brings the vehicle to zero motion state in the case where a driver is drunk; this particular part is attached to the motor vehicle key ignition system. Relay module is attached to the key switch and battery connection so that in case of any fault in the system the system can neutralize for a short span of time. The high-speed wireless network is used to for fast response and accurate data transfer. We use the query based system for data transfer which captures the data and transfers it one by one depending upon the delay set by the user This device can be easily installed in any vehicles with ease. It can also be installed in the existing vehicles by making few minor changes which will not affect the performance of the vehicle but will help to decrease the risk of deaths due to accidents.

Published by: Shashi Ranjan, Manish Gupta, Roshan R, Revanth KVNM, Manish Bharat, Pruthviraj BG

Author: Shashi Ranjan

Paper ID: V4I2-2143

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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Research Paper

Audio transmission using Li-Fi

This paper concentrates on developing a model which uses Visible Light Communication (VLC) to transfer Audio signals under various interference conditions. The proposed model will work based on the concept of Light Fidelity, which is commonly called as Li-Fi. This Li-Fi based audio transmission system is also compared to the existing systems and its performance is analyzed. Even though WiFi is great for coverage within the buildings, Li-Fi has high-density wireless data coverage in confined areas. It also relieves the major problem of radio interference along with the providence of better security, bandwidth, transmission rate and efficiency than WiFi. Since it uses low-cost LEDs, we can use this system to accomplish many innovative tasks like using it in hospital rooms, museums, car-to-car communication, smart homes, etc. This will be the technology of the future and every home, office, and shop will use this eco-friendly technology to transfer data.

Published by: Revathi S, Aiswarya NJ, Paroma Sinha, Ilakkiya K

Author: Revathi S

Paper ID: V4I2-2200

Paper Status: published

Published: April 27, 2018

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